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9-11 conspiracies. Are you interested?

Are you interested in hearing the "evidence" of 9-11 conspiracy theories?

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Dubversion said:
CA91 - you're a couple of years late is why - the issue has been hijacked by utter twats, which has driven away even those initially very curious about the 'truth'


I'm afriad I was venting about the way alternative views of current events/history is treated by many people. And not just on these forums:)
danny la rouge said:
I say, I'm astonished. I was expecting 3 or 4. But 18!


Maybe a Tin Foil Hat Forum is in order.
make that 22 now - and indeed, a conspiracy forum would sort out all the conflict whenever a 9/11 thread comes up.
CA9I said:

I'm afriad I was venting about the way alternative views of current events/history is treated by many people. And not just on these forums:)

Well it would help if there were some better advocates for alternative history.

The thing that puzzles me about people like Azrael and Jazzzz is that they seem not to care that what they do is so utterly counterproductive. They're so undiscerning in their approach to these things, and they bomabard people with so much 'crap' evidence I find it hard to believe anybody can be bothered to look at any of it any more.

If I was a conspiracist, I'd post exactly what I'd done on Prison Planet and let them rant about it all they liked.
To be fair, many people who are not interested will also not take part in the poll.
Azrael23 said:
Having conviction makes you a twat. Martin Luther King jr was a twat.

no, having convictions CAN be a noble thing. Always wise to base them on something more concrete than the ramblings of a small group of absolute fucking cockends - yourself included :)
Jazzz said:
make that 22 now - and indeed, a conspiracy forum would sort out all the conflict whenever a 9/11 thread comes up.

But there are many, many conspiracy forums on the web already - why not post on those?
danny la rouge said:
Or giving them a nice place to discuss their interest, out of the way of sheeple like us.
Nope, they've got that, Jazz made a forum for it i think. There was a risk / reward assesment made on the topic a while back and it came out as a firm "fuck off" to the idea ;)
CA91 said:
I'm afriad I was venting about the way alternative views of current events/history is treated by many people. And not just on these forums

Monkeygrinder's Organ said:
Well it would help if there were some better advocates for alternative history.

The thing that puzzles me about people like Azrael and Jazzzz is that they seem not to care that what they do is so utterly counterproductive. They're so undiscerning in their approach to these things, and they bomabard people with so much 'crap' evidence I find it hard to believe anybody can be bothered to look at any of it any more.

If I was a conspiracist, I'd post exactly what I'd done on Prison Planet and let them rant about it all they liked.

Superb post from MO ...

Is it time for Donna's 'Ten Characteristics of Conspircy Theorists' yet?? :p ;)

Would find a link, but have no time ...

CA91, think about it, conspiracists so conmmonly are absolutely rubbish at helping their own case. I'm sure you know this. In the face of such a farrago of dodginess, is it any surprise that rationalists are so dismissive?

They're their own worst enemies.
I like to read different opinions and use my judgement to form my opinions about all sorts of things.

I don't like people who set out to impose their views on others and not let people make their own mind up. I can think for myself thanks.

btw - I voted yes.
I don't like this poll, it doesn't offer the options i want, namely that "We've been here fifteen fucking times already, enough!". I've seen the evidence for it being a conspiracy, it's almost all either flat out lies, irrelevant, tenuous or does not stand up to examination.

But Azrael23 and Jazzz ignore any and all arguements to the contrary, siezing upon every new bit of tat as the final proof, the straw that breaks the conspiracy wide open. It's pathetic.
Swarfega said:
But there are many, many conspiracy forums on the web already - why not post on those?
I've been a regular here for a long time. I'd like to talk about the subjects that interest me in my local, and this is, I was led to believe, a free discussion forum for all kinds of topics, which was against the spirit of censorship.

Also believe it or not, I find discussion with well-argued opposing views constructive, and that can happen on urban75. I'm not referring to the kind of shouty-fest that's currently going on in general right now of course. That's what makes this place interesting - the fact that people have diffent opinions - preaching to the choir is all very well.
Bob_the_lost said:
Nope, they've got that, Jazz made a forum for it i think. There was a risk / reward assesment made on the topic a while back and it came out as a firm "fuck off" to the idea ;)
Actually there was a fair bit of support for the idea, the no came almost exclusively from editor & mods.
Jazzz said:
Actually there was a fair bit of support for the idea, the no came almost exclusively from editor & mods.
It'd be like leaving a large shit on the road in the middle of a hot summer, attract flies from all over the shop.

Let's face it when your theories are the most logical on a topic you know it's time to batten down the hatches and call for the straight jackets.
there is absolutely no comparison between jazzzzz and azrael23, and i find the witch-hunting of "conspiraloons" about three hundred times more tedious than the conspiracyfests themselves tbh
fudgefactorfive said:
there is absolutely no comparison between jazzzzz and azrael23, and i find the witch-hunting of "conspiraloons" about three hundred times more tedious than the conspiracyfests themselves tbh
Oi! At no point have i ever advocated tying them up and burning them! :mad:

Now that you mention it though...

There is a comparison to make, Jazzz is just as gullible / negligent when it comes to what he reads as Azrael23. Topics that spring to mind are the hollographic planes, the seargent who rigged the explosions in the towers (or something) and his continual belief that the towers fell straight down.
William of Walworth said:
Superb post from MO ...

Is it time for Donna's 'Ten Characteristics of Conspircy Theorists' yet?? :p ;)

Would find a link, but have no time ...

CA91, think about it, conspiracists so conmmonly are absolutely rubbish at helping their own case. I'm sure you know this. In the face of such a farrago of dodginess, is it any surprise that rationalists are so dismissive?

They're their own worst enemies.

From what I've seen of this thread, the anti conspiracists aren't doing themselves any favours either.
The so called "conspiraloons" have offered some fairly credible links, that refer to Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots (responsible folk - I'm sure you'll agree) making new,very important claims about an incident that has led to the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people in the last few years.
Some of the naysayers unfortunately only offer personal insults, piss-taking or "boring"/ "nobody cares".
I wonder how this kind of response would be dealt with on the nonce threads or the prostitues threads of the last couple of days: "Fuck off we only want to have a laugh on here" etc.
Are the lives of the WTC victims and Iraqi innocents of any less importance to the nonce or prostitute issues?
The simple solution is surely just not to respond to the "conspiraloons" if they bore you.
it does kind of seem, sometimes, as though lots of people have some kind of vested emotional interest in screaming and shouting whenever a conspiraloony thread comes around, no matter how calmly delivered it is - i can sort of understand this, there are other topics that have a similar effect on me

almost like people want to be on a "team" - or like it's an identity issue
Bob_the_lost said:
Oi! At no point have i ever advocated tying them up and burning them! :mad:

Now that you mention it though...

There is a comparison to make, Jazzz is just as gullible / negligent when it comes to what he reads as Azrael23. Topics that spring to mind are the hollographic planes, the seargent who rigged the explosions in the towers (or something) and his continual belief that the towers fell straight down.
I've never stated that I believe the holographic planes theory, in fact I don't: when it came up I have simply argued that it is not completely dismissable.

I have no idea about this 'seargent' chap. Or how the towers fell if not straight down. :confused:
Why the hell should i waste time trying to convince Azrael23 that he's both wrong and need of help? I've tried that before, it didn't work. I doubt it ever would. Instead i'm having fun.

Pocketscience, i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or a twit, but i've no doubt that the truth will out.
Dubversion said:
I used to be, very much so - i still feel we were lied to.

But puerile, dishonest, credulous, arrogant, patronising, wrongheaded ignorant fucking cuntpigshitwankers like Azrael23 and the like have ensured that i really don't give a fuck anymore.

so well done, lads :)
What he said.
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