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video debunking 9/11 conspiracies

If 9/11 had happened on the Moon, or if 9/11 was the Moon, would anyone have noticed? I think not.

Mr. Gibson, we've another conspiracy :cool:
The sad thing about the bulk of the moronic 9/11 conspiracy theories is that after listening to that shite noone is in the mood to ask any questions about - for example - what exactly was in the chapter about the role of the Saudis that was censored from the Congressional investigations before it was published.

I believe that the planes were hijacked and flew into the buildings. The interesting questions for me (and the ones which most conspiracy theorists - and most normal people - ignore) are regarding who the terrorists were and who knew they were up to something. It is not necessary to try and claim the US government set up the whole thing or that some stupid missiles, holograms or bombs were involved. A 'conspiracy' could simply have been agencies or people allowing something to happen without stopping it (at the US end) or the involvement of the Saudi military (in international terms). Unfortunately it is the stupidest theories that get all the attention (with the exception of the Michael Moore film which did raise a lot of issues and questions in a far more intelligent way).

Sadly, in a u75 context (and please don't take this personally) its been largely you Dr Jazzz (plus others of course) that has turned a lot of people away from discussing cover-ups etc. If you could have reigned in the more crazy theories it might have been possible to discuss some of the more sensible and prozaic ones.
TeeJay said:
The sad thing about the bulk of the moronic 9/11 conspiracy theories is that after listening to that shite noone is in the mood to ask any questions about - for example - what exactly was in the chapter about the role of the Saudis that was censored from the Congressional investigations before it was published.

I believe that the planes were hijacked and flew into the buildings. The interesting questions for me (and the ones which most conspiracy theorists - and most normal people - ignore) are regarding who the terrorists were and who knew they were up to something. It is not necessary to try and claim the US government set up the whole thing or that some stupid missiles, holograms or bombs were involved. A 'conspiracy' could simply have been agencies or people allowing something to happen without stopping it (at the US end) or the involvement of the Saudi military (in international terms). Unfortunately it is the stupidest theories that get all the attention (with the exception of the Michael Moore film which did raise a lot of issues and questions in a far more intelligent way).
Absolutely - top post. This is what I've always tried to say; instead of looking at grainy MPEGs and trying to spot 'anomalies', look at the bigger picture and the politics of it, not the physical practicalities.
neilh said:
what were you meaning posting that photo the last time? it seemed a bit out of context.
Not if you'd been following the relentless 9/11 conspiracy threads.
Loki said:
Not if you'd been following the relentless 9/11 conspiracy threads.
i mean out of context in this thread - it seemed to imply my post that it followed was what some of yis would call "conspiraloon".
there's actually a really good film about the fake moon landings. i don't know how the filmmaker did it but he got rumsfeld and kissinger to give interviews for it, together with the former sectretary of president nixon and stanley kubricks wife. these guys lead you down a merry road saying how nixon demanded a contingency plan should the apollo mission fail, so he got stanley kubrick to direct the moon films and photos in a studio so they could say they got there even if they didn't.

of course at the end everyone who appears in the film all turns round and says "had you going you twat"

wish i could remember what it was called.
neilh said:
i mean out of context in this thread - it seemed to imply my post that it followed was what some of yis would call "conspiraloon".
Well I don't think at all it was aimed at you, just a jokey post by the ed who has to put up with more conspiraloon nonsense than most of us.
Loki said:
Well I don't think at all it was aimed at you, just a jokey post by the ed who has to put up with more conspiraloon nonsense than most of us.
yeah, well mebbe that's it; just seemed a bit like it was aimed at us seein i had posted about 15 minutes earlier after it having been dormant for a while, and it clearly wasn't aimed at pk, the only other who had posted in the 3 hours; and it pissed us off cos i was asking a serious question, which i thought ed might have been able to answer, and i find pictures on messageboards can really cut down a discussion.
neilh said:
yeah, well mebbe that's it; just seemed a bit like it was aimed at us seein i had posted about 15 minutes earlier after it having been dormant for a while, and it clearly wasn't aimed at pk, the only other who had posted in the 3 hours;.
Chill out fella: it wasn't aimed at you.
hah, that's a good one;
the last i saw his website it had some massive feature about how loads of troops were shortly gonna invade the southern tip of argentina and take over the world; suprisingly enough, never did hear anything more bout it.
neilh said:
hah, that's a good one;
the last i saw his website it had some massive feature about how loads of troops were shortly gonna invade the southern tip of argentina and take over the world; suprisingly enough, never did hear anything more bout it.
Ye Gods! He post-predicted the Falklands!
I'd have thought there'd be a big road sign somewhere south of Santa Cruz

Wrong Way
If you're planning to take over the world,
it's behind you!

... en Español, naturalmente
David Shayler lambasts the official story!

The official story of 9-11 is now crumbling.

I have to say, it will come as a small satisfaction to watch the likes of editor, pk, Loki (and many others too, apologies if I miss your name out) have to pretend that of course they didn't believe the official nonsense at all. ;)

The meeting tonight was well attended (500+) and I got through two boxes of DVDs. A welcome British speaker was David Shayler, who said

"I have come to the conclusion that they made it happen"
He was referring to the USG military/intelligence services TeeJay. He said a lot more besides. I think the last sentence was 'They either let it happen or made it happen, and I have come to the conclusion that they made it happen'. I couldn't be certain of the full quote though. :)
DrJazzz said:
They were free editor

is David Shayler a conspiraloon, too? :p
My only recollection of Shayler talking is on Have I Got News for You, where he made such an arse of himself Merton switched off the TV link (he had to participate from Paris at the time). :D

I can't say I'm bothered with the opinions of Shayler.
Shayler a conspiraloon?

No, but the loons are about the only ones who trust a word that comes out of his mouth now. I trust him about as far I could spit him.
brixtonvilla said:
No, but the loons are about the only ones who trust a word that comes out of his mouth now. I trust him about as far I could spit him.
So hang on; someone believes that the USG were responsible for 9-11, yet they are not a 'conspiraloon'?

Gosh I'm going to have fun with this!
DrJazzz said:
So hang on; someone believes that the USG were responsible for 9-11, yet they are not a 'conspiraloon'?

Gosh I'm going to have fun with this!
Seeing as Shayler has somewhat limited credibility round these parts, you'll be having fun mostly on your own.
Oh what about John Pilger then?

Christ you guys are ridiculous! It should be so obvious now!

edited to add: JP is endorsing a new book by Nafeez Ahmed, 'The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism' - and I was pleased to have a brief exchange with him personally at the last Respect Rally
You especially mation!

I am going to LOVE it so much when you all have to pretend that you never really believed the official theory :p
DrJazzz said:
You especially mation!

I am going to LOVE it so much when you all have to pretend that you never really believed the official theory :p

Its not about that - its about the fact that you believe any old crap with no evidence.
no, I didn't believe the official theory blagsta, which you describe perfectly... not for long, anyway

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