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video debunking 9/11 conspiracies

DrJazzz said:
dubversion - about five posts happened in the time I was replying to an earlier posts by butchersapron. I wasn't including you in that comment.

well 'you lot' is fairly inclusive. and i don't see myself disagreeing radically with all the other people on this thread who think you're talking bollocks...
I am not willing to publicly report the conversation.

His ringing endorsement of a conspiracy-tastic 9-11 book should be enough for you right now.
Dubversion said:
well 'you lot' is fairly inclusive. and i don't see myself disagreeing radically with all the other people on this thread who think you're talking bollocks...
well then, ignore me and work it out for yourself!
but as laptop has pointed out, he ringingly endorses that book's account of the post-9/11 situation. no mention, approval, endorsement etc is made of the events of 9/11 itself
DrJazzz said:
I am not willing to publicly report the conversation.

His ringing endorsement of a conspiracy-tastic 9-11 book should be enough for you right now.


Great debate.

A veritable one man bullshit band, aren't you "Dr"?
DrJazzz said:
I am not willing to publicly report the conversation.

His ringing endorsement of a conspiracy-tastic 9-11 book should be enough for you right now.
So you're willing to claim that he actually believes something (that is, your account) on the basis of a personal convo -thjat you'll proveide no details of but expect us to just believe - who's the credulous ones here? Ok. Will send e-mail tomorrow and ask for clafication. Will you do the same?
And you can talk Butchers - or maybe you "would have known all about it" again?


And if you've not heard about it, it couldn't have happened eh?

Don't bother replying Butch, your hypocrisy says more here than anything you could.
So you're willing to claim that he actually believes something (that is, your account) on the basis of a personal convo -thjat you'll proveide no details of but expect us to just believe - who's the credulous ones here? Ok. Will send e-mail tomorrow and ask for clafication. Will you do the same?
I didn't ask his email address. If you have it, please pm it to me. I'll pm you the exchange I had with him, but I'm not going to broadcast it publicly.

As I said though, his endorsement of Nafeez Ahmed's book should tell you that he takes the 9-11 truth movement seriously.
DrJazzz said:
rather than the likes of you, Loki, editor, blagsta, pk admit that I was right all the way along, you will be saying you never believed the official story, and even though I was completely right about everything, I'll have been right in a wrong kind of way, whereas you were all wrong in the right way, and I'll have been getting in the way of your search for the truth!

Yeah, just like your Huntley theories...
DrJazzz said:
I didn't ask his email address. If you have it, please pm it to me. I'll pm you the exchange I had with him, but I'm not going to broadcast it publicly.

As I said though, his endorsement of Nafeez Ahmed's book should tell you that he takes the 9-11 truth movement seriously.
It, however, doesn't say what you've claimed that it does - does it?

I'll PM you his address tomorrow sure.
Look, if you want to believe that John Pilger is going to give a ringing endorsement to a 9-11 balls-out conspiracy book while simultaneously accepting the official story, go ahead. I would consider that rather naive.

thanks for pming his email address, appreciated. I suggest that you ask in your email if he accepts the official version of events for 9-11, and to what extent.
That thread hadn't been posted on for five days. I'm not going to indulge you just because you've come back from the pub and are looking to create as much aggro as you can.

It wasn't the first time you resurrected the thread either. It's not as if you are looking for constructive discussion :rolleyes:
DrJazzz said:
Look, if you want to believe that John Pilger is going to give a ringing endorsement to a 9-11 balls-out conspiracy book while simultaneously accepting the official story, go ahead. I would consider that rather naive.

thanks for pming his email address, appreciated. I suggest that you ask in your email if he accepts the official version of events for 9-11, and to what extent.
I suggest that you ask him if he accepts the verison as outlined by you on here aand that you've used his name to back up - i doubt he'll be very happy. I doubt he'll be happy about the attempts by you and others to railroad any doubts about the official verison into support for another very specific version either.
DrJazzz said:
Look, if you want to believe that John Pilger is going to give a ringing endorsement to a 9-11 balls-out conspiracy book while simultaneously accepting the official story, go ahead. I would consider that rather naive.

thanks for pming his email address, appreciated. I suggest that you ask in your email if he accepts the official version of events for 9-11, and to what extent.
What does 'post' mean DJ? Why do you think he chose to use that word?
I would ask you to believe nothing more than that JP has doubts about the veracity of the official story for 9-11. I don't believe I've said anything more, and that's all I can say where JP is concerned, other than speculation.
butchersapron said:
What does 'post' mean DJ? Why do you think he chose to use that word?
Because he will pick his moment very carefully indeed to comment about 9-11 itself himself, if indeed he is going to. I think it's very unlikely he will be endorsing the official version of events.
DrJazzz said:
I think it's very unlikely he will be endorsing the official version of events.

I think it's unlikely anyone will be endorsing yours.
DrJazzz said:
I would ask you to believe nothing more than that JP has doubts about the veracity of the official story for 9-11. I don't believe I've said anything more, and that's all I can say where JP is concerned, other than speculation.
He has doubts about the post-911 agenda. Yes agreed. You saying a whole lot more than that though and trying to use his good name to do it. You've done it on this very thread. You *are* asking me and others to believe that Pilger agrees with you. And with no supporting reason why.
DrJazzz said:
Because he will pick his moment very carefully indeed to comment about 9-11 itself himself, if indeed he is going to. I think it's very unlikely he will be endorsing the official version of events.
So again, silence is proof. Esp from someone known for speaking out when no-one else would.
Since you missed it the last time DrJazzz:

Pilger said:
Nafeez Ahmed's understanding of the post 9/11 power game, its lies, illusions and dangers, is no less than brilliant. Everyone should read this wise and powerfully illuminating book.

Hope you got the emphasis this time.

(thanks to laptop)
"Because he will pick his moment very carefully indeed to comment about 9-11 itself himself, if indeed he is going to"

Backing out so soon?
Loki, do you really think he is going to endorse a book if he thinks a central message is utter codswallop?
DrJazzz said:
Loki, do you really think he is going to endorse a book if he thinks a central message is utter codswallop?
Dr Jazzz, did you actually read what he said? I highlighted "post" just for you. What do you think "post" means in this context?
DrJazzz said:
Loki, do you really think he is going to endorse a book if he thinks a central message is utter codswallop?
If he thinks a central part of that book dealing with post-911 events is worthwhile he might offer a qualified endorsment and make clear that he referred to POST 911 events. Mightn't he? Didn't he?
I think this is the point where Dr Jazzz abandons the thread, and gets awfully cross when someone posts on it in a few days.
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