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'Vegan diets are healthier and safer for dogs' says The Guardian about University of Winchester survey

No. :D It's just drawing a line where people want to draw a line to suit their predilictions. Flexible moral outlook. Like everyone. Yet some vegans. love telling you about the vegan things, their flimsy moral framework and get the hump when it's pointed out.

I'm trolling a bit but fuck it.

Nah, it's mainly meat-eaters having a go at vegans on here.

Having a pet dog isn't exploiting it. It's not like it does your cleaning for you.
No. :D It's just drawing a line where people want to draw a line to suit their predilictions. Flexible moral outlook. Like everyone. Yet some vegans. love telling you about the vegan things, their flimsy moral framework and get the hump when it's pointed out.

I'm trolling a bit but fuck it.
So people who have dogs have to eat dog food or they're hypocrites? :eek:

My interest is feeding my dog the healthiest diet I can, if I can learn from research then I'm happy to do that.
It's only right I can exploit animals for my own reasons. As long as no aminals are exploited to feed kids or the animals I exploit.
I must admit that I don’t have a pet. But I have a cat that roams onto one of my worksites that meows me to submission and so I feed.
Are you saying that I should prepare it some vegan diet rather than the cat food sold at local shops?
if he's a wild cat, give him some smack and some poppers.

sorry, amusing myself, carry on.
My gold fish love the vegan diet. I filled a survey in and everything. None of them have been to the vets in the last year.
Sorry, why shouldn't a vegan have a pet dog if they want one?
Interesting that carnivore dog owners can call themselves 'animal lovers', but when a vegan does they're labelled hypocrites.
I've rescued many animals over 30 years without eating other sentient beings.
This thread has turned into the usual shit show which I normally ignore.
May vegans live rent free in peoples heads forever. Meh.
It's a bullshit conclusion from a crap study.
Their responses indicated that according to dog owners, raw meat was a healthier diet, but they dismissed those because (among other reasons) those owners seemed to take the dogs to the vets less, which is exactly the metric they used to ascertain that vegan dogs were healthier.
They made no effort to correct for the myriad of other factors that impact canine health (breed, age of dog etc etc) apart from, mysteriously, in the raw meat diet.

Which brings me to the point that its a self reporting questionnaire based study, and therefore tells us almost nothing about dogs, but a little bit about the owners of dogs (this is a bit of a worrying trend in domestic animal studies currently).

Who'd have thought that a study funded by ProVeg, published in a journal nobody has ever heard of (what on earth does their peer review process look like?) comes up with some very dubious conclusions?

Also, you might find, if you bothered to look that there are a few studies actually done on dogs that don't agree with these findings....
I must admit that I don’t have a pet. But I have a cat that roams onto one of my worksites that meows me to submission and so I feed.
Are you saying that I should prepare it some vegan diet rather than the cat food sold at local shops?

Yes. All cats are now vegan. Crocodiles too. And killer whales, polar bears, hyenas etc. Everything is now vegan and you'll be violently and permanently cancelled if you go against this. As is clearly stated in the OP.
I think I mentioned on the things that pissed me off thread that I had found myself held up in Morrisons deli counter by a woman who was buying up the very best cuts of meat " for the pooch" and subsequently heard from my own sister that she buys whole chickens for her dog because it apparently works out cheaper than available dog food.Meanwhile as Yuwipi woman set out earlier you have those other families who are eating unwholesome starchy foods because thats what gets donated to the food banks. Government would never dare to intervene but I personally wouldn't give a toss if they did .
Why is it obvious? There's nothing about being vegan that means you shouldn't have a dog.
A quick Google suggests there’s quite a few arguments on this, with “vegans shouldn’t own pets any kind” being a quite common position. There’s even some idiots arguing against guide dogs as apparently that’s exploiting them ffs :D
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A quick Google suggests there’s quite a few arguments on this, with “vegans shouldn’t own pets any kind” being a quite common position. There’s even some idiots arguing against guide dogs as apparently that exploiting them ffs :D
I’d never thought about it but if you’re going to avoid exploiting animals (say) for their wool or honey, isn’t it incompatible to exploit them for their companionship?

On the vegan dog food thing, isn’t their natural instinct a good indicator of what they should eat? If I leave the fridge door open I can guarantee you that it won’t be the salad that the dog scoffs.
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Which brings me to the point that its a self reporting questionnaire based study, and therefore tells us almost nothing about dogs, but a little bit about the owners of dogs
Who the fuck do you think feeds the dogs?
Also, you might find, if you bothered to look that there are a few studies actually done on dogs that don't agree with these findings....
Feel free to post them up.
Stick a bowl of steak opposite a bowl of salad - see which one the dog goes for ...
And generally speaking - Kill it and Grill it
Stick a bowl of steak opposite a bowl of salad - see which one the dog goes for ...
And generally speaking - Kill it and Grill it
Just when I thought the contributions to this thread couldn't get any more ridiculous. Literally no one is proposing feeding dogs nothing but salad.

And why would you grill your dog's food anyway? And where do you do all that killing?
Just when I thought the contributions to this thread couldn't get any more ridiculous. Literally no one is proposing feeding dogs nothing but salad.

And why would you grill your dog's food anyway? And where do you do all that killing?
Kill it and Grill it - Humanities motto since forever - enjoy your lettuce
I heard an interesting thing on the No Such Thing as a Podcast about dog food recently. That is it's made to smell reasonbly nice to humans, something recognisable as food. Because what dogs actually really like smell wise is the smell of rotton and rank meat and other organic material.
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