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The NHS needs to get its finger out and stop whining about lack of funds. They are bloated and wasteful.

You have to read between the lines but looks like a surgeon whistleblower complaining about dangerous delays (cancellations) due to short staffing has been suspended (for whistleblowing). Thereby creating more delays (through cancellations) due to them being short of staff, namely him.

You couldn't make it up.

You have to read between the lines but looks like a surgeon whistleblower complaining about dangerous delays (cancellations) due to short staffing has been suspended (for whistleblowing). Thereby creating more delays (through cancellations) due to them being short of staff, namely him.

You couldn't make it up.
The Telegraph has been running stories this week on NHS management mounting multi million pound campaigns/battles against whistleblowers.
From the Sunday Telegraph, behind a paywall

NHS staff will be told to work evenings and weekends under Labour plans to slash waiting lists, Wes Streeting has announced.

Neighbouring hospitals would be asked to share staff and pool waiting lists as part of a £1.1 billion drive to provide an extra 40,000 appointments a week. Overtime pay rates would be offered to NHS staff who agree to pick up any extra shifts.

In an interview with The Telegraph, Mr Streeting, the shadow health secretary, revealed that senior NHS leaders who silenced whistleblowers would be sacked and barred from working for the health service again under Labour.

He also said the NHS was “over-reliant” on migrant workers – which he described as “problematic” – and he would like to see the number brought down.

Mr Streeting said he “shares Treasury cynicism” about how the NHS spent money, adding that levels of productivity must improve.

Earlier this week, Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, unveiled the policies at the centre of his general election campaign with a Tony Blair-style pledge card.

One of the six pledges was to cut NHS waiting times by scheduling 40,000 more appointments each week. Sir Keir said this would be paid for by cracking down on tax avoidance and non-dom loopholes.

Mr Streeting told The Telegraph he intended to oversee “the biggest expansion of NHS staff in history”, claiming it was “a plan so good that the Conservative Government did a smash-and-grab on it”.

He said it would take time to recruit more doctors, nurses and midwives, “but in the meantime there are practical things that can and should be done to get patients seen faster”.

Under Labour’s plan, hospitals would run evening and weekend surgeries, which the party believes would allow them to do a week’s worth of operations in one day.

Staff and resources would be pooled across a region made up of around five hospitals for these shifts. Patients would be offered appointments at nearby hospitals, allowing them to be treated faster.

Earlier this week, a group of doctors warned that NHS managers were destroying the careers of whistleblowers who raised concerns about patient safety.

More than 50 doctors and nurses told The Telegraph they had been targeted after raising concerns about more than 170 patient deaths and nearly 700 cases of poor care.

Asked what he would do about that, Mr Streeting said: “Senior leaders who silence whistleblowers will be sacked – and they will not work in the NHS again. I can’t emphasise this strongly enough. We’ve seen review after review, report after report, about the culture in the NHS and the silencing of whistleblowers.

“This is a matter of patient safety – in some cases, it has been a matter of life and death. Unless we are robust about this, we’re not going to see the culture change that the NHS desperately needs.”
From the Sunday Telegraph, behind a paywall
I will be launching my campaign for an evening and weekend parliament outside the houses of parliament next week, involving mps divided into three shifts and in continuous session. Mps who miss votes (those that occur during their shift) to be disciplined, with anyone racking up two strikes to face a confidence vote by their constituents. Similar rules to apply to the Lords tho after 3 strikes they receive a p45 in the post
I will be launching my campaign for an evening and weekend parliament outside the houses of parliament next week, involving mps divided into three shifts and in continuous session.
I appreciate the sentiment but I'm not sure giving MPs even more opportunities to fuck with things is a great plan. :(
I appreciate the sentiment but I'm not sure giving MPs even more opportunities to fuck with things is a great plan. :(
I'm not. They will have less opportunity to fuck with things. Going down from ~5 months off to 25 days off will give them less chance for mischief. Randomly selecting mps for each shift further reduces the chance for fucking with things. By keeping each of them in the chamber for 8 hours a day, with loo breaks timed, the potential for mischief is minimised. Plus they'll have to attend to party, ministerial and constituency duties outside their time in the house
I think the public will support the heart of my scheme, which is that once again the country are lions led by panto donkeys - only there is an arse at each end of the donkey. If the hardworking families of this wonderful land are expected to put up with workshy spivs in Parliament any longer, the politicians have another think coming. The spanish practices and Dutch courage - not to mention unwanted French kisses - in parliament are a national disgrace. It is past time that mps learned what it is like to do a day's work all year round.
Most clinical staff in hospitals aside from out patients and specialist nurses work evenings and weekends anyway!

Also as there is a shortage of clinical staff anyway- who are these people that will be working evenings and weekends?
the subtext appears to be a return to the 'waiting list initiatives' of the early 2000s where overtime at at least the standard overtime if not an even more enhanced rate is offered

oddly enough even with the use of VAS and private (for profit) resources the Ambulance service has never stopped offering overtime
It's absolute bollocks. The nhs relies on staff working overtime to run as it is, there aren't enough of us to go around for that plan to work. Ignore the stupid men behind the curtain. Fair pay might entice more people to work on the clinical front line, you make more in Lidl than a lot of healthcare assistants are paid to feed and clean people. Surgeons working overtime will lead to grave mistakes. What are they doing to do, approve back to back shifts? Patients AND staff will die. Ffs.
didn't the tories come out with some bollocks about wanting a 'seven day NHS' a few years ago?

and wasn't it bollocks then?
Someone needs to tell Wes Streeting this because he's under the impression staff are willing to do this, never mind for something as outrageous as decent pay
gPs should work weekends but you need more of them to be able to do so. it is pretty ridiculous you can buy anything on a Saturday but you can’t see a doctor.
you absolutely can see a GP for an urgent appointment on a Saturday access via 111 /OOH / SPA /UTC / Walk in , some places even have bookable Saturday appointments but they might be at different premises to your normal GPs
people seem to forget that GPs have been private since the concept of a GP existed and in them ain have remained private from 1948 to date ( as have community pharmacy, GDS dentistry contract holder,s GOS contract holding Optometrists / opticians )

And what a shining example of the private sector delivering services efficiently they are.
And what a shining example of the private sector delivering services efficiently they are.
thanks to government cock ups

they told GP practices ' it'll be 7 grand off your capitation' to opt out of OOH cover - to which most GP princials thought ' great plan' and now i'll get paid to do the occasional OOH shift by the OOH provider rather than having to do worse than 1 in 6 (practice cover) or maybe 1 in 10 with a first gen OOH Co-op ( a lot of the 1st gen co-ops were a handful of practices witha a 1st on anda 2nd on )

QOF points another case of following the money - good business sense

then of course there's the fact that fewer and fewer GPs want to be the owner of a traditional style GP practice people slagging off 'portfolio career dr' seem to forget that that pottfolio is often a couple of (12 -14 hr ) days of GP , a Day (or 2) of a Hospital speciality,perhaps a Day doing helimed/MERIT if they have the anaesthetic skills or being an EOC/CEMS/ Ambulance strategic Medical advisor Dr ( or a day in theatres keeping current on intubation and other advanced airway ) ... and a day 'playing' being the Site Medical Officer for an event

a recently retired partner at the GP practice i am registered with did 3 days GP and 2 days with the CCG /ICB on primary care strategy work - that's a portfolio career as well
decision makers <---...a million miles...---> the shop floor
possibly a bad example for healthcare without context

as a number of the Clinical Directors i know / know of are seen on the shop floor at least 1 or 2 days a week beinga consultant Dr in their 'home' speciality
thanks to government cock ups

then of course there's the fact that fewer and fewer GPs want to be the owner of a traditional style GP practice people slagging off 'portfolio career dr'

Tell you what I did see when supporting GPs. Portfolio practice owners with many practices who drove some very nice cars.
Tell you what I did see when supporting GPs. Portfolio practice owners with many practices who drove some very nice cars.
why are you confusing Doctors as owners of multi practice businesses with the habit people have of slagging off 'part time ' GPs who are often doing 40 -50 hours of clinicla work a week , just not in a convetional GP practice setting
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