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'Vegan diets are healthier and safer for dogs' says The Guardian about University of Winchester survey

And that whataboutery goes up another notch.

"Peer-reviewed analysis of 2,500 pets finds vegan dogs visit the vet less often and require fewer medications"

There's been a number of studies that link vitamin supplementation to increased cancer risk.

I think overall it's better to get your nutrients from food if you can. Given the number of heavily regulated pharmaceuticals that have shown to have cancer-causing levels of NDME introduced in the manufacturing process, it's probably that vitamins are subject to the same manufacturing/contamination issues. Or, it could be that excess levels of vitamins are causitive. The ins and outs of diet studies are complicated and difficult to reproduce.
Beta-carotene and anti-oxidants. Not the typical contents of multi-vitamin supplements. At least not the ones I buy. I think I'm good.
Beta-carotene and anti-oxidants. Not the typical contents of multi-vitamin supplements. At least not the ones I buy. I think I'm good.

That's usually exactly what is in multi-vitamin supplements.

Wait. So you're saying that a balanced vegan diet is somehow not good for dogs, despite what the survey says?
The survey is really only a snapshot, though. One year in the lives of a bunch of dogs, the majority of whom weren't that old. It's indicative that a supplemented vegan diet can work and perhaps work well compared to conventional dog food, but it's no more than that.

To repeat myself, my main take-away from that survey is that regular dog food is crap for dogs.
i'm saying a mixture of meat and veg balance to the dogs needs is better

but wtf do i know only of had 8 dogs in my lifetime
As a general rule of thumb, matching an animal's diet to something close to that which it has evolved to eat is probably best. So with dogs, that's a mix. With cats, it basically means meat. With cows and sheep, grass preferably, not soya products. Etc.
Diet staples for poor people is often bad all around, with both smaller quantities and worse quality. If you look at the food given out by food banks its things like processed cereals, pasta, white bread, "commodity cheese", canned soups, bottled juices. There's very little fresh veg., and what is there is verging on spoiled. And, as you noted, meat is things like hotdogs and lunch meat.
And now in Britain due to energy bills, people using food banks are asking for stuff that doesn't need heating/cooking as they can't afford the gas/electricity. Probably for another thread.
The lifespan of wild dogs is pretty short.
Well yes, domestic dogs and cats both tend to live a bit longer than their wild cousins. And cancers are what happen when you get old (unless you're a naked mole rat).

With cats, it's all too often kidney failure that gets them in the end. Did with my cat. But he was 18. Wild cats never live to 18.
Here's what the multivits I buy contain:
Typical Values%RI*Each tablet provides
Vitamin A100800µg RE
Vitamin D20010.00µg
Vitamin E10012.0mg α-TE
Vitamin K10075.0µg
Thiamin (Vitamin B1)1001.10mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)1001.40mg
Niacin10016.0mg NE
Pantothenic acid1006.0mg
Vitamin B61001.40mg
Folic Acid100200µg
Vitamin B121002.50µg
Vitamin C10080mg

The lifespan of wild dogs is pretty short.

I suspect the main reasons for that have little to do with their diet.
Here's what the multivits I buy contain:
Typical Values%RI*Each tablet provides
Vitamin A100800µg RE
Vitamin D20010.00µg
Vitamin E10012.0mg α-TE
Vitamin K10075.0µg
Thiamin (Vitamin B1)1001.10mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)1001.40mg
Niacin10016.0mg NE
Pantothenic acid1006.0mg
Vitamin B61001.40mg
Folic Acid100200µg
Vitamin B121002.50µg
Vitamin C10080mg

I suspect the main reasons for that have little to do with their diet.
If they are proper wild they’ll be on that crack
No of course not we feed them according to scientific best practice - why would we do anything else?

I must admit that I don’t have a pet. But I have a cat that roams onto one of my worksites that meows me to submission and so I feed.
Are you saying that I should prepare it some vegan diet rather than the cat food sold at local shops?
I used to look after a dog who was fed a vegan diet, and she was a very happy and healthy dog who lived till 13 (not bad for a labrador) with basically no health problems till the last year of her life. I had a dog at the same time, and still fed mine meat-based food, good quality stuff, but only because the vegan food was more expensive. I really don't think either dog would have known the difference TBH, and I think if I do manage to get a dog again I'd get vegan kibble instead of meat-based.

Both dogs were allowed leftovers if they were safe for them to eat, because it's better than letting it go to waste and adds some variety of tastes and textures to their diet.

Vegetarian dogs don't really exist because dogs can't eat too much lactose anyway (they're fine with eggs - it just doesn't come up that often), so if you're feeding them a special diet it's basically going to be vegan rather than vegetarian anyway.
I must admit that I don’t have a pet. But I have a cat that roams onto one of my worksites that meows me to submission and so I feed.
Are you saying that I should prepare it some vegan diet rather than the cat food sold at local shops?
why the fuck would I say that? Have you not read the thread outlining the differences between cats and dogs?

And are you saying you'd feed it with some cheap shit nutrient-free cat food from the local shops regardless of whether that follows scientific advice?

Two can play at your stupid game :)
tbf a dog or any pet should be a inconvenience

it a self selected issue in your life

if you trying to prove a point by feed it as you would like as you don't like veg or meat

they maybe you should not have a pet

same with fucking kids
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