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'Vegan diets are healthier and safer for dogs' says The Guardian about University of Winchester survey

Vets opinion.
A vegan diet for a dog cannot be prepped at home so you have to buy the specially prepared foods.

Vets opinion.
A vegan diet for a dog cannot be prepped at home so you have to buy the specially prepared foods.

And if you're going to do that, you might as well give them the best possible diet you can give a dog, a raw one. Same prep, roughly same prices etc.
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And that whataboutery goes up another notch.

"Peer-reviewed analysis of 2,500 pets finds vegan dogs visit the vet less often and require fewer medications"

That's not what whataboutery means. Pointing out the limitations is exactly on topic.
Also those feeding their dogs a vegan diet are far more likely to be focused on maintaining a very strict overall diet for their dog and exercise routines.

Whereas those that don't are more likely to be a mixed of people that are careful with their own & their dog's diets and exercise routines, and the 'couch potato' types that are likely to be feeding their dog all sorts of shit, and not exercising them properly.

There's way too many variables involved here, because of the self reporting sample, hence the caution admitted by the head of the study.

Vets opinion.
A vegan diet for a dog cannot be prepped at home so you have to buy the specially prepared foods.
Dogs are like humans, then. Vegan diet can be healthy but only with lab-produced supplements.

It's a shame the study didn't include vegetarian dogs. It would interesting to find out if dogs can live a healthy life on a mixed veg/dairy diet without the need for supplements. Humans can. I don't know if dogs can. That article doesn't go into it, but the difference between vegan and vegetarian, nutrition-wise, is very significant.

Insect-based pet food is an interesting development. Could be a good option.
Less an endorsement of veganism for dogs (lol), and more an example of how one can eat anything as long as it's fortified with the right nutrients.

There's been a number of studies that link vitamin supplementation to increased cancer risk.

I think overall it's better to get your nutrients from food if you can. Given the number of heavily regulated pharmaceuticals that have shown to have cancer-causing levels of NDME introduced in the manufacturing process, it's probably that vitamins are subject to the same manufacturing/contamination issues. Or, it could be that excess levels of vitamins are causitive. The ins and outs of diet studies are complicated and difficult to reproduce.
My ex was vegetarian and we didn't have meat in the house so I used to go down town once a week for an all day breakfast. Her cats had meat but why wouldn't they, and fish on their birthday. I did ask if I got fish on my birthday but apparently not :( .
There's also many studies that link eating lots of meat to certain cancers. Swings and roundabouts.

have you ever had a dog if they live past say 12 they are going to get some form of cancer about 70 percent of the time
why mess with their diet

So a mixed diet of raw meat plus some appropriate plant-based (and insect-based) stuff to bring down the carbon footprint a bit?

Maybe that's the best answer.

As is often the way in this particular debate, making the right changes isn't necessarily a question of vegan or bust.
have you ever had a dog if they live past say 12 they are going to get some form of cancer about 70 percent of the time
why mess with their diet

I've had plenty of dogs, mine died of cancer last November on a meat based diet. I'm not advocating meat or plant. Cancer is a cunt and can affect the healthiest of any animal or human. Hth.
ah not saying its not just dogs because of human dodgy treatment of the animal we bred in stupid and recessive traits in almost all dogs breeds
even mutts they are cancer magnets sadly as they age saying that

underneath they are ominovores so sending their diet one way or the other is not kind to them

even if it makes the owner feel better about themselves
Which mainly affects the poorest as per.

Diet staples for poor people is often bad all around, with both smaller quantities and worse quality. If you look at the food given out by food banks its things like processed cereals, pasta, white bread, "commodity cheese", canned soups, bottled juices. There's very little fresh veg., and what is there is verging on spoiled. And, as you noted, meat is things like hotdogs and lunch meat.
ah not saying its not just dogs because of human dodgy treatment of the animal we bred in stupid and resesive traits in almost all dogs breeds

but underneat they are ominovores so sending their diet one way or the other is not kind to them

even if it makes the owner feel better about themselves
Wait. So you're saying that a balanced vegan diet is somehow not good for dogs, despite what the survey says?
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