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'Vegan diets are healthier and safer for dogs' says The Guardian about University of Winchester survey

My ex was vegetarian and we didn't have meat in the house so I used to go down town once a week for an all day breakfast. Her cats had meat but why wouldn't they, and fish on their birthday. I did ask if I got fish on my birthday but apparently not :( .
Cats are obligate carnivores. Dogs are not.

Some cats do however like to eat plenty of things which are not good for them, if it has a high fat or salt content they might well eat as much as they can get of it. (And then throw up…)

Rescues are bursting with unwanted dogs, as with other companion animals eg cats. Plenty of vegans have adopted for this reason, especially if it’s a tricky case & at higher risk of being euthanised than a cuddly non-bitey puppy.

My friend’s rescue dog is thriving on a vegan diet (Anecdote not data). She’s happy and healthy. & being looked after by someone who’s nursed many abandoned dogs back to health.
Cats are obligate carnivores. Dogs are not.

Some cats do however like to eat plenty of things which are not good for them, if it has a high fat or salt content they might well eat as much as they can get of it. (And then throw up…)

Rescues are bursting with unwanted dogs, as with other companion animals eg cats. Plenty of vegans have adopted for this reason, especially if it’s a tricky case & at higher risk of being euthanised than a cuddly non-bitey puppy.

My friend’s rescue dog is thriving on a vegan diet (Anecdote not data). She’s happy and healthy. & being looked after by someone who’s nursed many abandoned dogs back to health.
My family dog when I was 19 was no longer able to digest dog food. The vet recommended liver and chicken etc. He improved slightly but still liquid shit. Dad fucked off to his caravan for the season and the dog became vegan. Soya stews with plenty off veg, cue solid poop and the bitey little bastard lived till he was nearly 17.
i suppose if dogs could only be licensed vegetarians it would be prudent to extend this to cats just in fairness.😄
I quoted the title of the Guardian piece but seeing as you're so incredibly touchy I'll put it in quotes.

You haven't quoted it in full - 'Vegan diets are healthier and safer for dogs, study suggests', you left out the most important bit, because it doesn't fit your bias agenda here.

You have made the title look like a fact has been proven, it hasn't, far from it.

This sort of selected quoting is what's expected from conspiraloons, you are letting yourself down.
You haven't quoted it in full - 'Vegan diets are healthier and safer for dogs, study suggests', you left out the most important bit, because it doesn't fit your bias agenda here.

You have made the title look like a fact has been proven, it hasn't, far from it.

This sort of selected quoting is what's expected from conspiraloons, you are letting yourself down.
You're being fucking ridiculous. The thread title is more than adequate as is the OP. And it is totally accurate seeing as I'm clearly quoting the fucking headline.

Funny how it's only this thread title you're getting so worked up about though, isn't it? And you can fuck right off with comparing me with conspiraloons. Boy have you lost the plot.
I can see where dogs might enjoy certain vegetables, fruit etc. Often they will eat carrots ans other root veg.
However some foods just are not suitable such as avocados grapes raisins..and probably more. Macadamia nuts can really make a dog very sick and lead to seizures
Raisins and grapes can cause kidney failure.

So ... I think there could he a carefully planned diet with addition of certain veg and fruit plus protein from egg and or raw meat.
But 100% vegan diet for a big dog might he stretching it.
I can see where dogs might enjoy certain vegetables, fruit etc. Often they will eat carrots ans other root veg.
However some foods just are not suitable such as avocados grapes raisins..and probably more. Macadamia nuts can really make a dog very sick and lead to seizures
Raisins and grapes can cause kidney failure.

So ... I think there could he a carefully planned diet with addition of certain veg and fruit plus protein from egg and or raw meat.
But 100% vegan diet for a big dog might he stretching it.
That's probably why you won't find those ingredients in vegan dog food then.

For dogs it’s relatively straightforward, compared with their complex feline cousins (as is generally the case). Dogs are omnivores, and as long as their diet is complete and balanced they can be vegetarian or even vegan. This does need to be undertaken with care: you can’t just start to feed them pasta and tomato sauce with broccoli and carrots on the side. You need to do your research to ensure that their diet meets all of their needs, including protein, carbohydrate, fats, vitamins, minerals and fibre. The easiest and safest approach is to buy a commercially manufactured complete vegetarian or vegan dog food that has gone through feeding trials. Such products are formulated by professional nutritionists, and are legally obliged to fulfil specific nutritional criteria

Not such a great idea for cats though:

You're being fucking ridiculous. The thread title is more than adequate as is the OP. And it is totally accurate seeing as I'm clearly quoting the fucking headline.

Funny how it's only this thread title you're getting so worked up about though, isn't it? And you can fuck right off with comparing me with conspiraloons. Boy have you lost the plot.

You have been selected in your quoting of the headline, implying it's a proven fact, when even the head of this study doesn't conclude that, if you don't see a problem & bias in doing that, well. 🤷‍♂️
To continue with the nitpicking, this part, quoting the study leader is very irritating tbh.

“Our study is by far the largest study published to date,” said Prof Andrew Knight, at the University of Winchester, UK, and who led the study. “It revealed that the healthiest and least hazardous dietary choices for dogs are nutritionally sound vegan diets.”

“The raw meat diet appeared to have marginally better health outcomes,” he said. “But those dogs were significantly younger, which gives them a health advantage. A substantial body of prior studies have also shown that raw meat diets are much more contaminated with pathogenic bacteria and parasites.”

This is mixing up two things in an inappropriate, and statistically and logically invalid, way. His study already incorporates the impact of any problems to do with pathogenic bacteria and parasites in raw meat into its numbers - those problems either do or don't cause self-reported vet visits. He doesn't get to use this factor twice over like that.
You have been selected in your quoting of the headline, implying it's a proven fact, when even the head of this study doesn't conclude that, if you don't see a problem & bias in doing that, well. 🤷‍♂️
How long do you intend to keep disrupting the thread with this excruciatingly dull and pointless nitpicking?
I can see where dogs might enjoy certain vegetables, fruit etc. Often they will eat carrots ans other root veg.
However some foods just are not suitable such as avocados grapes raisins..and probably more. Macadamia nuts can really make a dog very sick and lead to seizures
Raisins and grapes can cause kidney failure.

So ... I think there could he a carefully planned diet with addition of certain veg and fruit plus protein from egg and or raw meat.
But 100% vegan diet for a big dog might he stretching it.
I looked after a Chocolate Labrador once, gave her some chocolate and she had to be rushed to the vet. I had no idea they're named ironically.
Nope. It's a survey, with all the limitations that implies.
And that whataboutery goes up another notch.

"Peer-reviewed analysis of 2,500 pets finds vegan dogs visit the vet less often and require fewer medications"

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