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'Vegan diets are healthier and safer for dogs' says The Guardian about University of Winchester survey

Shit advice = doesn’t concur with your ideological stance. You’re like the religious zealots who’d rather their kid die than have a blood transfusion. Or the anti-vax lot.
No, doctors are capable of ignorance and giving shit advice.
Look at you and your pathetic comparisons, and more thread shitting, grow up and get a clue FFS
My sister was instructed by doctors to eat lots of meat and cheese at one point and to avoid carbs as much as possible. At the time she was attempting to grow back parts of her feet that had been eaten away by an infection. Maybe a vegan equivalent could have been possible. Don't know, but it's quite unlikely given her other health problems at the time. She needed fat!

So it's not quite true that everyone can easily follow a healthy vegan diet. Most people can, but some can't.
I’ll try to remember to ask him the exact details of this when I next see him given I’m basically being accused of lying.
I doubt it was an easy move for him, an ideologically committed vegetarian of several decades.
I noticed this report whilst perusing the inverse website today.

Let your dog go vegan — it could help their health and the planet

Incidentally, this website, inverse.com, is highly recommended for science reports. Its Space reports are quite good.
That's a write up of the same report as in the OP :D

ETA Though they did ask a vet called Bonk about it, which is an improvement. The horse doc offered the evil diktat that we should only recommend a diet that was balanced, the crackpot crank, though apparently a vegan one might be.
My cousin is a GP. She couldn't work out she was pregnant. Something gp's probably deal with on a week to week basis. So 7 years Training doesn't always mean a lot. :(

Maybe you ought to design and build a helicopter if education, training and experience count for nothing.
Surely you don't need reminding of Dr Shitman? :mad:

Shipman wasn't a bad doctor though. In fact he was very highly considered by professional colleagues and patients alike.

It's safe to say however, that for various reasons he is not best remembered for the quality of his practice of medicine.
Shipman wasn't a bad doctor though. In fact he was very highly considered by professional colleagues and patients alike.

It's safe to say however, that for various reasons he is not best remembered for the quality of his practice of medicine.
Fair enough. Doesn't mean there aren't shit doctors out there though.
People tend to go to specialist hospital wards for pregnancy anyway, for ultrasound etc.
Only when they know they are pregnant. There was a case only in the last week where someone went to the loo and nearly flushed her baby away. Didn't have a clue she was pregnant.
Don't know. And neither do you. As I said, I wasn't describing the full circumstances and I'm not going to now.

Wish I hadn't brought it up.
Any way I would have thought protein was more important for rebuilding tissue than fat and you can get protein from a veg diet.
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