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'Vegan diets are healthier and safer for dogs' says The Guardian about University of Winchester survey

I don't as (1) you need a separate license, (2) my waste goes to be used as fertilizer etc

I give away bones to paying customers.
Can you not just sell pluck fit for human consumption?

I always fed most of mine to the dogs when I had sheep done for meat boxes etc.
I preferred this thread when it was pictures of posters dogs and not desperate attempts to justify the shittiest piece of research I've ever had the misfortune to read.
Oh come on; yes it’s a ridiculous thread but there were maybe three photos of dogs
Like you say, the guy who carried it out says more research is required - it was a survey rather than a study. There are aren't any major problems with it looked at as a survey that doesn't make the claims the article reckons it does.
Tbf as is frequently the case, the study describes preliminary data with caution, the reporting of it is the main problem.
Talking about pet food.

Do you know any greengrocers who give scraps to dog owners?

Mine doesn’t, but his 42 year old son who also works there and is yer archetypal cheeky cockney chappie does middle aged boxing and last month had the shit knocked out of him so bad that he was unconscious for 9 minutes and now no one will fight him in case the kill the gobby prick.
Mine doesn’t, but his 42 year old son who also works there and is yer archetypal cheeky cockney chappie does middle aged boxing and last month had the shit knocked out of him so bad that he was unconscious for 9 minutes and now no one will fight him in case the kill the gobby prick.
Charming but off topic.
Charming but off topic.

Bringing it back on topic; his dog is supposedly fucking nails, but I reckon on a square go mine would have it. No idea if his eats meat or not. Mine does. Squirrels and rabbits when she can catch them.
Well there we have it. One possibly interesting discussion thoroughly trashed with off topic shit. Again.
Sorry, just shocked that someone was suggesting a possibly brain damaged person should be beaten up and that they would like to see a dog fight, that sort of thing would get called on any other thread OT or not..
Bringing it back on topic; his dog is supposedly fucking nails, but I reckon on a square go mine would have it. No idea if his eats meat or not. Mine does. Squirrels and rabbits when she can catch them.
Speculating about whose dog is 'hardest' might just give that impression
I shall balance it for you…

What has that got to do with anything regarding dog food, and if you are using it as some sort of humour it would seem very bad taste
I didn't state that anywhere. I am just pointing out that at least all of a resource is being used instead of part of one. No need for straw men.

I doubt that you remember, but my personal take is that those who eat meat would be better eating less, higher quality, higher welfare meat and that if you do eat meat eat everything that you buy.

We aren't going to agree on this as I am a butcher and you are a vegan. That does not preclude me from commenting as I see wish, unless you want to ban me for some unintended slight.

That was actually one of the reasons I didn't have any qualms about feeding my dog meat, and don't feel bad that my cat has to gave meat - it's by-products from what meat-eaters consume.

But it's only really an argument against a vegan diet for dogs if the meat would otherwise go to waste, and I don't think that's true. Dogs aren't obligate carnivores like cats and some other animals are, so honestly there's not much of an argument, to me, about whether a vegan diet can be healthy for them. It's more difficult to do right, like vegan (not vegetarian) diets for humans can be, and it costs more (for dogs, anyway), but healthwise it's just not worth an argument.

Humans can be healthy eating meat or not eating meat, mostly depending on what their actual diet is, and I'm pretty sure we all know that in reality.

And I'm with you in that I'm much more in favour of people reducing their meat consumption and eating animals that have been humanely raised than berating anyone for eating meat in a culture where it's part of the traditional diet - and that's the same POV as practically everyone else on here who doesn't eat meat.
He was our butcher. Bringing balance to the thread.

Sorry I don't understand what you are saying here, can you spell it out in plain language for me.

You post a news head line about a paedophile who is a butcher. What exactly do you mean?

If you said your Butcher sold dog food I could understand that but I don't get precisely what you mean by your posts.
The study you referenced in your opening post is horribly flawed and doesn't stand up to any rigour. Pointing that out is reasonable, surely?
I've referenced several studies as well you know, but the usual gang of meat fans just want to disrupt any hope of a decent discussion and talk shit about dog fighting, hunting dogs, human diets, butchers, pictures of their pets, the morals of a vegan owning a dog and other irrelevant bollocks..
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