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US engineer deliberately ran train off tracks in attempt to smash into a hospital ship


What the fuckity fuck?

SAN PEDRO, LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- An engineer deliberately ran a train off the tracks at high speed near the Port of Los Angeles in an attempt to crash into the USNS Mercy hospital ship, prosecutors say.

The Pacific Harbor Line train derailed Tuesday, running through the end of the track and crashing through barriers, finally coming to rest about 250 yards from the docked naval ship.
Federal prosecutors allege train engineer Eduardo Moreno, 44, of San Pedro intended to hit the ship, saying he thought it was "suspicious" and did not believe "the ship is what they say it's for.'"

The train crashed into a concrete barrier at the end of the track, smashed through a steel barrier and a chain-link fence, slid through one parking lot and then a second lot filled with gravel and hit a second chain-link fence. It came to rest after passing under a ramp leading to the Vincent Thomas Bridge. The train remained in that position Wednesday.
Don’t people in that type of job (driving trains) get screened for loonery?

Clearly not.
In fairness, not that he deserves it, I read his intention was that the incident would draw attention to the presence of the ship, not that he actually expected to ram it.
How are they going to do that?

Ask potential drivers, "Do you plan on driving the train into a boat?"

Fk knows.

Don’t employers go through employees social media these days?

My employer does - asked a driver to remove some FB pics he took whilst on route recently but I’m sure if he’d posted plans to drive his van into a ship or some sort of conspiracy loon type thing then that would be cause for concern.

Of course this train driver may not have posted dodgy stuff on social media but - just saying.
tbf that does not really a risk you plan for much like an ex screw who's been fired for locking a nurse in a room till she agreed to go on a date with him :rolleyes:
Fk knows.

Don’t employers go through employees social media these days?

My employer does - asked a driver to remove some FB pics he took whilst on route recently but I’m sure if he’d posted plans to drive his van into a ship or some sort of conspiracy loon type thing then that would be cause for concern.

Of course this train driver may not have posted dodgy stuff on social media but - just saying.

I wish you didn't post dodgy stuff on socialist media.
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