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US election 2020 thread

When is any action likely to happen? I'm up at half five tomorrow anyway. Is it worth crawling out of bed slightly earlier or will that still be late evening in the US and not worth it?
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When is any action likely to happen? I'm up at half five tomorrow anyway. Is it worth crawling out of bed slightly earlier or will that still be late evening in the US and not worth it?
I've heard that things might start happening around 3-ish.
The last polls close at 4am UK time, and unless multiple swing states are too close to call then it'll be obvious by then who's won.
if its all on Penn & Michigan it'll be days.

Thankfully, Texas or Florida will already have gone. If Biden gets either Carolina we can have a really early night.
Trying to think of strategy (set alarm for 3am, don’t drink, do drink, try to not look at all etc) in order to try to avoid repeating the same emotional reaction as I had that morning 4 years ago but there isn’t really any point cos whatever the outcome it won’t be a repeat, it’s a different situation.
I get up at 5am usually, so I'll probably turn on the telly at 3am, and doze to it for a couple of hours to see how it's all progressing.
I'll just get up at 6am like normal - the results of the voting are, to me, less interesting than the reactions to, and consequences of, that vote. I think Trump and his team will put of conceding for as long as possible, and I'm banking on the republicans pulling the rug out from under him, but only once it's become crystal clear that he's lost.

If I didn't have work to do and kids to manage I might stay up.
I thought I saw major results coming in 12.30ish our time. I'll certainly stay up til then - CNN sounds favourite if I can get a feed
Most polls in Florida close midnight our time but some 1am. Once they do, the first dumps of early voting data in Sumter County (loads of seniors, vast majority have voted early) should give an idea of swing. If Trump gets less than mid 60s there then he could be in for a rough night
Most polls in Florida close midnight our time but some 1am. Once they do, the first dumps of early voting data in Sumter County (loads of seniors, vast majority have voted early) should give an idea of swing. If Trump gets less than mid 60s there then he could be in for a rough night
I'll just get up at 6am like normal - the results of the voting are, to me, less interesting than the reactions to, and consequences of, that vote. I think Trump and his team will put of conceding for as long as possible, and I'm banking on the republicans pulling the rug out from under him, but only once it's become crystal clear that he's lost.

If I didn't have work to do and kids to manage I might stay up.
I think this is right, the results (unless v unlikely scenario of trump actually winning the election) are not the main story this time, it will be what happens next.
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