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US election 2020 thread

Ive heard David Renton give a talk on that book... his talk boiled down to that he recognises the "convergence" between the mainstream right, the far right and fascistic leaders but maintains its wrong to misuse the term fascism when its not actually fascism. That said he recognises the blurring and new formations occurring, and history need not repeat itself in exactly the same forms as before, so we should be conscious of those new configurations. Theres probably a lot more than that in the book
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Jeff Fortenberry, my congress critter just sent this note to his constituents in response to the call to impeach Trump:

"Will seeking political retribution calm the violence and division in our nation? We can keep canceling one another, hurting one another, hating one another, or we can stop. The flag is still flying over the Capitol. "

What happened all of a sudden to "I love the taste of liberal tears." Fuck singing kumbaya with these people. I have no common cause with people who wear this:


... or with people who support them. This is after he joined with a number of other representatives to overturn election results from other states. You can't have peace until you have accountability.
This is after he joined with a number of other representatives to overturn election results from other states. You can't have peace until you have accountability.

Indeed, though I do wonder whether Pelosi et al should calm this down until the 20th. He is clearly banking on more violence, and the usual scumbags are going to defend him. Get him out of power and then crush him.
Indeed, though I do wonder whether Pelosi et al should calm this down until the 20th. He is clearly banking on more violence, and the usual scumbags are going to defend him. Get him out of power and then crush him.

I can agree with that. I think there will also be more clear evidence regarding who supported what amounts to a coup attempt. We need a full investigation to make sure we know who supported this. Then, we need to get as many co-conspirators out of power as humanly possible in addition to Trump.
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Ive heard David Renton give a talk on that book... his talk boiled down to that he recognises the "convergence" between the mainstream right, the far right and fascistic leaders but maintains its wrong to misuse the term fascism when its not actually fascism. That said he recognises the blurring and new formations occurring, and history need not repeat itself in exactly the same forms as before, so we should be conscious of those new configurations. Theres probably a lot more than that in the book
At crux times they become so close they can switch, Mussolini toyed with non-fascist nationalism before going the whole hog, Trump came close, but never quite tipped. As you say, one of the key points (where he is surely right) is that fascism wont come in an obviously directly paralel route to the twenties and thirties.
Jeff Fortenberry, my congress critter just sent this note to his constituents in response to the call to impeach Trump:

"Will seeking political retribution calm the violence and division in our nation? We can keep canceling one another, hurting one another, hating one another, or we can stop. The flag is still flying over the Capitol. "

What happened all of a sudden to "I love the taste of liberal tears." Fuck singing kumbaya with these people. I have no common cause with people who wear this:

View attachment 248574

... or with people who support them. This is after he joined with a number of other representatives to overturn election results from other states. You can't have peace until you have accountability.
The brazen hypocrisy is of course astounding, but he's firmly on the defensive, isn't he?
At crux times they become so close they can switch, Mussolini toyed with non-fascist nationalism before going the whole hog, Trump came close, but never quite tipped. As you say, one of the key points (where he is surely right) is that fascism wont come in an obviously directly paralel route to the twenties and thirties.
And in the US specifically, it is never going to come in a form that centres on the State. It's far more likely to take a form that is nominally anti-The State, such as Trump's 'Drain the Swamp'.

Almost as if these corporations aren't all that grateful for efforts to destabilize the political system which underpins the regime of exploitation.
Some of those corps are only turning the taps off for 6 months before they go back to business as usual...
oddly Trump believes the second impeachment is proof of the biggest witch hunt in American history
and removing he from power before the 20th will cause great anger in the USA

ever get the feeling he wants to at least be able to say his inauguration had more people at it than Biden's

and Pence my god will he not go down as the biggest bootlicker in history "boss try's to have a mob kill you, still tow the line"
Some of those corps are only turning the taps off for 6 months before they go back to business as usual...
Indeed, or even less. Some are stopping all political donations not just those to the Republican Party. And some of it is partly opportunistic 'virtue signalling' and brand building.

Nonetheless, taken as a whole, this is a fairly clear set of public signals to the Republican Party that these corporations are not happy with it's recent actions. And is almost certainly the visible tip of a far greater volume of private communication. How this is taken by the different Republican factions, and what results from that, remains to be seen.

It will not, however, be ignored. Any notion that it might simply be discounted out of 'fear' of the party's trumpian grass roots would IMO be silly.
Indeed, or even less.

one reporting period, in some cases.

Companies are making these pledges to avoid a reputational crisis in the days following a violent riot at the United States Capitol. But once the spotlight fades, will they actually follow through?

One fossil fuel lobbyist told the Washington Examiner he does not expect these companies to fulfill their pledges.

Mike McKenna, a fossil fuel industry lobbyist who worked on legislative affairs in the Trump administration, doubts companies taking a stand will fulfill their pledges when it matters.
“The companies that announced that they were pausing political contributions to whoever are being a little weaselly,” McKenna told Josh. “Very few contributions go out the door in January, so pausing contributions doesn’t really mean much. I’m pretty confident that most of the money will eventually flow to the candidates through party, leadership, and other PACs. Like all things involving cash in politics, there’s a lot of misdirection going on.”
Is McKenna right? He is correct that the nation's flimsy campaign finance laws provide companies with all sorts of options. Popular Information will monitor the PAC activity and other political giving of every company that has made pledges over the last few days.

very good article btw
Antifascist researcher Spencer Sunshine on having been "exposed" by Lin Wood as the QAnon Shaman guy: I’ve Been Tracking the Far Right for Years. Then Lin Wood ‘Exposed’ Me as the QAnon Shaman

There are two lessons here, about anti-Semitism and social media. The first is that ideas cooked up by neo-Nazis can get “washed out” by removing references to Jews directly or to obvious codewords, like “Zionist bankers” or “Rothschilds.” But the initial targets who are often Jewish (or labeled as such) are kept, and the whole storyline remains intact. So whereas Nazis and other anti-Semites hold that the “Jews control the left and undermine the virtuous nation,” now “antifa is manipulating protests to discredit the patriots trying to save the nation.” I doubt that very many of the thousands of Trumpists who think I’m Angeli are motivated by anti-Semitism. But once you see the development of the conspiracy theory about me, without the anti-Semitism I would never have become a cut-rate George Soros.

Second, the amazingly quick explosion of these narratives show how short the trip is from the margins to the mainstream for wild conspiracy claims. What is one day a neo-Nazi narrative can the next be something that you see on your aunt’s Facebook post. All it took was one deranged lawyer with a Twitter account to convince millions of people that some guy wearing pajamas in Brooklyn is the secret mastermind behind an unfolding national disgrace.
All flocking to drop Trump but none of them will vote on the proposal. There all just trying to distance themselves from the orange loon for fear of contamination by association.
They all need to be held to account once Trump is out.
This article ties in with what we were reading about EXIF data in Parler pics if I read it right.

"Gizmodo has mapped nearly 70,000 geo-located Parler posts and on Tuesday isolated hundreds published on January 6 near the Capitol where a mob of pro-Trump supporters had hoped to overturn a democratic election and keep their president in power. The data shows Parler users posting all throughout the day, documenting their march from the National Mall to Capitol Hill where the violent insurrection ensued.

The precise locations of Parler users inside the building can be difficult to place. The coordinates do not reveal which floors they are on, for instance. Moreover, the data only includes Parler users who posted videos taken on January 6. And the coordinates themselves are only accurate up to an approximate distance of 12 yards (11 meters)."


A map created using Parler GPS data shows a flood of protesters leaving the National Mall after a speech by President Donald Trump and heading toward the U.S. Capitol building where a riot ensued.
Liz Cheney confirms she will vote for impeachment. Is the dam wall going to burst? Her statement is scathing.

"None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not" "

"There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution."
This article ties in with what we were reading about EXIF data in Parler pics if I read it right.

"Gizmodo has mapped nearly 70,000 geo-located Parler posts and on Tuesday isolated hundreds published on January 6 near the Capitol where a mob of pro-Trump supporters had hoped to overturn a democratic election and keep their president in power. The data shows Parler users posting all throughout the day, documenting their march from the National Mall to Capitol Hill where the violent insurrection ensued.
Amusingly, though not surprisingly, 8 or more of those datapoints are located in the grounds of the Whitehouse itself.
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