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Urban v's the Commentariat

I suppose binary as a language does lend itself to Nazism - one reich, one volk, one ball etc.


Her desperate opportunism to be seen to side with anything that might seem 'radical' ( or perhaps to sell articles to the Guardian after all what can a poor girl do?) led her to champion this dick. Her original article explained the rise of hackers which included Weev as :
" They are in their teens and 20s; they grew up in the Bush, Blair and Brown years and came of age just as the financial crash of 2008 swept away the socioeconomic justification for Anglo-American imperialism. The online culture that they helped create believes deeply in transparency and, to that culture, digital activists who risk everything for the public's "right to know" are heroes."
Her desperate opportunism to be seen to side with anything that might seem 'radical' ( or perhaps to sell articles to the Guardian after all what can a poor girl do?) led her to champion this dick. Her original article explained the rise of hackers which included Weev as :
" They are in their teens and 20s; they grew up in the Bush, Blair and Brown years and came of age just as the financial crash of 2008 swept away the socioeconomic justification for Anglo-American imperialism. The online culture that they helped create believes deeply in transparency and, to that culture, digital activists who risk everything for the public's "right to know" are heroes."
Whenever I think that maybe she's not so bad really, I remember this, which is so far beyond idiocy it's not funny.
Marcotte is quite incredible stupid. Daou is scum.

Just an average day's posting from Amanda Marcotte, America's stupidest media Clintonite. I find her existence vaguely fascinating because while the talent pool of worthless right wing liberal writers is quite shallow in Britain and all kinds of non-entities can hold down a gig at the Guardian or the New Statesman, the US has shitloads of worthless right wing liberal writers and some of them are very clever. There are dedicated Clinton boosters who are skilled and sophisticated purveyors of neoliberal lies, yet somehow Marcotte makes a living. This is a clear case of market failure.

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Just an average day's posting from Amanda Marcotte, America's stupidest media Clintonite. I find her existence vaguely fascinating because while the talent pool of worthless right wing liberal writers is quite shallow in Britain and all kinds of non-entities can hold down a gig at the Guardian or the New Statesman, the US has shitloads of worthless right wing liberal writers and some of them are very clever. There are dedicated Clinton boosters who are skilled and sophisticated purveyors of neoliberal lies, yet somehow Marcotte makes a living. This is a clear case of market failure.

The stuff she writes is stupid. Really, really stupid. I don't think that she is though, she tailors her writing at a particular demographic which is receptive of her nonsense.
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