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Urban v's the Commentariat

She's been and gone from here, drawn in by a Firky troll, left in a puff of accusations of misogyny and racism against Urbanites
Yes bimble even the women were misogynists iirc. That went down well with all concerned. especially when it had to be explained to her why boardroom quotas for women are pointless and solve nothing. A fun evening for all.
Yes bimble even the women were misogynists iirc. That went down well with all concerned. especially when it had to be explained to her why boardroom quotas for women are pointless and solve nothing. A fun evening for all.
In fairness she did say something to that effect.

I'm now home making my tea, so I won't be able to raise the black flag of urbanite anarchy over her book tour.

Not as much fun as the time I saw George Galloway speak. Which was nearly a decade ago. Did I mention that I'm very old?
Now we're back on to BDS which she doesn't support she says, even though people say she said it.
how very odd. She's a slippery little anchovy.

"I support people's right to boycott Israeli products and services as a protest against the ongoing occupation of Gaza and the West Bank."
"It means something very different for a British Jew to support a peaceful boycott of Israeli goods than it does for a German of Christian descent to support the same boycott. I understand that.."

But yeah, she never did clearly state where her own avocados come from, or whether she considers herself 'a British Jew". :rolleyes:
how very odd. She's a slippery little anchovy.

"I support people's right to boycott Israeli products and services as a protest against the ongoing occupation of Gaza and the West Bank."
"It means something very different for a British Jew to support a peaceful boycott of Israeli goods than it does for a German of Christian descent to support the same boycott. I understand that.."

But yeah, she never did clearly state where her own avocados come from, or whether she considers herself 'a British Jew". :rolleyes:
Mmmmm, anchovies.
I don't want to play that game, never mind. It may just be personal due to my experiences that I felt that way when I read her calling a Jewish joke antisemitic bullying. If that's the worst she's experienced then maybe it was upsetting for her, even though they apologised at the time and seemed like nice kids etc. I got Yids out scrawled on my stuff, called kike Jesus killer and all that for years, so it's all relative I suppose. Whatever.

who on earth by, can't imagine your average schoolkid knowing much from the bible, etc?
who on earth by, can't imagine your average schoolkid knowing much from the bible, etc?
Yeah, that's the magic of schooldays though - I can see now that all it took was this one kid with a following/ high status having antisemitic loons for parents, to turn my experience of being the jew at that institution into something totally weird from the early 20th century. :(
In fairness she did say something to that effect.

I'm now home making my tea, so I won't be able to raise the black flag of urbanite anarchy over her book tour.

Not as much fun as the time I saw George Galloway speak. Which was nearly a decade ago. Did I mention that I'm very old?

I saw Galloway speak only a few years ago and it was shit, even our Laurie could top that.
It's the system where you write your question on a slip of paper and then submit it. That's a SWP thing anyway.
Not a bad system if used correctly.
It stops you calling 6 people in a row who all want to make basically the same point.
Also if someone is asking a particular question and someone elses point will basically answer it you can call them in the correct order.
Of course it can be used to control the discussion and make sure certain questions don't get asked. But I struggle to think of a better way to handle big meetings.
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