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Urban v's the Commentariat

Hit up Glenn Greenwald. He was boasting last month that that he donates money to 'radicals' (Weev lol?). But either he deleted it or I can't find it.

Can you imagine how many soi-disant opsec activists and Occupy Tea Tent type nutters would have been jumping on that faster than blue tits on a fat ball?
Most racist essay competition?

View attachment 62239


I'm referring to the city, where I believe some relatively ordinary and even non-racist people still live, as opposed to the bastion of class and other privilege which is the university (and which LP chooses still to actively benefit from, as distinct to simply benefiting from as an Oxford graduate) obviously...

Edited to clarify (potentially) confusing use of brackets
Far far too many varieties and use of brackets in that post.

Yeah, sorry about that. I hope it's better now.

In mitigation, I will simply say that I haven't had the benefit of a proper Oxford education and then post-graduate studies in journalism at Harvard like what some people have
No use of {} though, so not the fullbracketdiversityrainbow.
First they came for the brackets....

I chose [] rather than {} or <> because they can be rendered without use of the shift key, so are particularly well suited to my one fingered typing style.

What's your point caller?
What's your point caller?

Wait, what? I need to have a point? :hmm:
Discrimination. Period.

No points, no periods, just FULL STOPS
Wait, what? I need to have a point? :hmm:
Discrimination. Period.

I can see that I've inadvertently strayed into the vexed area of orthographic correctness :eek:

Maybe this subject needs a whole thread to itself where we can discuss what is and isn't acceptable in this context, and who are the orthographically privileged who need to learn to be good allies and step up, or back whatever it is, instead of engaging in punctuation-plaining.

Can I leave you to start it though?

I'm referring to the city, where I believe some relatively ordinary and even non-racist people still live, as opposed to the bastion of class and other privilege which is the university (and which LP chooses still to actively benefit from, as distinct to simply benefiting from as an Oxford graduate) obviously...

Edited to clarify (potentially) confusing use of brackets
Oxford is more town than gown, in my experience. But the university has a huge influence and brand.
If our Laurie is marking those essays then at least we know that Oxford is moving in the right direction, employing a white, upper-middle-class privately educated Oxford graduate currently studying at Harvard with an "ethical personal brand" is the first step towards eliminating all traces of colonialism, privilege and racism at your institution.
If our Laurie is marking those essays then at least we know that Oxford is moving in the right direction, employing a white, upper-middle-class privately educated Oxford graduate currently studying at Harvard with an "ethical personal brand" is the first step towards eliminating all traces of colonialism, privilege and racism at your institution.
What is a personal brand though, seriously?
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