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Urban v's the Commentariat

A form to fill in???? Surely it is possible to find other ways of communicating enthusiastic consent without feeling like ur applying for housing benefit. Idgi. These ppl r bonkers. And I'm saying that as someone who has been sectioned 6 times
There is - agreeing that "yes" means "yes" but will always be trumped by "no" by either party at any point - end of story.
MOTE="Greebo, post: 13452129, member: 2834"]There is - agreeing that "yes" means "yes" but will always be trumped by "no" by either party at any point - end of story.[/QUOTE]
Nah, too clearcut & sensible for them. They need to strangle all possible enjoyment out if it with red tape & complicated forms
[QUOTE="Greebo, post: 13452154, member: 283suppose retaining a modicum of social awareness would be far too much like hard work.[/QUOTE]
Also they r assuming everyone can read and write. And I expect the forms r in english. Or is it gonna b like when u get arrested & ur offered a leaflet in various languages and an interpreter?
Nah, too clearcut & sensible for them. They need to strangle all possible enjoyment out if it with red tape & complicated forms
I think it's just confused, insecure people trying to find their way and getting it very wrong. When my mates came out with stuff like this when we were younger they were just laughed at by our peer group. These people for some reason have an international stage to make fools of themselves on.
A form to fill in???? Surely it is possible to find other ways of communicating enthusiastic consent without feeling like ur applying for housing benefit. Idgi. These ppl r bonkers. And I'm saying that as someone who has been sectioned 6 times

Maybe they get really excited about bureaucracy and it's their way of getting other people involved in their fetish?
Not least because of actual, real life #fedoramen descending on municipalities across Missouri to hatsplain to local Black youth how best they should protest against fatal shootings by police officers.
I must say I found the # a little confusing - has anyone written a comical precis of his activities you could link us up with?
He is taken seriously by lp & her ilk cos he is their class. He's seen as a maverick, many comments about him being "funny", witty, charismatic. Politics r less impt than being a personality. Not that he seems to have one that I'd find appealing, but I can completely see why he appeals to that lot.

Because, like them, he's just another controversialist making coin from being a controversialist.
Did a bit of research with regard to the type of prison mr weev did time in. Prisons that give the sort of concessions he experienced are the equivalent of a British "open" prison: A "county jail" or state "honor farm" - the least scary option used for offenders with offences considered too piddling to require a state or federal penitentiary. The big tough white supremacist would have been filleted and eaten raw in any other part of the system.
And the silly complacent belief that once having been granted free speech, the far right will simply condemn themselves out of their own mouths, and nothing more need be done.

Because, of course, they're all too stupid to couch their message in quasi-academic terminology, and (ab)use knowledge in order to make their message appear more acceptable to a wider range of people.
Truly, the world is full of people who deserve to be members of Unite Against Fascism.
i think it's an internet thing about people wearing fedoras being mens-rightists, anarchocapitalists or generally unpleasant people.

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