Respect my existence or expect my resistance
How to make shampoo from woodash - new quicker recipe!Next week in the New Statesman - how to do your nails like a glamorous Ukrainian right-wing paramilitary!
How to make shampoo from woodash - new quicker recipe!Next week in the New Statesman - how to do your nails like a glamorous Ukrainian right-wing paramilitary!
the octopus metaphor is often well dodgy. sorry.
I'm also waiting for Crabapple to tweet 'ten top tips to avoid chipping your nails whilst fighting the fash'.
What would Jimmy Savile have said?
Shouldn't that be whilst respecting the fash's autonomy and agency?
I'm also waiting for Crabapple to tweet 'ten top tips to avoid chipping your nails whilst fighting the fash'.
i was looking at klitchko the other day thinking 'aren't you supposed to be an actual giant?' but it turns out I was looking at the wrong kiltch.
The Occupy Wall Street imbecile is on form.
If you want progress, stand with the true progressives, which are tech workers.
When protesters hurled a brick at a Google Bus back in December, it was the shot heard around the world.
It's happening.Punch a google glass wearer in the face
Slocum (google glass rage victim) herself has called the incident a hate crime, regardless of the fact that the legal definition of a hate crime does not mention Google Glass wearer or tech worker.
Punch a google glass wearer in the face
deffo the best one imo
'Three weeks from now, I will be mercilessly cashing in on other people's genuine principles. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so. Hold the party line! Stay with me! If you find yourself on Twitter, tweeting insults and smears at anyone who dares to disagree with you or point out your unprincipled, narcissistic hypocrisy, do not be troubled. For you are one of the Twatterati, and you're already a pointless waste of time, space and oxygen!'
Brothers, what we do in life... echoes in eternity.
or in your browser history
Punch a google glass wearer in the face
why stop there?Punch a google glass wearer in the face
Mine is constantly gleaming then, given how often it gets wiped.The browser history is the TRUE window to the soul...
Mine is constantly gleaming then, given how often it gets wiped.
It's true - 150 years ago people were being beaten up in pubs for those fancy fob watches.