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Ukraine: Unsubstantiated rumours and speculation

"Ukraine is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space” Putin said. That’s what this is all about, “spiritual space” — a terrifying phrase steeped in over a thousand years of Russian religious history.

Rev Giles Fraser argues that Putin is driven by a particular Russian Orthodox religious fanaticism that people in the west tend not to comprehend. Admit I'd always assumed that Putin's religiosity was a convenient cloak for his realpolitik, and that Kirill was just another corrupt spiritual leader on the make. Fraser produces lots of reasons why I should doubt my assumption. An interesting read, and apologies for linking to the unsheeple people.

putin in icy water.png

Photo caption: Russia's Vladimir Putin crosses himself while bathing in the icy water in -4 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures during an Epiphany celebration near Moscow, Jan. 19, 2021. Water that is blessed by a cleric on Epiphany is believed to have special powers of protection and healing. (Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

GoogleTrans: The Russians entered the elevator to cover the area from the roof of the office building, and the Ukrainians turned off their power ... LOL

Why take a lift, I would of go up stairs would of been better, because they would of know about electricity would as it would of know also how easily it would shut off just bizarre?
The Star would definitely be my first choice for a conduit for any intelligence leaks of global significance I felt needed to get out into the world if even I, as a respected and experienced beltway insider, was having trouble getting said explosive revelations properly addressed through normal channels within the Company.

That said, I think the tip about the return of the Weather Underground might have confused them.
Is it ok to post twitter posts? If not I'll edit it out.

"Last night, an alleged FSB whistle-blower letter was published that damned Russia's military performance in Ukraine and predicted a disaster for the RU in the next weeks and months. I wasn't sure if it was authentic - as Ukraine had previously leaked fake FSB letters as psy-ops.
This letter appeared different though: it came via a reputable source (founder of http://gulagu.net), and it was way longer than a forger would choose to make it (the longer the text, the more risk of making an error).
I showed the letter to two actual (current or former) FSB contacts, and they had no doubt it was written by a colleague. They didn't agree with all of his conclusions, but that's a different story. Here's the text, worth reading: www.facebook.com/vladimir.osechkin/posts/4811633942268327 " (chrome translated it from the Russian, perhaps someone who can actually read Russian should read it tho)

in short (and this is a short and probably shite summary due to reading it via Google's autotranslate), the fsb wrote a 'yeah, if we do have to invade Ukraine it will go great' report, thinking it was a 'covering all eventualities' thing, they're getting a load of shit for the reality of the situation not being like the report. They think because of the war fucking up wheat production in Western Russia and Ukraine, combined with logistics issues, there's going to be a catastrophic famine. Russia's economy is absolutely fucked 'worse than the hungry '90s'. Militarily it's like the Russia-Japanese war in the early 1900s, in that they've clearly fucked it, but are carrying on not to lose face (they can't hold Ukraine because Russia is absolutely hated there, and they've not got anyone suitable to be a puppet leader, let alone the man power to hold it). There's a chance that a low yeld nuclear weapon will be used as a sabre rattling, back the fuck off, thing. There's very little chance of all out nuclear war, because of at least one person in the chain of people such a command would have to go through not carrying it out, and also because there's questions about whether they actually work anymore.

It's ultimately impossible to work out the providence of it, but it's interesting.
eta people in the comments are suggesting that at very least the wheat/famine thing is incorrect, which casts doubt on the rest of it.
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The whole thing is fake, there's nothing going on in Ukarine at all.
Also the Russians are getting rid of the evil biolabs and moneylaundering operations installed in Ukraine by the New world order satanist rothschilds and the Democrats.

Pretty good article on how QAnon world is reacting.
The longish video of three captured Russian gendarmes at an ersatz press conference is rather interesting.

Featured in it are three men presented as Russian prisoners of war - Lt-Col Astakhov Dmitriy Mikhailovich (SOBR); Spiridinov Yevgeniy Viktorivich, an 'inspection officer at information and documentation group' from Novokuznetsk (OMON); and 'brigadier-chef de police' Plotnikov Yevgeniy Vitalyevich, also from Novokuznetsk (OMON). They speak in Russian, from behind a table, in front of a small audience of presumed journalists who sometimes ask questions. The video has English subtitles.

47 year old Mikhailovich, the oldest of the group, took the lead in speaking, whilst Viktorivich added some stuff, and the youngest, Vitalyevich, didn't say much at all.

The gist was that their police units had been on exercises - "drills" - in Belarus during February.

They were manoeuvred about by their commanders for a while, going from place to place, then on 24th February told they were to go to Kyiv in support of the army for riot control per order of 'the supreme high commander' Putin. As in, order read out, now get in your vehicles and drive.

Viktorivich said they were ordered to "supply support [to Russian armed forces] in capturing capital" Kyiv.

Mikhailovich described it as disorientating, as they had not been prepared for this, and were given no time to process it.

Viktorivich said they were told that they would be using "physical coercion" against Ukrainian civilians, and also that they were told they would be forming firing squads to maintain order:

After capturing capital we allegedly had to

by all means to stop any wrongdoing

of Ukraine's civilians

including arrests, physical coercion

execution by firing squad

Some very interesting perspectives are presented. They describe the permeation in Russian civil society in the months preceding of the notion that Ukraine had now come under the yoke of literal Nazis. Vitalyevich said that the seeds of this happened in Summer 2021 (no detail provided).

Mikhailovich said that very quickly they realised that things in Ukraine were different to the way that had been presented to them in Russia. He reflected that his grandfather had fought against Nazi invaders, but that "I am here like a death-squad member", perhaps alluding to the German Reserve Police Battalions and Einsatzgruppen who swept through Ukraine in 1941-1943 systematically murdering civilians.

Caveats apply, etc.

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The whole thing is fake, there's nothing going on in Ukarine at all.
Also the Russians are getting rid of the evil biolabs and moneylaundering operations installed in Ukraine by the New world order satanist rothschilds and the Democrats.

Pretty good article on how QAnon world is reacting.
Youd have thought they'd see Ukraine's alleged Nazi overlords as a good thing?
An acquaintance of mine who's a medical doctor (this is the thread for this, yes?) is sure that Putin has late stage syphilis. I am not sure how she knows this but she seems pretty sure.
Rev Giles Fraser argues that Putin is driven by a particular Russian Orthodox religious fanaticism that people in the west tend not to comprehend. Admit I'd always assumed that Putin's religiosity was a convenient cloak for his realpolitik, and that Kirill was just another corrupt spiritual leader on the make. Fraser produces lots of reasons why I should doubt my assumption. An interesting read, and apologies for linking to the unsheeple people.

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Photo caption: Russia's Vladimir Putin crosses himself while bathing in the icy water in -4 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures during an Epiphany celebration near Moscow, Jan. 19, 2021. Water that is blessed by a cleric on Epiphany is believed to have special powers of protection and healing. (Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

He's about as "spiritual" as Constantine was.
An acquaintance of mine who's a medical doctor (this is the thread for this, yes?) is sure that Putin has late stage syphilis. I am not sure how she knows this but she seems pretty sure.

Late stage syphilis is a classic thing that armchair experts insist famous people have, usually with a bit of hand-waving at vague or symptoms or someone they might have contracted it from. But it's always either unverifiable or it transpires that they didn't in fact have it. Lenin, Hitler, Benjamin Britten etc.

Anyway there's a thread for this sort of thing:

Late stage syphilis is a classic thing that armchair experts insist famous people have, usually with a bit of hand-waving at vague or symptoms or someone they might have contracted it from. But it's always either unverifiable or it transpires that they didn't in fact have it. Lenin, Hitler, Benjamin Britten etc.

Anyway there's a thread for this sort of thing:

I wouldn't even have bothered mentioning it if she wasn't a doctor specialising in that sort of thing. In this thread. About speculation.
I wouldn't even have bothered mentioning it if she wasn't a doctor specialising in that sort of thing. In this thread. About speculation.

whoops sorry, wrong thread - this is the made up shit off twitter thread. Difficult to tell the difference sometimes.

but yeah, it's always doctors specializing in things that make these remote diagnoses, I guess it's easy to do.
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