He should've listened to George Carlin on Religion and God
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"....becoming psychotic...
Dos'nt the bible also condones buying and selling slaves ? wonder what UKIP loonspud's views are on that ?
Isn't there quite alot of stuff about migration in it as well?
Surely this can't be true. . .
Can so many people be such twats?
The country is fucked.
but another poll recently showed that based on policy, greens are the most popular. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE.Surely this can't be true. . .
Can so many people be such twats?
The country is fucked.
Surely this can't be true. . .
Can so many people be such twats?
The country is fucked.
Kinell! - Mr cash-4-questions has been dug up!The indefensible defends the undefendable.......
I think you're right.
I think UKIP are a good example of a political movement that can be described as neither "left-wing" nor "right-wing."
Nigel Farage has disowned his party's 2010 election manifesto after he was asked whether the UK Independence party still wanted to bring in a flat tax, introduce a dress code for taxi drivers, regularly deploy armed forces on the street and repaint trains in traditional colours.
The Ukip leader said all of the party's policies were under review and he would not commit to new ones until after the European elections in May this year.
"I don't defend the 2010 manifesto, I didn't put it together. But it will be similar in flavour [in 2015]," he said.
UkipWeather @UkipWeather Jan 20
A band of animosity is moving steadily across Sevenoaks after a laptop was spotted on James Turner Street #benefitsstreet
Wonder how David Silvester explained the great storms/hurricanes of late '80s when Thatcher was still at the helm and clause 28 was making the govt disapproval of queer lifestyles clear?
fixed for youThe Graun has a list of policies from the 2010 manifesto.
IIRC there was also one that required cyclists to dismount on busy roads and walk along the pavement so as not to hold up those of us with big important cars going to big important places. Fuck that with a shitty stick.
Ukip's supporters look more like Old Labour than True Blue Tories. Ukip's supporters tend to be blue-collar, older, struggling economically, and often live in poorer, urban areas, with big pools of support in the Labour heartlands of the North. Middle-class suburbanites do not dominate Ukip. They shy away from it.
It is certainly true that new recruits to Ukip are more likely to have voted for the Conservatives in 2010 than any other party.
Polling suggests that Lab must have won back 2010 'leakage' to UKIP, but I seriously doubt that the tories will.