I'm not even at the bit where he puts that boot in. Still raging at the child labour bits, something I'd never considered of the practise 'monotony is especially cruel to a child'. The 'obvious when you are informed' sort of fact. That and a 7 year old running down to mill with his piece of bread, bawling cos he's late for work. Work! Its one thing to learn about these practises when you are a child, in school. Another when you read them as grown up and the fires of hatred for Them are stoked hot once more.EPT is great and all, but. . .
He relies on Freudian dream analysis for his taking of the stick to the Methodism, and since that particular paradigm is not one taken seriously by anyone serious today. . .
"This is where I saw the Leperachaun. He tells me to burn things".I'm not even at the bit where he puts that boot in. Still raging at the child labour bits, something I'd never considered of the practise 'monotony is especially cruel to a child'. The 'obvious when you are informed' sort of fact. That and a 7 year old running down to mill with his piece of bread, bawling cos he's late for work. Work! Its one thing to learn about these practises when you are a child, in school. Another when you read them as grown up and the fires of hatred for Them are stoked hot once more.
I learnt a great word today: preterition (see also Apophasis).
Oh, because I'm stupid. Haven't you heard?
All of us who voted remain, who wanted to keep this country out of isolation are....
What business is Brexit for an Irish man?
LOL. Because I called you out on your racism against Irish people on the other thread; you've decided to resurrect this old thread?
Are you actually British then? What has Brexit to do with you?
Fuck off you racist bellend.
What business is Brexit to an Irish man? Nobody is saying Ireland has to leave the union now are they?
So, only British people should have a say on it? All the others who live and work in your country should keep quiet about it?
Racist clown.
c4uOh, so despite your bleating you won't even live in Ireland?
Oh, so despite your bleating you don't even live in Ireland?
Do you?
And again, should only British people should have a say on it? All the others who live and work in your country should keep quiet about it?
Do you still work in the media?
Do you?
And again, should only British people should have a say on it? All the others who live and work in your country should keep quiet about it?
So, let me get this straight. Elsewhere, you, a British person, are telling Irish people that they should support a murderous terrorist group because they "liberated" Ireland. But here, you're telling an Irish person (and presumably all other non British folk who live and work in the UK) that they shouldn't have a vote/a say in the politics of the country they are in?
Are you actually going to answer any of the questions posed or are you going to clog up pages for your own amusement? That's the real reason you resurrected this thread, isn't it?
Iirc only British people and those from commonwealth countries could vote.
Not my rules.
I didn't write the Brexit rules did I?
That's not answering the question, though, is it?
Is Ireland a commonwealth country?
Are you going to answer the questions posed or continue to troll?
What questions?
the questions the questions are you going to answer the fucking questions?What questions?
Are you going to answer the questions posed or continue to troll?
I've said who I believe was permitted to vote In the EU referendum. Were there any other questions?
your new taglineIdealism, naivety, denial
You seem to believe I shouldn't have the right to vote in this country because I'm Irish. You infer that it's nothing to do with me because of my nationality. You refuse to say whether you're British or not. You won't say why you've resurrected this particular thread. On another thread you're saying Irish people should support the IRA. You're kind of all over the shop.
I am trolling you and getting my rocks off. tee hee.