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UK Votes to Leave EU

Ah, of course. They're talking it up to scare people aren't they?
Maybe. Or maybe it's because the actual outcome looks more and more like a conservative one. It's also only an aggregate/average measure. That can be calm but losing a third of your share price is something more to crow about.
Most of the big financials would aim to be well square in the build up to the referendum and wait it out.the volatility is uncertainty and uncertainty generates throughput business for them.
I wouldn't put money on Art 50 being invoked myself - Germany is playing the long game here ( as ever) - how that in but out scenario would be sold to the electorate would be a *challenging* task for whatever sleek young double firster takes it on board
I'm not sure what will provoke bigger rage.

either a) the referendum result being set aside by metropolitan, well educated liberals like Lammy and Heseltine in parliament or b) going ahead with pressing the Article 50 button and it slowly dawning on the far-right sections of the Leave campaign that all that's happened is that we are still firmly in the EU's orbit, only on worse terms, that no one is being sent home, that immigration will not stop, the effects of globalisation cannot be opted out of, the NHS will get the EU money is demagoghic bullshit, and there is no time machine invented yet that will take us all back to 1954.
I'm not sure what will provoke bigger rage.

either a) the referendum result being set aside by metropolitan, well educated liberals like Lammy and Heseltine in parliament or b) going ahead with pressing the Article 50 button and it slowly dawning on the far-right sections of the Leave campaign that all that's happened is that we are still firmly in the EU's orbit, only on worse terms, that no one is being sent home, that immigration will not stop, the effects of globalisation cannot be opted out of, and there is no time machine invented yet that will take us all back to 1954.
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.
Predictable response from L. Penny. Anything these people hate is alright by me. I mean, Jesus:

"a day when prejudice, propaganda, naked xenophobia and callous fear-mongering have won out over the common sense we British like to pride ourselves on."

I want my country back
Predictable response from L. Penny. Anything these people hate is alright by me. I mean, Jesus:

"a day when prejudice, propaganda, naked xenophobia and callous fear-mongering have won out over the common sense we British like to pride ourselves on."

I want my country back
Sinn Fein was making secession noises

no they weren't. Re unification not secession.

Highlights from Wiki

Another 1985 internal memo released in December 2015 showed Letwin's response to the Broadwater Farm riot, which blamed the violence on the "bad moral attitudes" of the predominantly Afro-Caribbean rioters, claiming that "lower-class, unemployed white people lived for years without a breakdown of public order on anything like the present scale".

Speaking to consultancy firm KPMG on 27 July 2011, Letwin caused controversy after stating that you cannot have "innovation and excellence" without "real discipline and some fear on the part of the providers" in the public sector. This was widely reported, with The Guardian headline stating Letwin says 'public sector workers need "discipline and fear"'.[30]

In October 2011 the Daily Mirror reported a story that Letwin had thrown away more than 100 secret government documents in public bins in St. James's Park, with no real care to dispose of them properly.[31][32] Enquiries made by the Information Commissioner's Office found that Letwin did not dispose of any government documents; they were in fact his constituents' personal and confidential letters to him and did breach data protection rules.[33] Letwin later apologised for his actions.
I know, it was just the first objectionable line in the article

Hardly. It comes after this for a start: " I woke up in a country I do not recognize."

She also went to bed in a country that she doesn't recognize. She wouldn't recognize the country if it bit her in the bum.
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