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UK Votes to Leave EU

I'm not here to do anyone favours, doc.

EG: something really upsetting happens - where do you go to talk about it?

URBAN75. Seriously; where else is there?
Yeah and that's well and good just think you should wind it in with all the thick and racist stuff as that's part of the reason this result has come about in the first place.
She's right though. In the proud history of the market, share price collapse is about half an inch away from 'restructuring' and job losses, not that there were any jobs in the conventional sense to begin with.

The Market shits itself if someone so much as sneezes in the wrong direction. Has the UK work force, those from the rest of the world working here included, suddenly become useless. Does no one have the means or desire to buy anything from now on.
I'm fucked of with all this nonscence about a leave vote being a racist vote. As far as I may concerned voting to remain was more racist. The idea that the EU is somehow pro-imigrant and anti-racist is so ridiculous it's almost funny. This would be the same EU that did nothing to stop France blocking the UK aid convey from entering. The EU that is mostly in favor of allowing the free movement of (mainly white) Europeans. But is bitterly opposed to allow brown people into the EU, and will happily leave them to drown in the Mediterranean.
The Market shits itself if someone so much as sneezes in the wrong direction. Has the UK work force, those from the rest of the world working here included, suddenly become useless.
Completely useless, but nothing sudden about it.

Over a very long time, the nation put all its stock in services, primarily financial ones, and then decided to massively destabilise capital. So it shouldn't come as a fucking great surprise that it has a negative outcome for everyone.
If Cameron had attempted to hold his piss in for the entire campaign, we may have been treated to a very different spectacle.
No, you have been accusing me of being a racist pretty much from the beginning. Sniveling little cunt.

You dumb fuck. You used the term "non white".

I rightly called you out on it & you told me to kill myself.

I've cornered you, you brave little man & you call me a snivelling cunt?

The problem is that the debate has been dominated about immigration.

My daughters are worried about some of their school friends being kicked out of the country.

I am concerned about the racist nutters who will hijack this result and use it to justify their hate. Not just organised groups but fucked up individuals who accuse people like me of being foreigners ( even though I was born here 50 years ago), of poncing their benefits (even though I have have worked since the age of 18), of being anti white (even though my partner is white) of stealing their jobs (even though I do a job they'd never do for the pay).

I would as a TA in a special needs school with violent and aggressive kids who are badly damaged by life. I get £250 per week take home and a shit pension for being physically and verbally abused everyday ( I currently have a broken arm from work and am still going in each day) yet have no idea if I will still have a job in a few months because of what may happen.

My eldest daughter has gone to do an A Level this morning in tears cos of her fears for her friends.

I ain't a middle class twat, I ain't superior ... but I am worried and gutted.

Have no idea what to say to my kids. ..seriously...any kind ideas would be helpful.

And the dick wavers on this thread (on both sides) should wind their necks in and show some respect
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