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UK Votes to Leave EU

A general election shortly then. Boris Johnson will be the Prime Minister, Trump will become the President and we might as well all turn our faces to the wall.
I think he's voicing disappointment that the bigots crawled out of the woodwork last night in a country that he loved and I guess nobody knew just how many were here. At least it's a good litmus test of how fucked up this country is and those with options are already looking at how the fuck we can get out of here.

You voted for NIGEL FARAGE. What's wrong with you. Seriously.

Does this have to be said again. If the likes of SI voted Farage, the remainers voted for David Cameron and the IMF.
In the run up to this I've seen a couple of people, here and elsewhere, say they had solid left wing reasons for voting leave?

Could anybody tell me what they are please? I could do with some cheering up.

There is a decent thread on it 'Leavers on the Left'.
A general election shortly then. Boris Johnson will be the Prime Minister, Trump will become the President and we might as well all turn our faces to the wall.

Do you still not get it? Look at the bottom of the screen on BBC whilst pig-fucker announces his departure, look at the areas voting out. Then look at who is voting for Trump. Ask yourself why.
In the run up to this I've seen a couple of people, here and elsewhere, say they had solid left wing reasons for voting leave?

Could anybody tell me what they are please? I could do with some cheering up.

There's about 320 pages talking about that. Does no one read new posts any more. ;)
You dumb fuck. You used the term "non white".

I rightly called you out on it & you told me to kill myself.

I've cornered you, you brave little man & you call me a snivelling cunt?


Nope. The term has been used by my partner in talking about things such as this, immigration etc, in more narrower terms of officialdom. I genuinely didn't see it as a problem when using it here. You've seized on me using it as evidence that I am a racist, but you weren't even aware that I was in such a relationship when you started making out that I am a racist. I fully agree with Rutita1's point and see it in a different way. You are a sniveling little cunt, sure. Enjoy the victory.
And leaving southern European countries to deal with asylum entirely on their own would be somehow better? The idealist logic of the Brexiteer, unhindered by reality.
What would have been better yet would have been for this country not to play a part in fucking over Libya in the first place
Article 50 is the start of the official process for exiting the EU, giving a maximum negotiating period of two years.

Exactly when to trigger it is going to be an important issue for the PM (even if not for most of the people in Britain)
Haha i know that, I'm just worried about this is going to unfold.
My main objection is it's same old tired fantasy land bullshit. Merrily wasting people's time.
well if ever there was a time we need to get shit together it's now, because if Boris becomes PM (assuming that's a given - who else has put their hat into the ring?) then we're fucked.
Nope. The term has been used by my partner in talking about things such as this, immigration etc, in more narrower terms of officialdom. I genuinely didn't see it as a problem when using it here. You've seized on me using it as evidence that I am a racist, but you weren't even aware that I was in such a relationship when you started making out that I am a racist. I fully agree with Rutita1's point and see it in a different way. You are a sniveling little cunt, sure. Enjoy the victory.

Anyone who uses that term is an ignorant little prat, at the very least.

And telling me to kill myself because your ignorance has been hilighted is weak.

Do it again. Be brave and say it out loud - TELL ME TO KILL MYSELF AGAIN. No weasel words.

Seventh "bullet". Weak little macho man.
A general election shortly then. Boris Johnson will be the Prime Minister, Trump will become the President and we might as well all turn our faces to the wall.

Right now they aren't planning a general election, just for the tories to announce a new leader at their conference in October.
Anyone who uses that term is an ignorant little prat, at the very least.

And telling me to kill myself because your ignorance has been hilighted is weak.

Do it again. Be brave and say it out loud - TELL ME TO KILL MYSELF AGAIN. No weasel words.

Seventh "bullet". Weak little macho man.

You started making out that I am a racist before you even knew about my personal life. Cunt.
I'm fucked of with all this nonscence about a leave vote being a racist vote. As far as I may concerned voting to remain was more racist. The idea that the EU is somehow pro-imigrant and anti-racist is so ridiculous it's almost funny. This would be the same EU that did nothing to stop France blocking the UK aid convey from entering. The EU that is mostly in favor of allowing the free movement of (mainly white) Europeans. But is bitterly opposed to allow brown people into the EU, and will happily leave them to drown in the Mediterranean.

This is a total fallacy, there is massive legal immigration to Europe. Western Europe is one of the most racially mixed parts of the world, mostly legal with hundreds of thousands of people legally arriving and many of them staying for good
The illegal immigration and the massive refugee/people smuggling crisis in the Med is a failure of the EU, but the main reason that it is such a disaster is because there are literally millions of people trying to get in by washing up on a beach, not because Europe doesn't like brown people
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