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U75's albums of the year 2007


Radiohead - In Rainbows


A long way ahead of Burial. This is the sound of a successful band doing exactly as they please. Another GREAT Radiohead record.
bluestreak said:
Radiohead - In Rainbows


A long way ahead of Burial. This is the sound of a successful band doing exactly as they please. Another GREAT Radiohead record.

Easily takes it, the best album of the year by a fucking long way. Radiohead really are the best band in the world.
bluestreak said:
Jeffrey Lewis - 12 Crass Songs


This was my album of the year. Jeff Lewis is a genuine genius and what I love about this is that it made me (and therefore I assume others) listen to Crass in a whole new way. Go and get it, listen to it, love it.

My album of the year too :cool:

Can't believe I forgot AF released 'Neon Bilble' this year ...! :eek: :eek:

Just shows it's lack of impact on me compared to their earlier work I guess ...
The_Reverend_M said:
My album of the year too :cool:

Can't believe I forgot AF released 'Neon Bilble' this year ...! :eek: :eek:

Just shows it's lack of impact on me compared to their earlier work I guess ...

Biggest disappointment of the year, in my opinion. I mean the Broken Family Band album wasn't as classic as the others, there were other small disappointments, but Neon Bible was SUCH a shame after Funeral :(
beesonthewhatnow said:
soulseek is your friend in this kind of situation.
I've been wondering where to get some leads on new music for a while now.
Downloading a few bits and pieces now.
Verdicts so far;
Tinariwen are sounding very cool, Rachel Unthank seems worth a listen (although I know a few friends locally who's voices i prefer)
Animal collective- yep, definitely.

ta for the heads up ;)
So, the top three consists of an album that wasn't as good as the bands first, something arse achingly dull, and fucking Radiohead.

And Bjork didn't even make the top 10.

Fucks sake :(
beesonthewhatnow said:
So, the top three consists of an album that wasn't as good as the bands first, something arse achingly dull, and fucking Radiohead.

Agree, apart from Burial..
Blimey, my top 10 ain't done that good. Never mind, keeps me believing. Thanx bluey, you've poked my memory that i never got around to listening to Volta (lazy) and lost my Rocketman (dur). Well disappointed, but maybe not surprised, that Siouxsie's album didn't make it at all, can i tempt you with bribes next year? :)
Right! I'm going to use the power of reason and argument to PROVE that in rainbows deserved to win.


Fuck that, fuck 'opinion' - it's a great album. Their best, maybe.
Well, can't say I'm suprised Radiohead romped it. But clearly I've missed out on a few gems out there, I've hardly brought or listened to many albums this year.

I'm going to be using these results to catch up on all the wonderful music I've missed out on in 2007.

Except The Enemy. The Enemy can fuck off. :)
Orang Utan said:
Not heard on these yet - I wish there was some way of listening to these before I buy them, cos I bought a couple of things on the strength of last year's list and was very disappointed

That'll learn you for being so completely opposed to downloading ;) :p
Orang Utan said:
Nowt wrong with downloading if you intend to buy afterwards!

You say that, but have you ever actually dipped your fingers in the murky downloading waters?

I seem to remember you thinking that downloaded TV shows were all really crap pictures, rather than the DVD-quality they tend to be..
mods - any chance of an edited version of this thread featuring the Top 30 run down without commentary? All locked like for reference purposes ... :)
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