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Two arrested for murder after hunt supporter's death

I can't in this case.

Im not asserting all sabs are violent, and I wouldnt want anyone to assert all hunters/supporters are violent. But its not a massive leap of the imagination to think that some activists involved in animal rights are willing to engage in violence and intimidation is it?

hunters have somehting to hide/protect, and thats why they so often use violence against sabs.
sabs never go to a hunt to get in to a fight, they go there to prevent foxes (or hares, whatever) being killed.
but on that common occurance of being attacked by the inbred farm hands, some sabs will defend themselves, whether that be to push someone away, or hit them to get them off another sab.
if you really think sabs go out with the intention of getting in to fights with hunters and their lackeys, then you really need to do a little more research.
Ive got no axe to grind with sabs or hunters.
Both seem like silly hobbies to me, but each to their own.

and theres where you fall flat on your face, thinking someone who doesnt want to see needless death, is only doing it as a hobby.
come back when you really understand what all this is about.
To Sabs:

Why do you almost exclusively target horseback riders and never the trappers and wounders (leg hits, snares and ferreters) who almost always kill uncleanly? I believe that you often are "toff-haters" rather than animal lovers.

Why am I wrong?

its far easier to find 100 twats on horses than it is 3 guys hiding in a wood or hedgerow.
i cant beleive you had to ask that question!

well, hopefully, when people like you understand why people are strongly opposed to hunting in all its forms, youll undrestand "toff" haters doesnt come in to the equation and we'll be taken seriously.

on the horse and hound forum, theres claims of "sabs throwing amonia in hounds and horses eyes", " sabs killing hounds". these people are totally delusional. whilst sat in a police cell, some twat of a cop said to me " ive seen your lot whip horses with barbed wire". why do they make up this shit?
doh, stupid question, its the inbreeding :)
I'm no sab and have never been involved in such activities, but perhaps due to their visible and high profile, it's a lot easier to identify, find, follow and target horseback riders than others?

and plus hunts (used to?) advertise their meets in horse and hound, and also, some sabs managed to get hold of meet cards through disgruntled ex-employees of hunts ;)
well, hopefully, when people like you understand why people are strongly opposed to hunting in all its forms, youll undrestand "toff" haters doesnt come in to the equation .....

Again, I don't believe you. Last time this subject was done here many anti-hunt types admitted as much.
on the horse and hound forum, theres claims of "sabs throwing amonia in hounds and horses eyes", " sabs killing hounds". these people are totally delusional. whilst sat in a police cell, some twat of a cop said to me " ive seen your lot whip horses with barbed wire".

I do believe them.

Animal rights violence is legendary. I think you're lying.

and theres where you fall flat on your face, thinking someone who doesnt want to see needless death, is only doing it as a hobby.
come back when you really understand what all this is about.

They would argue its not needless death, its disposing of vermin.

Perhaps I do actually have a clue and am not blinded by dogma. Or foxma.
They would argue its not needless death, its disposing of vermin.

Perhaps I do actually have a clue and am not blinded by dogma. Or foxma.

There are far more effective forms of pest eradication.
Its the cruelty in the name of sport which is utterly galling and inhumane.
Labour got it right when they banned it.
Right, I'd forgotten that doggie is a well-known gay homophobe, and doesn't have any gay friends...

...oh wait...
As if I needed convincing not to bother coming back ... another prick turns up and demonstrates that they haven't changed a bit. :rolleyes:

Did I say longdog was a fucking homophobe? No I didn't. I said he used "homophobically offensive" language. And you can do that even if you're gay.

But hey, why not just base your posts on your fucking prejudices. Cunt.
It isn't homophobic, it's a comment on DB's "drama queen" behaviour, no more homophobic than saying "ooh, get her!" when anyone gets in a tizz over nowt.
Thank you for demonstrating that you haven't got the faintest fucking idea what you're talking about when it comes to homophobically offensive language. If I thought you'd take the slightest bit of fucking notice, I'd explain it to you. But you won't so I'll save my breath.
Fuck it's just a fox. Jesus.

If it were only about a fox, all the issues around hunting would be so very easy to solve.
As it is, there are issues of class, issues of privilege, issues of good behaviour and issues of so-called "tradition" to get past before you even get near the issue of how much sense there is in chasing a 25lb animal with a pack of hounds and dozens of horses.

If foxes were indeed such a devastating rural problem, then good sense dictates spending a few nights a year cleanly despatching them with a .22 rifle, rather than using the labour and resource-intensive local hunt, surely?

But then, fox hunting hasn't been about "good sense" for most of it's history.
As if I needed convincing not to bother coming back ... another prick turns up and demonstrates that they haven't changed a bit. :rolleyes:
You're talking about yourself, I see.
Same old abusive sneering wanker with the same old dislike of contradiction.
Did I say longdog was a fucking homophobe? No I didn't. I said he used "homophobically offensive" language. And you can do that even if you're gay.
Y'see, I don't have much experience of non-homophobes using "homophobically-offensive" language because (surprisingly enough), most non-homophobes don't appear to need or desire to use it. It quite simply doesn't occur to them in the way it does to homophobes, which makes my explanation of longdog's language appear somewhat more accurate than your hysterical little rant.
But hey, why not just base your posts on your fucking prejudices.
I can't, because then I'd be accused of acting like you.
And proud of it, you whining puke-sack.
Thank you for demonstrating that you haven't got the faintest fucking idea what you're talking about when it comes to homophobically offensive language. If I thought you'd take the slightest bit of fucking notice, I'd explain it to you. But you won't so I'll save my breath.

Talk sense and I'll listen, chat your usual load of abusive anile shit and you can fuck right off, you tedious example of the effects of tertiary syphilis.
This thread reminds me so much of the inter-dependence of hunting types and sab types. They feed off each other in my opinion.
That's not at all what I said. You have a habit of putting words into people's mouths Jonti. I can't work out whether you have a perverse nature or very poor comprehension skills.
That's not at all what I said. You have a habit of putting words into people's mouths Jonti. I can't work out whether you have a perverse nature or very poor comprehension skills.

The former rather than the latter, going by many of Jonti's contributions to threads.
This thread reminds me so much of the inter-dependence of hunting types and sab types. They feed off each other in my opinion.

Pretty much.

The hunt ban has laregly deprived two sets of people from their weekend hobby.
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