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Two arrested for murder after hunt supporter's death

"They feed off each other" implies a certain interdependency, no?

And if two things really are interdependent, then it's hard to say one is "better" or "worse" than the other.

Even if it's easy to miss the implication, it's certainly *not* perverse to point it out.
"They feed off each other" implies a certain interdependency, no?

And if two things really are interdependent, then it's hard to say one is "better" or "worse" than the other.

Even if it's easy to miss the implication, it's certainly *not* perverse to point it out.

Interdependency in no way implies equivalency, so hardly "each as bad as the other".

There you are, an implication it isn't easy to miss.
Indeed:- and if folks care to look, you'll see my comment was in scare quotes to indicate it was not quite to be taken as a literal truth.

So not an instance of putting my words into people's mouths, then. Quite the contrary, it is more an instance of Magpie trying to put words into my mouth.

Interdependency in no way implies equivalency, so hardly "each as bad as the other".

There you are, an implication it isn't easy to miss.
They feed off each other implies a mutually supportive relationship.

A relationship in which either side is seen to nourish the other.
They feed off each other implies a mutually supportive relationship.

A relationship in which either side is seen to nourish the other.

You're still implying that equivalency is involved. perhaps, just perhaps, the relationship might be asymmetric, more akin to parasitism perhaps?
As if I needed convincing not to bother coming back ... another prick turns up and demonstrates that they haven't changed a bit. :rolleyes:

Did I say longdog was a fucking homophobe? No I didn't. I said he used "homophobically offensive" language. And you can do that even if you're gay.

But hey, why not just base your posts on your fucking prejudices. Cunt.




Thank you for demonstrating that you haven't got the faintest fucking idea what you're talking about when it comes to homophobically offensive language. If I thought you'd take the slightest bit of fucking notice, I'd explain it to you. But you won't so I'll save my breath.

No.... Come on... bestow upon us your great wisdom and explain using your typically plod attitude why something is so just because you say it is.

Once we have established exactly why 'drama queen' is homophobic language we can address the issue of why one of your favourite words (cunt) is misogynistic and why you think making a comparison between someone you dislike and female genitalia is a valid attitude to reasoned debate.
1. To be torn apart by dogs is a savagery I would not wish on any animal- the law recognises that it is barbarous, so pro-hunters can suck a sweaty sack.

2. Let's face it, nobody likes aristos, so fuck em
1. To be torn apart by dogs is a savagery I would not wish on any animal- the law recognises that it is barbarous, so pro-hunters can suck a sweaty sack.

2. Let's face it, nobody likes aristos, so fuck em

1) I don't think all the foxes in the country are worth seriously injuring one person over.

2) This is really what it's about in the main, imo. Apart from the fact that hunting provides an industry and employment to many rural workers, I couldn't give a toss if a bunch of posho's want to get dressed up and chase furry vermin around the country.
1. To be torn apart by dogs is a savagery I would not wish on any animal- the law recognises that it is barbarous, so pro-hunters can suck a sweaty sack.
Tbh, it does shock me that some people have so little empathy that the horribly violent death of an animal is such "fun" for them.

Be born in another class and get that "fun" in other ways to other animals, and it can be considered evidence for a diagnosis of psychopathy.

(and btw, before anyone who goes shooting for game objects that I'm comparing them with psychopaths; whilst I would never hunt, I can see there's a difference between that and fox hunting with dogs, as long as you actually do something useful with the spoils)
Well they're not mutually exclusive by any means. I don't know how true the second is and I don't really care much about the "control" argument. Far more efficient to shoot them in my opinion.

However, if the "healthier population" argument holds water surely it's preferable to have healthy vermin to unhealthy vermin.
Well the control argument is a spurious one. It's obviously about 'sport' which is why they introduced (disastrously) foxes to Australia.
DotCommunist, I've met aristos who are arrogant twats and those who are sound and do really good stuff. I've also met working-class people who are arrogant twats and those who are sound and do really good stuff. I don't think anyone should be written off because of an accident of birth.
DotCommunist, I've met aristos who are arrogant twats and those who are sound and do really good stuff. I've also met working-class people who are arrogant twats and those who are sound and do really good stuff. I don't think anyone should be written off because of an accident of birth.

yeah, I know. I'm in a bad mood.
Well the control argument is a spurious one.


Another example of the rank hypocrisy of the bloodsports fraternity is that shooting is humane except when it comes to foxes where hunting with hounds is the preferred method of humane control.

Then there's rabbits. Vermin according to landowners but if you do them a favour by going out at night with a lamp and a pair of hounds you are a poacher... No better than a thief.
...but in the scheme of things I don't really care much about hunting to be honest. I care much more about things like severely disabled people getting poorer treatment in the NHS than non-disabled people. It happens all the time.
Tbh, it does shock me that some people have so little empathy that the horribly violent death of an animal is such "fun" for them.

Animals in the wild tend to live pretty horrible lives anyway. probably considerably nicer being torn apart by dogs than slowly succumbing to an infected wound or starving to death. It's not something I'd chose to do, but over the years I've become a lot more cynical about this kind of thing.

Be born in another class and get that "fun" in other ways to other animals, and it can be considered evidence for a diagnosis of psychopathy.

I dunno, there used to plenty of working class bloodsports.

(and btw, before anyone who goes shooting for game objects that I'm comparing them with psychopaths; whilst I would never hunt, I can see there's a difference between that and fox hunting with dogs, as long as you actually do something useful with the spoils)

I do agree with you overall for the most part I think, it's just that foxhunting really has become a bit 'meh' for me... it's not like the death is going to be particularly slow. There are far more pertinent issues relating to animal cruelty which can have far more serious effects on the economy by spreading diseases etc.
...but in the scheme of things I don't really care much about hunting to be honest. I care much more about things like severely disabled people getting poorer treatment in the NHS than non-disabled people. It happens all the time.

I'd agree with this. I'm not pro-hunting, I'm ambivalent, but I'm certainly against people who seek to violently coerce and intimidate others.
Animals in the wild tend to live pretty horrible lives anyway. probably considerably nicer being torn apart by dogs than slowly succumbing to an infected wound or starving to death. It's not something I'd chose to do, but over the years I've become a lot more cynical about this kind of thing.
Yes, but I think what I'm getting at is the motivation of the fox hunters.

Mother nature is a cruel beast, at least if you apply all that human empathy towards it. Animals are torn apart and eaten, or as you say, succumb to disease or starvation and die in pain. But, even in situations where non human animals rip others to shreads, it's because of food/surival, or territory disputes (although I think most animals don't fight each other to the death over territory). Whilst some humans do it for fun.

Afaik, the only other animals observed to kill for fun have been chimps, but we really do excell at it. When you're talking about an event like this organised by humans, you shouldn't divorce intention from it. That's why I see game hunting as different - as humans we evolved hunting and as long as you use your spoils, it's an extention of that. It's not just pure fun. :(

I dunno, there used to plenty of working class bloodsports.
Which were deemd cruel and banned a lot earlier.
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