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Tory MP Arrested For Rape, Drugs

Another has been suspended from the house for six weeks.

We need a GE soon.

(Not that I have any faith that Labour will do better, but this government has gone way beyond appallingly bad.).

If they keep getting exposed for sex pesting and other misdemeanours at this rate (one a week?) and face by-elections we won’t need to wait until a general election. What’s their majority at present?
Pincher and Bone arrested for sexual misbehaving.
Blunt arrested for alleged drug use.

Is this nominative determinism month?
I'm tempted to be po faced about larks around sexual offences, but.... but.... not till I add Chris Pincher to that list. :oops:
Blunt issued his statement on x-twitter at 5.52pm. Within an hour multiple "independent researchers" had posted x-tweets pointing out the supposed "remarkable coincidence" between his arrest and his views on events in Gaza. A lot of them seem to be Assange groupies.

However, other "independent researchers", drawing attention to the supposed "remarkable coincidence" between these allegations and (a) his being gay and/or (b) his "promotion of gender ideology" and the "global safeguarding erosion campaign", seem to have been even quicker off the mark.
Blunt issued his statement on x-twitter at 5.52pm. Within an hour multiple "independent researchers" had posted x-tweets pointing out the supposed "remarkable coincidence" between his arrest and his views on events in Gaza. A lot of them seem to be Assange groupies.

However, other "independent researchers", drawing attention to the supposed "remarkable coincidence" between these allegations and (a) his being gay and/or (b) his "promotion of gender ideology" and the "global safeguarding erosion campaign", seem to have been even quicker off the mark.
X/itter is a dumpster fire at the best of times, for news like this it's best avoided.
Two weeks ago, he was accused of slapping Andrew Bridgen, the former Tory MP expelled for his anti-vaccine views, on the back of the head. The previous day Bridgen had questioned why he had been kicked out of the Tories when a “Hamas apologist” remained.
Can't argue with that. :thumbs:

Bloody hell though a tory with some liberal views. If it weren't for the rape accusation he'd have sympathies.
Fair play, being a tory tends to infest everything they do. I'll correct that to "a couple of" liberal views and remove the sympathies :)
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