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Two arrested for murder after hunt supporter's death

Glad to see that absolutely nothing at all has changed here ...

Posts reaching firm conclusions based on 75% prejudice; 24% guesswork and 1% fact ... :rolleyes:

And legal advice garnered from the fucking wikipedia Law Reports ... :rolleyes::rolleyes:

As opposed to the infallible legal opinions of Lord Chief Justice Security Guard you mean? :D
Can't argue with a navy blue army jumper. :cool:

You may mock but where would we be without the ever-vigilant security guard?

:D Well they would be wouldn't they?

Both sides have been guilty of violence. The thing is the sabs have used it to prevent people doing something perfectly legal based on their class hatred rather than animal welfare.

If it were a sabslug that had been hit by gyrocopter flown by a hunt supporter, this thread would be 10 pages of vitriolic posts baying for toff blood.

Much as I hate fox-hunting, I can't help but feel there is some truth in this. After all, where is the same vitriol for say greyhound racing, which is an incredibly cruel sport, yet appears perfectly acceptable.
Ok, my erstwhile wingman is ... erstwhile. I'm happy to fly solo.

If any sab's want a reasoned debate I'm up for it.

Firstly, I am not a (fox) hunter or a (particular) blood sport supporter (meh), though I will declare an interest in having hunted boar, deer (red, roe and fallow) and having shot many hundreds of game birds, rabbit and pidgeon for food; and several score of fox for fun/control.

My last 35 years (I'm 42) of game shooting lead me to believe that the majority of 'guns' are working class geezers, like me.

To Sabs:

Why do you almost exclusively target horseback riders and never the trappers and wounders (leg hits, snares and ferreters) who almost always kill uncleanly? I believe that you often are "toff-haters" rather than animal lovers.

Why am I wrong?
But ... the sabs can't prevent people doing something perfectly legal -- all they can do is monitor for compliance. So what's the problem, exactly?
If the hunts were obeying the law they wouldn't get so shitty about people keeping an eye on what they are up to.

The police don't give a fuck about enforcing the laws on hunting with hounds and wouldn't even think about prosecuting without proper evidence.

If they've nothing to hide they've nothing to worry about.
Bit annoyed this thread has sunk to usual urb levels. A day or so ago there was some civilised discourse, playing out various scenarios. The debate was evolving and getting more interesting. Now it's just a load of crap slinging and getting less and less relevant to the actual story. Hah well. Tis urban! :(
To Sabs:

Why do you exclusively target horseback riders and never the trappers and wounders (leg hits, snares and ferreters) who almost always kill uncleanly? I believe that you often are "toff-haters" rather than animal lovers.

Why am I wrong?
I'm no sab and have never been involved in such activities, but perhaps due to their visible and high profile, it's a lot easier to identify, find, follow and target horseback riders than others?
But ... the sabs can't prevent people doing something perfectly legal -- all they can do is monitor for compliance. So what's the problem, exactly?

Drags and "shoot to kill" hunts are still being targeted.

Bit annoyed this thread has sunk to usual urb levels.

It's getting better, we're hauling it from the gutter. Gradually :)

I'm no sab and have never been involved in such activities, but perhaps due to their visible and high profile, it's a lot easier to identify, find, follow and target horseback riders than others?

Or it's a class based gig?

That's more or less what I said isn't it? :confused:

You were wrong too :p
the sabs have used it to prevent people doing something perfectly legal based on their class hatred rather than animal welfare.
This is just nonsense. I've known a fair few hunt sabs, and most of them are far more concerned with the welfare of foxes than anything to do with class. It's one of the reasons I find them so irritating.
Much as I hate fox-hunting, I can't help but feel there is some truth in this. After all, where is the same vitriol for say greyhound racing, which is an incredibly cruel sport, yet appears perfectly acceptable.

Greyhound racing isn't a cruel sport in itself as the aim of the sport is not to kill anything, unlike hunting in which the kill is the integral part of the activity.

It's the things that go on behind the scenes that the RSPCA and the LACS are campaigning against - a lack of money spent on rehoming retired greyhounds, which means thousands of dogs going missing, either shot or drowned with bricks, or found abandoned with their ears cut off to avoid the owners being traced.
Utter bollocks.

If the sab's weren't often involved in violence themselves they wouldn't be hurt. Only themselves to blame.

"Often"? You can, of course, substantiate this claim, can't you?

It's just that, if we're talking about yer actual hunt saboteurs, they don't really go in for physical violence, what with hunts having large followings and all. They do this strange thing called "sabotage" instead.
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