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Transphobes gunning hard for 'paedophilia' angle all of a sudden

But previously you claimed that hormone profiles were fixed at conception (which is wrong even on your terms, they can change in utero). Are you now saying hormones are not pertinent to sex categorisation?

So how humans categorise sex has changed. It is fluid and therefore debatable.

But the fact it happens sometimes means it is also debatable whether chromosomes are always the best way to categorise sex. But you claim there is no debate, that your opinion is correct and no other opinion has worth. That's staggeringly arrogant, especially seen as you keep getting things wrong and don't seem to actually know much about this.
No. I'm not saying that hormones are not pertinent to sex categorisation.

No. Gender is now fluid. Not sex. Sex is fixed. The debate is whether sex is the sole or should be the sole basis for gender identification.

Chromosomes are our sex markers. XX is female; XY is male. This is not a matter of opinion. This is a matter of fact. It is establshed. I did not establish it. Science did. That's why I say, you can't debate that.
Chromosomes are our sex markers. XX is female; XY is male. This is not a matter of opinion. This is a matter of fact. It is establshed. I did not establish it. Science did. That's why I say, you can't debate that.

Did you get your chromosomes checked the last time you used a public toilet? Or did everyone else just accept you as the gender you feel comfortable having?
^ Irrelevant.
You're not here to learn or to debate: you're just here to trot out the same offensive hate speech that's directly caused a huge rise in attacks on trans people around the world.

People like you are the cause of this: How 2022 Became the Year Trans Hate Went Mainstream

I'm struggling to think of any valid reason why you should be allowed to continue to post here. It's not like you're listening and learning from what better informed people are patiently telling you.
There are people (actually quite a few of them) with XXY chromosomes, or X and partial X chromosomes. Or other configurations.

Even that isn't fucking set in stone by biology
So therefore, thevexceptions you point out disprove that human males are XY chromosome and human females are XX chromosomes??
So therefore, thevexceptions you point out disprove that human males are XY chromosome and human females are XX chromosomes??

Actually the incidence of people who identify as male and were designated male at birth and probably look male but have 2 X chromosomes and 1 Y chromosome (XXY) is between 1 and 2.5 per 1000 of the population. (That's as much as over 300,000 men in the UK btw)

Far higher in number than the number of people per 1000 who identify as other than their designated gender at birth.

Have you had a test to make sure you definitely have the chromosomes you think you ought to have?
No. I'm not saying that hormones are not pertinent to sex categorisation.

No. Gender is now fluid. Not sex. Sex is fixed. The debate is whether sex is the sole or should be the sole basis for gender identification.

Chromosomes are our sex markers. XX is female; XY is male. This is not a matter of opinion. This is a matter of fact. It is establshed. I did not establish it. Science did. That's why I say, you can't debate that.

Can you point me to an official statement from Science that confirms that sex categorisation is based on chromosomes and that is forever the end of the matter?
You're not here to learn or to debate: you're just here to trot out the same offensive hate speech that's directly caused a huge rise in attacks on trans people around the world.

People like you are the cause of this: How 2022 Became the Year Trans Hate Went Mainstream

I'm struggling to think of any valid reason why you should be allowed to continue to post here. It's not like you're listening and learning from what better informed people are patiently telling you.
I know or have been informed that you own this site, you are the administrator, you are the moderator. I appreciate your patience and will understand if you decide to ban my account from posting on your website. But please let me just say

I only challenged the credibility and the sincerity of the statement of a poster suggesting a plea for tolerance for trans activists acting on behalf of trans gender people. There has not been one single better-informed, as you put it, counter argument against my post. All of them are reactionary posts laced with personal abuse and vulgar language based on the fact that I dared question a pro transgender idea.

I give as good as I get without resorting to personal abuse and vulgar language but if you as the owner, administrator, moderator are asking me as a new member to pander to fellow posters' bigotry and intransigence by refraining from posting my views that they don't like, then, with all due respect to your position, I would rather that you banned my account.

I know or have been informed that you own this site, you are the administrator, you are the moderator. I appreciate your patience and will understand if you decide to ban my account from posting on your website. But please let me just say

I only challenged the credibility and the sincerity of the statement of a poster suggesting a plea for tolerance for trans activists acting on behalf of trans gender people. There has not been one single better-informed, as you put it, counter argument against my post. All of them reactionary posts laced with personal abuse and vulgar language based on the fact that I dared question a pro transgender idea.

I give as good as I get without resorting to personal abuse and vulgar language but if you as the owner, administrator, moderator are asking me as a new member to pander to fellow posters' bigotry and intransigence by refraining from posting my views that they don't like, then, with all due respect to your position, I would rather that you banned my account.

I know or have been informed that you own this site, you are the administrator, you are the moderator. I appreciate your patience and will understand if you decide to ban my account from posting on your website. But please let me just say

I only challenged the credibility and the sincerity of the statement of a poster suggesting a plea for tolerance for trans activists acting on behalf of trans gender people. There has not been one single better-informed, as you put it, counter argument against my post. All of them reactionary posts laced with personal abuse and vulgar language based on the fact that I dared question a pro transgender idea.

I give as good as I get without resorting to personal abuse and vulgar language but if you as the owner, administrator, moderator are asking me as a new member to pander to fellow posters' bigotry and intransigence by refraining from posting my views that they don't like, then, with all due respect to your position, I would rather that you banned my account.


You have come on to a TRANS THREAD to have a go at trans people.

Then claimed you are a victim of some sort.

FFS read the room!
Can we please just not tolerate this sort of shit any more? It's bigoted crap, not an actual discussion about issues, and it makes several people here feel as if they can't have a place to have a normal discussion without these transphobic weirdos descend on the thread and take it over.

Please. Have they posted anywhere other than this thread, or are they just here to stir the pot in a bigoted way?
I know or have been informed that you own this site, you are the administrator, you are the moderator. I appreciate your patience and will understand if you decide to ban my account from posting on your website. But please let me just say

I only challenged the credibility and the sincerity of the statement of a poster suggesting a plea for tolerance for trans activists acting on behalf of trans gender people. There has not been one single better-informed, as you put it, counter argument against my post. All of them are reactionary posts laced with personal abuse and vulgar language based on the fact that I dared question a pro transgender idea.

I give as good as I get without resorting to personal abuse and vulgar language but if you as the owner, administrator, moderator are asking me as a new member to pander to fellow posters' bigotry and intransigence by refraining from posting my views that they don't like, then, with all due respect to your position, I would rather that you banned my account.


Fuck off, sealion.

You have come on to a TRANS THREAD to have a go at trans people.

Then claimed you are a victim of some sort.

FFS read the room!
To have a go at trans people? I said trans activists should follow the adage "live and let live". I am not claiming to be a victim of any sort. Please.
Can we please just not tolerate this sort of shit any more? It's bigoted crap, not an actual discussion about issues, and it makes several people here feel as if they can't have a place to have a normal discussion without these transphobic weirdos descend on the thread and take it over.

Please. Have they posted anywhere other than this thread, or are they just here to stir the pot in a bigoted way?

He knows exactly what he's doing.

Either he'll be banned or he'll spread his excrement over other threads to show he's not a one trick pony.
Can we please just not tolerate this sort of shit any more? It's bigoted crap, not an actual discussion about issues, and it makes several people here feel as if they can't have a place to have a normal discussion without these transphobic weirdos descend on the thread and take it over.

Please. Have they posted anywhere other than this thread, or are they just here to stir the pot in a bigoted way?

He knows exactly what he's doing.

Either he'll be banned or he'll spread his excrement over other threads to show he's not a one trick pony.
^ This is bigoted crap.
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