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Traitors on BBC

Brilliant ending, classy from Will.

I thought Kieran was a bit of a c**t tho'.
Yep - Kieran was awful, and there are lots of upset people online that he broke the unwritten rule of games like this that you're not supposed to 'out' your fellow traitors once you've been outed yourself.

There's a difference between turning on a fellow traitor as part of the game to save your own skin, and basically telling everyone 'I'm a traitor, and so's this guy too'. Felt a bit spiteful. Still, after supporting the traitors all the way through, I actually thought it was a lovely ending to the show, and am glad that the sweet Aaron can help his mum buy her house now. I even ended up liking Meryl and Hannah, which I didn't think I would at the start.
As nice an ending as could be hoped for -
Yep - Kieran was awful, and there are lots of upset people online that he broke the unwritten rule of games like this that you're not supposed to 'out' your fellow traitors once you've been outed yourself.

There's a difference between turning on a fellow traitor as part of the game to save your own skin, and basically telling everyone 'I'm a traitor, and so's this guy too'. Felt a bit spiteful. Still, after supporting the traitors all the way through, I actually thought it was a lovely ending to the show, and am glad that the sweet Aaron can help his mum buy her house now. I even ended up liking Meryl and Hannah, which I didn't think I would at the start.

I felt the same - I was team wilf throughout but in the end was pleased there was a pretty heart warming ending... especially for lovely Aaron.
oh as much as ut was a 'lovely' ending I thought Keiran was a kind of coke head dickhead alpha male who threw his toys out of the pram. fucking up will in the end.

it was bittersweet tbh.
Yeah, but Wilf gave it all the "me and you bruv to the end" stuff, same as he did with Alyssa and Amanda and then he instantly turned and started turning everybody against him. And yeah, it's a game and he's just playing it, but it's also a stupid play - that bloke is the only one who knows your secret, keep him as onside as you can, don't really piss him off straight away.

They were going to need to have at least one traitor, Kieran would have been the fall guy but Wilf's only option was to try to keep him sweet and then get rid of him somehow without him spilling the beans.

I was surprised that they said whether they were a traitor or not in the final - makes it too difficult for the traitors. Would have been better if it was revealed at the end. Same with the bags to play on or not, although I guess if one person says to stop then that's a sign they might be a traitor.
Or they could have combined. As soon as they got rid of a faithful then its 2 vs 2 and they're organised and the other two are Aaron and Meryl.
Or they could have combined. As soon as they got rid of a faithful then its 2 vs 2 and they're organised and the other two are Aaron and Meryl.

Exactly. For all the talk of kieran being a c*nt and outing Wilf, Wilf has nobody to blame but himself for not keeping Kieran onside. Wilf became greedy and went for all or nothing. Seems like a classic case of prisoners dilemna. Having a solid ally onside, and whittling it down till they had an outright numerical advantage, meant they could have easily split the pot together.
i really wanted the traitors to win, until traitor number 3 threw number 2 under the bus. at which point i really wanted traitor number 3 to NOT win, regardless of number 4, even though i wasn't a fan of number 4.
hopefully that's not nonsensical. numbering in order of banishment.
I thought traitor number 2 played a brilliant game and could totally have got past their slip up if that bus hadn't been speeding down that road courtesy of number 4
Pissed off. Everyone was talking about this on social media, so waited till I was back in the UK to watch it on iplayer. Opened it up, and it automatically started playing the LAST bloody episode, which has an intro that basically tells you who some of the traitors are. Thanks, iplayer.
Pissed off. Everyone was talking about this on social media, so waited till I was back in the UK to watch it on iplayer. Opened it up, and it automatically started playing the LAST bloody episode, which has an intro that basically tells you who some of the traitors are. Thanks, iplayer.
You find out who the traitors are in the very first episode.
US version coming to iPlayer tomorrow.

Watching. We’re 4 eps in. There’s a guy from Kentucky and at first I could understand zero of what came out of his mouth. Like a jumble of sound. Starting to tune in by now and I’m getting maybe 20%. But it’s quite an accent!
I'm 2 episodes in on the US version and enjoying it. I didn't know some were going to be 'celebs' from other shows. I only know Kate from Below Deck though.:oops:
I'm up to episode 6 of the US version. It's really hard to like any of these people. I'm not enjoying the 'celeb' part of this and I think it's much better with normal contestants.
I wouldn't have to be a Traitor to end Kate. :mad:
Just started the US version. Alan Cumming is irritating. The celebs seem pretty pointless unless you've watched American Big Brother or Survivors or whatever they've been in.
I've finished the series now and enjoyed it. Not as much as the UK version but good fun all the same. I even enjoyed watching Kate by the end of it. :D
Funny how around the round table in episode 8 Rachel said ,'we do this every week '. She said it twice. I wonder how long it takes to film.
Funny how around the round table in episode 8 Rachel said ,'we do this every week '. She said it twice. I wonder how long it takes to film.
It must take a very long time, because, in the talking head slots, they’re always filmed talking their thinking through in the present tense.

I’d like to know which version - UK or US - was filmed first, and why various changes were made, to the tasks and format points. Why no bell for bed in the US, for example?
It must take a very long time, because, in the talking head slots, they’re always filmed talking their thinking through in the present tense.

I’d like to know which version - UK or US - was filmed first, and why various changes were made, to the tasks and format points. Why no bell for bed in the US, for example?

It looks like the American one was recorded after. It looks more like autumn where the UK ones seemed to be recorded in the summer?

I've only watched one of the US version so far but I'm not really feeling it. I'll give it another episode or two.
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