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The Traitors ‘24 (starts Wed 3/1/24 9pm).

Pretty much all of them are horrible or just fucking idiots. Is the business coach always pissed? She sounds it,
She kills me. She's either very forthright or very angry or very batshit or very, yeah, drunk. All entertaining anyhow.

Saffy I think this is your sort of thing. :D
We managed 4 1/2 eps y/day, we're going to watch ep 5 again from the start and finish it (the series) tonight, pwopa Valentine's activity.

I've already prep'd dinner so we're getting it on (not that you fulthy ficks) as soon as Mrs Numbers is home from work.
For non-viewers, I would say:

this show is a cheap Traitors knock off. It has the round table and the voting and the missions and all that. But it's quicker and you are forced to expose yourself in various ways. And they're all Americans who want to be on telly. So, fuck it, cheap exploitative shit. But...

Funny how it’s taken 6 episodes for some of them to properly realise they’re in a game.

Love this show too.
It's only a game when you decide it is going to be a game. The vaguely interesting question is once someone has started on it being a game, can anyone stop it being so? But that only makes vaguely interesting. I'm on the final episode, cos its well constructed 'must just see the next bit' telly, but I don't actually care about anyone. Especially since the daft fuckers
never voted Jake out
. And I do kinda wanna see if he and
Julie get in on properly
after the show.
Do we like Brian? I kinda like Brian but I'm only on episode three.
I have a horrible feeling he might let me down.
I do not like Jake.
I checked out Jake's Instagram. Holy shit what a skip fire, he's not a nice person.
Yes., one of the other contestants mentioned it in an interview so I had a look. Anti-trans stuff, anti black lives matter stuff ... that's about as far as I got.
I've been through his Instagram and had to rewind the episode I'm watching. :D
Mama Jay knew the score.
I've been through his Instagram and had to rewind the episode I'm watching. :D
Mama Jay knew the score.
Mama Jay was full of shit. In fact, they were all full of shit, with the exception of the two straight white men who could just coast through being nice without any risk at all.
Do we like Brian? I kinda like Brian but I'm only on episode three.
I have a horrible feeling he might let me down.
I do not like Jake.
My very first impressions is that I like Brian so it’s good to hear he’s still likeable on episode 3. Bryce looks like he’s 12 and is Lindsay ND?
I watched the whole series in under 24 hours. :oops:
What's next then? MAFS Australia starts end of the month. Anyone, anyone? :hmm:
Anyway, aforementioned daughter (who still has the joy of the Traitors finale waiting for her) was explaining Mafia to me this afternoon. She’s 10 next week. It felt like a combination of being outside the zeitgeist and simultaneously being patronised. :hmm::D
Two episodes down and as unlikeable as most of them are, I am struck by how much more the social dynamics and aspects of privilege and bias are being explicitly addressed.

“The confidence of a straight white man”. :D Absolutely fair in regards to the person they were referring to, the dickhead. ;)
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