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BBC show Mammoth and its remarkable likeness to my comic character, 70s Man

He's already written back and is flat out denying any connection at all.
I guess all you can do is take it at face value and put it down to coincidence. Something that would back that up is Life on Mars, which has the smiliar premise but going back in time.
It just seems too coincidental, but I've got no choice but to take his comments at face value. I might write a post on my blog because quite a few people have written to me about this now,
Good way to deal with it
Worth replying though, along the lines of ah fair enough. What inspired you? If he has good answers then it gives credence to being coincidence. But if doesn't want to engage, then maybe has something to feel guilty about.. Maybe that's simplistic but no harm in chatting to the guy now he's talking to you. Could even say, look, you've got it in writing i don't want anything so...
Worth replying though, along the lines of ah fair enough. What inspired you? If he has good answers then it gives credence to being coincidence. But if doesn't want to engage, then maybe has something to feel guilty about.. Maybe that's simplistic but no harm in chatting to the guy now he's talking to you. Could even say, look, you've got it in writing i don't want anything so...
He sent me back what was essentially a copy and paste of the press release about his inspirations. I asked him if he could see why people might think the characters were so similar but he hasn't answered.
He sent me back what was essentially a copy and paste of the press release about his inspirations. I asked him if he could see why people might think the characters were so similar but he hasn't answered.
I guess they thing is, even if the idea did come from you, whether consciously or subconciously, he has still written it and put his creative juices into it so maybe, whatever the inspiration feels protective of his work? I can get that, and maybe he's worried his creativity would would diminished in the eyes of others if there was any sort of acknowledgement that it wasn't a totally original thought?
I still think your comic is better and for
better motives so would rather read that than watch that show!
I heard about this series a few months ago when Bubbins was a guest on Richard Herring’s podcast. Didn’t know about editor ’s Comic Strip but it did make me think of Stig Of The Dump primarily, but also films and tv shows like California Man and The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. It’s an oft-used premise, enough so to be considered a ‘Fish Out Of Temporal Water’ trope:
so I would be inclined to view it as just a coincidence, though I can see how it might smart all the same if I was editor
BBC has been known to do this sort of thing. Years ago, I knew a lad who submitted a script for one of their radio 4 afternoon plays. He heard nothing back. Some months later, a version of his play was on the wireless.
Good stuff editor . I remember seeing strips posted up in the past and enjoyed them but l didn't realise it was your own work.
He's already written back and is flat out denying any connection at all.
I'm not at all surprised, especially as he is already on record with a version of where the story came from. He's not likely to change that story now. And while you may say you don't want money, he doesn't know that he can believe you. I would imagine he would think any kind of acknowledgement of your comic strip could open him up to a court case.
BBC has been known to do this sort of thing. Years ago, I knew a lad who submitted a script for one of their radio 4 afternoon plays. He heard nothing back. Some months later, a version of his play was on the wireless.
I pitched three TV shows that were rejected, only to see some strikingly simiar shows being made several months later. Its soul destroying.
One idea I took to the BBC even had the 'not at all connected, no sir' production office accidentally (I assume) call me up to pick my brains about details, contacts (that I built up) and episode breakdowns.
Back in my web design days I was asked to pitch for a big charity. I never really pitched because I was getting loads of work anyway, but I thought I could do a good job so sent in my proposed design.

Got rejected. A couple of months later my exact design was on their web site. The fuckers.
I'm a massive Cardiff City fan.

You've mentioned your fanzine on here a few times.

I've never ever read it. Nor have I ever bought a pin badge from the pin badge guy.
I wouldn't assume that just because he's Cardiff mad he's been inspired by your idea.

I had an idea for a story very similar to the TV series Messiah. Gutted they beat me to it but as they did a better job than I would have and it still never got a second series so I'm not too upset.

Anyway you stole the idea from Woody Allen. 😛
I'm writing a book at the moment.
Set in London and Cardiff.
You write what you know don't you?!
Yet classes himself as a Cardiff City fan. :hmm:
Yes, because all people who say they support their local sides are regular match goers dating back 30 years. As I said, I know this person in a friend of friends kind of way and can 100% say describing him as a 'mad Cardiff City fan' isn't accurate.
Yes, because all people who say they support their local sides are regular match goers dating back 30 years. As I said, I know this person in a friend of friends kind of way and can 100% say describing him as a 'mad Cardiff City fan' isn't accurate.
My mate who knows him says otherwise but it really doesn't matter.
My mate who knows him says otherwise but it really doesn't matter.
It does matter because it's the grounds you're using to say he will have seen your strip. And your mate clearly doesn't know him if he thinks there was any possibility he was going to Cardiff City regularly in the 90s. Just google the man. It's just one of those coincidences...
It does matter because it's the grounds you're using to say he will have seen your strip. And your mate clearly doesn't know him if he thinks there was any possibility he was going to Cardiff City regularly in the 90s.
Err, this isn't a legal prosecution taking place here. And I didn't even remotely suggest that my mate thought the writer was "going to Cardiff City regularly in the 90s" either. You just made that up, for some reason.

But he is very much a City fan that insists it's all a coincidence and, as I've already stated, I'll just have to take his word for it.

editor you called him a 'mad Cardiff City fan' and reckon he must have seen your zine. That you've had to go to 2017 to find him tweeting about them doesn't back you up.

That someone from Barry who lives in Canton posted a jokey tweet about playing a Swansea fan on TV six years ago doesn't prove what you've claimed.
editor you called him a 'mad Cardiff City fan' and reckon he must have seen your zine. That you've had to go to 2017 to find him tweeting about them doesn't back you up.

That someone from Barry who lives in Canton posted a jokey tweet about playing a Swansea fan on TV six years ago doesn't prove what you've claimed.
I've no idea if he's ever seen my zine, and have made no definitive claim about it, ever.
I'm not really comfortable with your increasingly confrontational and often misrepresentative style of debate either.

Quite a few people have been in touch with me bringing up the remarkable similarities but to repeat for absolutely the last time, if he insists it's all a coincidence then I'll just have to take his word for it.
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