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Traitors on BBC

It must take a very long time, because, in the talking head slots, they’re always filmed talking their thinking through in the present tense.

I’d like to know which version - UK or US - was filmed first, and why various changes were made, to the tasks and format points. Why no bell for bed in the US, for example?

US version was filmed first.

I'm not sure about watching it. Bloody "celebrities."
I just watched the final two episodes of the US series again at a mate's.

How come Quentin and Andy couldn't work out there had to be at least one traitor left when they were doing the fire thing?

Also I didn't buy it that the boat task was against the clock....at least not the one we were looking at.
We're on ep 10, wasn't sure at first but really enjoying it now. Think there should be a version where we don't know who the traitors are.
We've just finished as well. Don't know about an urbanite but

Was not convinced AT ALL by wilf's "oh I'm so happy you guys won it, so relieved at this outcome and not to get the money". He lied very convincingly to them all the way through, and kept them in not just (if at all) because he liked them as people but because he knew they wouldn't turn on him. Lied even when outed right up to the point they write his name on the boards. Then he starts telling the truth?? Uh huh ok.

Noted that no traitor was voted out just by faithfuls correctly guessing who they were, only by other traitors turning on them!
Watched the first one. It's certainly promising - that weird thing's happening where people are nearly getting the right traitor but for the wrong reasons.

And I hope the psychic stays in. She's got it totally wrong so far. :D
Episode 2: livening up, still too many people to really know who's who tho. Except for the really annoying ones, that is.

What I find hard to believe, I know they have to edit the roundtable bit heavily, but only one person mentioned the person who was 100% to blame for the wrong banishment the first night??!! Which seems a bit weird.

I completely gorged for the last 48 hours. I still have the final twenty minutes to watch, which I still can’t watch now because I’m too nervous.

I think I prefer this to the Brit version because, firstly, the players are less annoying. Or they are pretty quickly, at least. Also the variable length of show means they’re better able to show the, well, interesting bits and cut the dull ones.

The challengers were better, probably not really more interesting but better cut to have an element of genuine tension about them. There were only one or two that were boring.

On the other hand…one long surviving character I still know almost nothing of. I know editing n all that, but still, it seemed jolly rude. Plus, you just never got to see them interacting as human beings, just getting to know one another. Which diminished the sense of betrayal. It’s also notable that when people’s backstories were questioned it was ‘how could a working class person be that incisive?’ Editing or posh Aussie bigotry?

Oh, it’s also kinda interesting that I could imagine Claudia speaking Rodgers lines word for word, but he’s less annoying cos I’m not used to him.
It’s fascinating watching. The traitors’ biggest problem is always that as they get more comfortable in their role, they start caricaturing the thinking of the faithful. They start believing in their own infallibility, that they can manipulate with impunity. Underestimating their opponent is what catches them out, trying to be clever with lies rather than always being cautious with what they claim.
Got dragged into watching this by ms starfish & hate to say am quite enjoying it. Think we're up to episode 8 now.
Catching up with the Aussie one on live TV. Unlike the US one it's worth watching but my god will those girls stop with the OTT hysterical screaming all the time.
What’s the US one like?

With the Married at First Sight shows we always liked the Aussie and UK one but not the US.
I feel that they ruin the game in the closing weeks by introducing more and more twists in terms of recruitment and so on, which means that any player who has been paying attention over the weeks actually gets undermined through that knowledge. But I guess the programme makers do what they have to do to ensure that it finishes with at least one traitor still in play.
I wasn't keen on the celebrities being added to the US version but I loved it all the same.
I'm really enjoying the Aus version. I had to look up who Paul is. :D He's in it, as in group shots but he's never shown! Then I saw a tiktok which said he spoke so much about the production of Traitors, that they edited him out as much as they could.
I wasn't keen on the celebrities being added to the US version but I loved it all the same.
I'm really enjoying the Aus version. I had to look up who Paul is. :D He's in it, as in group shots but he's never shown! Then I saw a tiktok which said he spoke so much about the production of Traitors, that they edited him out as much as they could.
Sounds plausible, any game player should have spotted a few key things. Most notably, the fact that the last person in to breakfast must (by the rules of TV cliffhangers) have been considered for assassination.

That said, reddit claims his claim is bollocks:

They literally turned Pauls microphone feed OFF in the edit while he was part of a conversation with the group. you could only barely hear his voice spilling over on the other contestants microphone. For those of you who don't know, everyone is individually equipped with a hidden microphone beneath their clothes. In situations where they cannot wear mics, there will be boom microphones or parabolic mics that catch a field of sound (they look like mini satellite dishes).

No way in hell did Paul talk about production that much that he got removed from the show. They didn't show him walking in at breakfast, shut off his mic, edited him out of shots, placed him at the end of the long table, so something happened during production early on that probably he had to be punished. Being drunk is ultra common, so it most probably was harassment or lewd acts that caused this. Most shows would say "so and so had to leave the competition for personal reasons" and get on with it, but maybe the law and contracts in Australia function differently than in the US.

I finally managed to bring myself to watch the last twenty minutes. Excellent telly.
My daughter's just informed me that Hannah from Below Deck is in the next series of The Traitors Australia. 😍
I can't wait!
I definitely think Paul must have done something to get that edit, that's an intentional editing out.
Finally finished it this week (before it expires and the new series starts). Fucking fantastic, bar Will/Wilf floundering in the last ten minutes. Need to do something to stop that happeneing again for S2 :thumbs:
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