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Tory youth activists bully fellow Tory activist till he commits suicide

I'm not going to celebrate it, suicide is a fucking horrible thing for anyone to go through. Having lost a good mate to it this year its kind of hard for me to think any differently especially cos i believed all sorts of ridiculous shit at age 21. Its a sad thing for the lads family to go through. But at the same time we know this kind of shit goes on in the right, the fash have done similar stuff with bullying each other so they commit suicide, and im not gonna lose sleep over it either way. Just dont find it easy to adopt the wayhey dead tories stance given one of my best mates killed herself atm although on another day i might feel differently depending on my mood.
at ehat point can we celebrate it? tory? ukip? bnp? britain first? hitler?
I think a misguided idiot who never had to put his money where his mouth was being bullied to death has little in common with what Thatcher did over a whole lifetme and her relatively merciful shuffling off.

If you can tolerate me thinking this, then you fall under one of the main meanings of 'liberal, by the way. :)

I can't tolerate it. I hope you die too now ;)

*Polishes commie credentials*
Apparently they been suspended from attending next weeks conference as "punishment". Who says the Tories are soft on crime.

I've belonged to three different political parties in my time. At every one of them I'd have taken being banned from conference as a reward. Fucking hack conventions the lot of em!,
I've never been on a hit list before (to my knowledge). Oh well, c'est la vie.

I don't think you can really trust anyone who gets much past the age of 30 having never been on a hit list. And since the commies and the fash like to meet round the back, it's basically the same list I'm on twice.

What's actually scary is when you have liberals like Obama picking targets for extra-judicial executions.
There seem to be so many meanings of the word sloshing around these days, I think it could be applied to a great many. Certainly a good proportion of everyone on this site. Though there's an interesting authoritarian angle mixed in too.

Who did you have in mind with the interesting authoritarian angle?
The poor kid in his daft clothes & swinging his cigar about was quite obviously trying on his mother's beads and dresses - Borrowing plumage - Who's not got n embarrassing teenage pic? - He might have grown up to be a total wanker, he might have grown up to be a good man, he might've grown up to be something inbetween. But instead he abbreviated his own self - Which isn't funny really, poor kid topped himself - That's not what it's about.. and laughing about a kid topping himself? Nah.

And in the month that includes suicide awareness day as well. Shocking.

Imagine suicide awareness day though - Fucking risible - I didn't believe it was a thing - It is though
IASP - World Suicide Prevention Day - September 10, 2015 - WHO - International Association for Suicide Prevention

How crass is that? It's miles worse than Plastic Free July which, though a joke, was essentially harmless - Suicide Awareness Day though? Imagine if someone you loved had killed themself? And some clown within your earshot is trumpeting suicide awareness day... Fuck, it just doesn't bear thinking about though, nah...just nah..

But it's a shame for this silly chubby misguided boy who felt he couldn't stick around to see what his life turned out to be and did away with himself so that his mam and dad had to bury their own kid - That's never a funny thing and it's never the right way.
I never realised so much time had passed since ern was about.

And we're only talking about his second coming.

When he first started posting he was backing Marx in his battles against Bakunin
This is why Shapps got shunted into the sidings after the General Election. But if Cameron thinks that by sidelining him, it will all go away, then he's in for a big surprise.
However, Conservative MP Ben Howlett has publically contradicted the Conservative Party's claim. Speaking to Newsnight last night, Howlett said that Lord Feldman has been aware of complaints about Clarke for "a very long period of time."

"We’ve complained about him for a long period of time and it's not just him, it's people who we attributed to him as will I complained when I was national chairman directly to Sayeeda Warsi as the party chairman, I complained directly to the chairman’s office when Grant Shapps took over as the party chairman, and I have to say Lord Feldman has been well aware of all of this for a very long period of time."

In an even more charged allegation, Howlett says that the reason complaints were "swept under the carpet" was because the Conservatives were worried it could lose them votes in the General Election.

"We [the Conservatives] didn't want to end up having the General Election as a result lost I imagine, and you don't want to talk about these sort of things whilst a General Election is going on."
So the list of 'big' names drawn into this tragic scandal grow by the day; Feldman, Warsi, Shapps, Halfon, Greening who is "just one of a number of top Tory women who had a sexual relationship with Clarke."
Clarke was Aidan Burley's righthand man at TURC.

This blog has some rather interesting photos.
Photos Conservatives RoadTrip 2020 reception cancelled after bulling allegations Mark Clarke Trade Union Reform Campaign #Tories #roadtrip

Clarke was also involved in the Young Britons' Foundation, which was once described as a "right-wing madrassa" for young Tory activists. In fact, it's a little like the old FCS.

ETA: I've just had a look at the YBF website and the pages relating to Shapps and Clarke are mysteriously unavailable.
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