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Tory youth activists bully fellow Tory activist till he commits suicide

LOL there's no way someone that thick, arrogant and tory jumped. He probably had a Serious Phone Call. He'll be back, shit like that floats but in the meantime thats made my saturday
Zelo Street highlights the Tories' desperate damage limitation exercise.
Zelo Street: Tory Bullying - Behind The Spin

I've been aware of Donal Blaney for some time. He was once a Tory councillor at Hammersmith & Fulham and claims to be some kind of lawyer.

Donal Blaney: the founder of the Young Britons’ Foundation (YBF) has been frantically erasing all reference to Mark Clarke from the YBF website. This, too, will not wash. Clarke was awarded the YBF’s highest honour, the Golden Dolphin award, which was in the personal gift of Blaney. He, too, as the photo shows, had no problem being in Clarke’s company. His excuses are craven in the extreme.[/QUOTE

Blaney was accused of racism in 1999 when he was a councillor for one of the Fulham wards, where the local Tories have their power base.
William Hague is under pressure to sack the newly appointed head of the Tory youth wing over allegations that he is running a racist campaign against political refugees.

Conservative Central Office confirmed yesterday that it has opened an inquiry following a complaint from the Commission for Racial Equality about the Fulham Homes for Fulham People campaign led by Tory councillors Donal Blaney and Greg Hands.

One leaflet accused the London borough of Hammersmith and Fulham of denying a council house to a "local mum" whose place had been taken by "asylum seekers".

"The council couldn't care less whether you've lived five minutes or 20 years in Fulham," it said.

Blaney, a 25-year-old lawyer, was appointed by former party chairman Lord Parkinson to head Conservative Future, the new organisation set up by Hague to draw thousands of young professionals into the party, fulfilling his boast that by the next election, half the membership will be under 40.

When he was appointed last April Blaney promised a clean break with the now defunct Young Conservatives, who had suffered from chronically declining membership and spats with their elders. He called them "a bunch of social rejects... coming across as raving nutters and anoraks".
Hague probe into Tory youth leader accused of racism

This also makes for interesting reading.
It’s not the BNP but it is the next best [worst] thing… | Liberal Conspiracy
Astonishing that the press seems so aghast at this bullying stuff among tories when the party itself has been overtly bullying disabled people for years.

Anyhow, now Shapps has gone it's time for someone to blame Corbyn. Another disaster for the beleagured fella.
Astonishing that the press seems so aghast at this bullying stuff among tories when the party itself has been overtly bullying disabled people for years.

Anyhow, now Shapps has gone it's time for someone to blame Corbyn. Another disaster for the beleagured fella.
Harry Cole on sky earlier bemoaning a macho culture of bullying in politics took the biscuit earlier. He worked for Guido Fawkes ffs and is clearly leaking stuff straight from Clarke, the signed letters to Clarke the sun printed can only have come from one place

Bloke is a cunt of the highest order, spinning for his mate Clarke.
Astonishing that the press seems so aghast at this bullying stuff among tories when the party itself has been overtly bullying disabled people for years.
They probably didn't imagine that Tories would do it to their own.

But, actually, that's the thing: this Tory mindset seems entirely wrapped up around the idea of "what can YOU do for US". If you're not useful, either as a disabled or unemployed person or as a Party stooge who's outlived their usefulness, or, worse, someone who dares to suggest that all is not well in the state of Denmark, then all bets are off. That, I think, is the culture in which people like Mark Clarke (and, for that matter, "Michael Green") could operate with impunity - they were seen as the people making things happen, so regardless of their personal integrity and tendency to mince anyone up in the machine who got in their way, they were allowed to get on with it, and a blind eye turned. No wonder that integrity-free Clarke thought that blackmail and threats were acceptable - he knew that people were covering for him anyway.

This should not end - though I imagine it will - with Shapps' resignation. He's a plum enough prize, it is true, but there still remain in that party a considerable number of identifiable individuals and almost certainly a more deeply embedded culture which means that other affairs like this could be going on even now, or continue to happen into the future.

It's going to take a massive outbreak of common sense on the part of the rank and file vermin to not turn a blind eye, and be prepared to be relentless in the whistle-blowing. It's pretty clear that anyone who points out the state of the Emperor's wardrobe is going to be in for a rough ride, so a healthy dose of bloody-mindedness and courage is going to be needed, too.

Can't see it happening. Perhaps the Tory party will just destroy itself from the inside.
Political Scrapbook is running a very revealing story about YBF; in particular their professed attitudes to the sexualisation of their 'appeal' under the work of their 'outreach officer' Mark Clarke.

An example of their publicity material...


(this is 'real')

Bearing in mind that their 'mission' includes..
“The Young Britons’ Foundation is anxious to ensure that students of all ages – but particularly secondary school children … get the chance to hear both sides of the argument.

“[YBF provides] campaign materials and posters to activists and teachers alike
No surprise that Shapps was so vulnerable.
Was there really a picture of a couple shagging with a caption "harder bigger faster" (the poster was supposed to be about public service cuts)

What sort of fucker gets a hard on thinking of closing hospital wards?
Was there really a picture of a couple shagging with a caption "harder bigger faster" (the poster was supposed to be about public service cuts)

What sort of fucker gets a hard on thinking of closing hospital wards?
Harry Cole on sky earlier bemoaning a macho culture of bullying in politics took the biscuit earlier. He worked for Guido Fawkes ffs and is clearly leaking stuff straight from Clarke, the signed letters to Clarke the sun printed can only have come from one place

Where you led, the Indy is following, a mere one week later :D

...Mr Cole, known as “Tory Bear” in his early blogging days, is now the Westminster Correspondent of The Sun, breaking regular exclusives about the Tatler Tory scandal – several based on documents that could only have been obtained from people close to the centre of the scandal.

Although the tabloid has written extensively about the links between Michael Clarke and Mr Elliott, and questioned the ability of the Tory chairman, Lord Feldman, to take responsibility for an endemic bullying culture, Mr Cole has yet to mention his own association with Mr Clarke...

Mark Clarke 'used connections with Guido Fawkes blog to threaten opponents'
Can't link off the phone but Lobster tweeted a link to byline.com (no idea what quality of source that is) with an article claiming the four at the centre of allegations were.in same student Masonic lodge, for what that's worth.
Can't link off the phone but Lobster tweeted a link to byline.com (no idea what quality of source that is) with an article claiming the four at the centre of allegations were.in same student Masonic lodge, for what that's worth.
Here y'go:


I know nothing about the author - he seems to be a young chap with little experience - but it should be noted he is a recent Oxbridge graduate himself :D

Nick Mutch | LinkedIn

ByLine is a subscription/crowdfunding-supported platform for longform journalism (Peter Jukes does stuff there too); not sure what mechanisms they have in place for fact checking etc.
Robert Halfon, the MP / Minister supposedly blackmailed by Clarke, though was tweeting 'thanks' to him a month after it was sposed to have started , is a longstanding Freedom Association ally / goes all the way back to FCS days - he's getting away lightly in all this so far.
Tonight Radio 4 20:00hrs and probably for 28 days.

Young, Tory and Bullied

In September, Elliot Johnson, a 21 year old member of the youth wing of the Conservative Party took his own life. He left behind a note saying that he'd been bullied by a 38 year-old Tory activist called Mark Clarke.

Since then there have been almost daily reports of allegations of bullying, harassment and intimidation at the hands of Mr Clarke, all of which he denies. Accusations that a toxic environment had developed in the Conservative youth wing - Conservative Future - have also emerged.

The Conservative Party is currently investigating what went wrong, but the ensuing scandal has already forced the ministerial resignation of former party chairman Grant Schapps. More may well follow.

In this edition of The Report Jon Manel investigates what's become the murky, often nasty world of some young Conservatives. He explores the culture of two organisations thrown into the spotlight by this story - Conservative Future and the Young Britons' Foundation - and, in a rare media appearance, speaks to YBF's founder Donal Blaney.

BBC Radio 4 - The Report, Young, Tory and Bullied
Bumped because of this new depth that they have managed to sink to. I thought the planted stories over the weekend in the Mail were bad enough, but to do this in open court?

The parents of Tory activist Elliott Johnson have been warned by the Conservative thinktank where he used to work that their son’s mental health and sexuality would be aired in public if they insisted on broadening the scope of the inquest into his death.

At a packed courthouse in Ampthill, Bedfordshire, lawyers for Ray and Alison Johnson argued that allegations that Elliott was bullied by Tory aide Mark Clarke and others should be examined by a full inquest as his treatment could amount to an “inhuman and degrading” breach of human rights.

But George Alliott, the lawyer representing Conservative Way Forward, the thinktank where Elliott worked until he was made redundant a month before his death, told the hearing if the scope of the inquest was broadened it would lead to further questions being asked about Elliott’s sexuality and wellbeing.

Addressing coroner Tom Osborne, Alliott said: “If this scope is to widen you are going to have to conclude that it will need to involve references to Elliott’s mental health records and his sexuality.”
Andre Walker was on The Sunday Brilllo last week and the interviewer, Giles Dilnot, was - to coin a Geordie-ism - as soft as shite with him.

Sorry, it's from the Guido Fawkes site.

in 2010, Walker was overheard on a train plotting a smear campaign against the leader of Windsor and Maidenhead council.
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