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Tory youth activists bully fellow Tory activist till he commits suicide

Again, like others on the thread I find there's a conflict going on between my normal human reactions and my judgements based on the murderous attacks this bloke's party are undertaking (and as Lynne said, it just so happens that I'm not giving much of a shit about him on a particular day). And why do we find our human reactions being overridden? It's the actions of a party - bedroom tax, sanctions, fit for work test - that genuinely doesn't give a flying fuck about bullying, the infliction of misery, driving people to suicide, inflicting the aftermath of suicide on families and friends. He wanted a career in a party that does that to others, but it ended up getting done to him. It is what it is.
That's fair enough. I'm not in any way defending this man. I also find it hard to understand exactly how things can go so wrong in a person's life that they end up working for Conservative Future. It's like the 'hang mandela' types in the 80s - my first reaction is 'wtf is wrong with you?'.
That's fair enough. I'm not in any way defending this man. I also find it hard to understand exactly how things can go so wrong in a person's life that they end up working for Conservative Future. It's like the 'hang mandela' types in the 80s - my first reaction is 'wtf is wrong with you?'.
Denis Healey said something along the lines of 'if you're not a Marxist under the age of 30 you've got something wrong with your heart. If you're a Marxist over the age of 30 you've got something wrong with your head'. All bullshit of course, but regardless of this particular bloke I think that anyone joining the tories in the last 5 years or so can have no illusions about the nature of the offensive they were signing up to. Probably a sign that you have something wrong with your character.
Fuck, I struggle with solidarity anyway (because I am a miserable misanthrope who prefers plants to people) so I am not really shedding any tears at all...but on the other hand, I don't know him, he exists purely as a symbol of shitness in my mind and barely worthy of consideration...however, not being totally without empathy, I suspect that had he come within my circle in any way whatsoever, or his parents, then I probably would feel quite different.
I don't know at all what you mean by that. It costs you nothing in your bank of compassion to feel some towards this man when reading the story. That isn't some bit of compassion that you cannot now spend on others.

It isn't about what it costs me, it's about what provokes my sympathy.
You want me to feel compassion for someone for whom I would have little or no sympathy, purely on the basis that he was a victim of bullying who suicided. Well, I've already expressed my sympathy for the fact of him being a victim of bullying, but I've also made clear that he chose to be among such people,and was indeed ideologically aligned with them, and for that I have no compassion. Why would I, when he and his are hounding me and mine to early deaths in pursuit of their ideology?
Fuck, I struggle with solidarity anyway (because I am a miserable misanthrope who prefers plants to people) so I am not really shedding any tears at all...but on the other hand, I don't know him, he exists purely as a symbol of shitness in my mind and barely worthy of consideration...however, not being totally without empathy, I suspect that had he come within my circle in any way whatsoever, or his parents, then I probably would feel quite different.
he has gone to a better place
Fuck, I struggle with solidarity anyway (because I am a miserable misanthrope who prefers plants to people) so I am not really shedding any tears at all...but on the other hand, I don't know him, he exists purely as a symbol of shitness in my mind and barely worthy of consideration...however, not being totally without empathy, I suspect that had he come within my circle in any way whatsoever, or his parents, then I probably would feel quite different.

Sure, but there's a massive difference between the almost-instinctive compassion and sympathy one feels regarding the death of someone you know - we are aware of their loss on an individual basis, and of the hurt it causes those left behind, and to an extent are able to empathise with that, however misanthropic we are - and being expected to be sympathetic toward the suicide of someone who gave every indication of being a perfect (and willing) conduit for Tory ideology. Fuck all that Judaeo-Christian crap about forgiveness! If you're pointing a gun at me and mine, expect me to respond similarly. No quarter!
By the by, it's not simply about a trade off between human sympathy and political anger. The me of 20, 30 years ago would have given it a straight 'fuck em all' about tories, dead or alive. Nowadays I'm a bit more sympathetic, aware of human misery. But it's exactly that that makes me more angry.
Sure, but there's a massive difference between the almost-instinctive compassion and sympathy one feels regarding the death of someone you know - we are aware of their loss on an individual basis, and of the hurt it causes those left behind, and to an extent are able to empathise with that, however misanthropic we are - and being expected to be sympathetic toward the suicide of someone who gave every indication of being a perfect (and willing) conduit for Tory ideology. Fuck all that Judaeo-Christian crap about forgiveness! If you're pointing a gun at me and mine, expect me to respond similarly. No quarter!
Spot on.
Well yes, except people are usually more complex than a set of ideals or beliefs and, if nothing else, my sympathies would be more likely to extend towards his parent's (because being a parent to young men myself - there is already a point of connection). By the same token, I can off snails with some abandon, using the physically removed method of sprays and pellets...but find myself quite unable to actually squash them beneath my heel (sad and weird, I know).
There's nothing more exhausting than being compassionate towards people with no compassion, being empathetic towards those with no empathy. I've learned the hard way that you sometimes have to just stop caring about some people or they'll drag you into a black hole with them.

I agree with this totally. I don't think it's healthy to gave a hate-wank when one of them dies, though.

Thatcher excepted obv. And Osbourne. And pigfucker. And...
To be fair, most liberals would much rather you called them a cunt than a liberal. :)

There seem to be so many meanings of the word sloshing around these days, I think it could be applied to a great many. Certainly a good proportion of everyone on this site. Though there's an interesting authoritarian angle mixed in too.
I'm not going to celebrate it, suicide is a fucking horrible thing for anyone to go through. Having lost a good mate to it this year its kind of hard for me to think any differently especially cos i believed all sorts of ridiculous shit at age 21. Its a sad thing for the lads family to go through. But at the same time we know this kind of shit goes on in the right, the fash have done similar stuff with bullying each other so they commit suicide, and im not gonna lose sleep over it either way. Just dont find it easy to adopt the wayhey dead tories stance given one of my best mates killed herself atm although on another day i might feel differently depending on my mood.
Its about the principle, i didnt give a shit when the two daeshbag cunts got hit by a drone a few weeks back (and still dont) but i still think that extra judicial killing by our govt is a cuntish thing to do, bullying someone to death is too even if the person they did it to was scum. And i hope they get theirs, in a milieu like the tory party they probably won't though, they'll be laughing about it in between fucking pigs heads.
Its about the principle, i didnt give a shit when the two daeshbag cunts got hit by a drone a few weeks back (and still dont) but i still think that extra judicial killing by our govt is a cuntish thing to do, bullying someone to death is too even if the person they did it to was scum.

I wish it was possible for those involved to die with it on their conscience.
I wish it was possible for those involved to die with it on their conscience.

One of them might. The others probably wont give a shit though. At least if one of them runs for leadership or to be a Tory MP in a few years this can be used as a stick to beat him by, the good thing about the internet is the evidence of this stuff is online and can be dragged up by typing a few words into google
Its about the principle, i didnt give a shit when the two daeshbag cunts got hit by a drone a few weeks back (and still dont) but i still think that extra judicial killing by our govt is a cuntish thing to do, bullying someone to death is too even if the person they did it to was scum. And i hope they get theirs, in a milieu like the tory party they probably won't though, they'll be laughing about it in between fucking pigs heads.
When people say 'I hope he gets raped in prison' about some cunt who gets sent down, they are pulled up on it here by me and many other people, and nobody shouts 'liberal'. I don't see this as much different.
I remember five minutes before Campaigning ended at the last Irish election in 2010, I had a knock on the door from a Orga FF campaign worker and Conor Lehinan. Conor was set to lose his seat but had secured his generous pension and here's this grinning imbecile standing at more door asking for my vote after his part ran the country into the ground and brought the IMF in. The thing that really fucking annoyed me was the 20 something wee shite touting for his votes, I couldn't believe it. I just wanted to slap the kid and ask him what the fuck was he doing shilling for this incompetent buffoon.
When people say 'I hope he gets raped in prison' about some cunt who gets sent down, they are pulled up on it here by me and many other people, and nobody shouts 'liberal'. I don't see this as much different.
The liberal comment was a bit tongue in check.
I see this as having more in common with Thatcher dieing than wishing rape on someone.
The liberal comment was a bit tongue in check.
I see this as having more in common with Thatcher dieing than wishing rape on someone.

I think a misguided idiot who never had to put his money where his mouth was being bullied to death has little in common with what Thatcher did over a whole lifetme and her relatively merciful shuffling off.

If you can tolerate me thinking this, then you fall under one of the main meanings of 'liberal, by the way. :)
I think a misguided idiot who never had to put his money where his mouth was being bullied to death has little in common with what Thatcher did over a whole lifetme and her relatively merciful shuffling off.

If you can tolerate me thinking this, then you fall under one of the main meanings of 'liberal, by the way. :)
That's why II just said closer rather than suggesting they where in some way analogous. But I'll be sure to keep a bullet with you name on it.
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