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Tory Leadership contest 2022


A central tenet of Johnson's political strategy is 'they're all the same', as a method of blunting any desire for change. to fall for it means accepting that all politicians are as venal, greedy, disorganised, dishonest, un-motivated by a political philosophy - and that most importantly, if everyone is equally bad, Johnson may as well stay there.

Your problem is that you cast your disillusionment with the Tories as a disillusionment with all politicians and all politics - you find it easier to say 'they're all shit, and all as bad as each other', than to accept that you held on to something that was rotten far longer than you should have.

I doubt there are more than a dozen MP's who are more corrupt, more indolent, more self-obsessed than Johnson, and perhaps another two dozen as corrupt, indolent and self-obsessed than him. That leaves 600+: 300 or so might be clinically stupid/headbangers, with perhaps 300 left as relatively normal, reasonably sentient, and with higher moral standards than Johnson.

A dozen+ leap out, but there are probably 200+ who would make a better job of it.
Do you see Starmer as a PM?

With the millstone of hard left Rayner round his neck?




FFS, no.

The quality and competence of everything falls year by year, but the quality of politicians is in freefall. There are people sitting in the house who have never had a commercial job.

How the fuck can someone who has gone the Oxbridge PPE 2:2, work as researcher for MP, unwinnable to get blooded, winnable, seat in the Commons have the slightest inkling of what life is like for ordinary people?
Safe to make an announcement now - he isn't the one who prompted the vote (although I'd guess he did send in a letter) . Bit of a risk too - could swing some votes from Boris out to , fuck not Hunt, I'll keep Boris.
I'm just guessing, obviously, but I can't see the prospect of Hunt as leader scaring that many of those MPs who are already thinking seriously about ditching Johnson.

Could be wrong of course (and I'm certainly not saying he's a sure thing to win)
Do you see Starmer as a PM?

With the millstone of hard left Rayner round his neck?




FFS, no.

The quality and competence of everything falls year by year, but the quality of politicians is in freefall. There are people sitting in the house who have never had a commercial job.

How the fuck can someone who has gone the Oxbridge PPE 2:2, work as researcher for MP, unwinnable to get blooded, winnable, seat in the Commons have the slightest inkling of what life is like for ordinary people?
i'm not sure that what life is like for ordinary people is of any great interest to anyone on the conservative benches
fingers crossed. Otherwise
Will anyone do a John Major and come from relative obscurity to win the next election against the odds, keeping the Tories in power until 2028?
I'm just guessing, obviously, but I can't see the prospect of Hunt as leader scaring that many of those MPs who are already thinking seriously about ditching Johnson.

Could be wrong of course (and I'm certainly not saying he's a sure thing to win)
I go the other way. Have found it scary that none of greasy pole merchants have stuck their head above the parapet til now.

I agree with what the Queen "why would anybody want that job?" but they usually do. Things have to be pretty fucked up for no one to want the poisoned chalice
So whom would you vote for?
I really don't nt see urban75 and torys having much intersection on who or what they look for in a leader

It's a popcorn and deckchair moment with a potential chance of a celebratory pint depending on how it goes.

It would be good to have a genuine excuse for a party. Haven't really had one in ages
If you think Rayner is hard left you should be terrified of most of the people on this board tbh. She's well to the right of the majority perspective here.

Thanks for the info. Most revealing, I would never have guessed that. :D then again, I've only been here coming up for twenty years.

I view a lot of posters much as I view the SWP or CPGB, earnest and genuinely well meaning, but never going to be elected to anything.
The best Tory leader is one with no ideas, little influence to get anything done and whose tenure is marked by sleaze and embarrassing political dramas.

So Boris wouldn't be a bad fit if he could stop coming up with idiot plans like sending migrants to Rwanda every five minutes...
Thanks for the info. Most revealing, I would never have guessed that. :D then again, I've only been here coming up for twenty years.

I view a lot of posters much as I view the SWP or CPGB, earnest and genuinely well meaning, but never going to be elected to anything.
If you've learned so little in 20 years here that you'd still call Angela Rayner hard left that's tremendously sad.
Wonder if any of the cabinet will resign today? Who hasnt tweeted support yet? Gove knifing the barf bag again would be hilarious.
The best Tory leader is one with no ideas, little influence to get anything done and whose tenure is marked by sleaze and embarrassing political dramas.

So Boris wouldn't be a bad fit if he could stop coming up with idiot plans like sending migrants to Rwanda every five minutes...
Even that's not him, it's the people he employs.

I also prefer Boris to any of the others mentioned, including Starmer.
Yup - so despite this being in the air all weekend, and Johnson knowing about it for the last 24 hours, only half of the government - less, given that there's a fair number of back benchers also tweeting their support - saying they support the boss....

I still think he'll get the numbers to stay, but that's a marked lack of enthusiasm.
Do you see Starmer as a PM?

With the millstone of hard left Rayner round his neck?




FFS, no.

The quality and competence of everything falls year by year, but the quality of politicians is in freefall. There are people sitting in the house who have never had a commercial job.

How the fuck can someone who has gone the Oxbridge PPE 2:2, work as researcher for MP, unwinnable to get blooded, winnable, seat in the Commons have the slightest inkling of what life is like for ordinary people?

Can we keep the discussion about Johnson to the main thread, as stuff is now being duplicated here & there.

Keep this on topic, i.e. any leadership contest, should be happen.
It's a popcorn and deckchair moment with a potential chance of a celebratory pint depending on how it goes.

I'd like to think so, but what outcome would you consider worthy of a celebratory pint? I was planning to seek oblivion in some consolatory whisky, whatever happens.
I'd like to think so, but what outcome would you consider worthy of a celebratory pint? I was planning to seek oblivion in some consolatory whisky, whatever happens.
Boris not being PM when the Parliamentary enquiry into whether he mislead parliament would be good. especially since if he doesn't go will be another b4 they get rid
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