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Tory Leadership contest 2022

My WAG is that now the venal, cowardly Tory MPs have him on the ropes, they’ll seek to finish him off out of fear of the alternative.
Corruption, sleaze and being absolutely shit are all totally fine to Tories.

But if the Queen-shaggers boo you then that's it, you're obviously not the right kind of cunt for them.
Yep was wondering if that shocked and motivated them.
I reckon Shapps is the dark horse if there’s a contest. Seen as loyal to Johnson, could conceivably package himself as a new variant of Cameron for a post Brexit era and unite both wings of the party (the one nation and the fruitloops)
Corruption, sleaze and being absolutely shit are all totally fine to Tories.

But if the Queen-shaggers boo you then that's it, you're obviously not the right kind of cunt for them.

While this is true, it appears that enough letters had been submitted before the Jubilee weekend and Brady waited until last night to tell Johnson and this morning to announce it publicly.
I reckon Shapps is the dark horse if there’s a contest. Seen as loyal to Johnson, could conceivably package himself as a new variant of Cameron for a post Brexit era and unite both wings of the party (the one nation and the fruitloops)

Oh good god no. An actual confidence trickster (rather than narcissistic personality disordered liar which is what we have now).
Last time Gove put himself forward as a contender an incredibly well timed 'Gove is a coke fiend' story hit the papers so I'll be interested to see if he bothers this time round and if the same thing happens. (should they get rid of Johnon)

That video of him in a club wasn't likely to endear him to most tory MPs. And they're the ones who'll be deciding if we have a new PM, and who it will be
Yes, he's gonna win. Personally I'd like Zahawi to get it though if the unlikely happens. He's very very smart and having met him a couple of times he actually seems fairly sound.
I think he has sold his soul to the devil, I expect him to win by the skin of his teeth. If I'm proven wrong then I will allow myself a small amount of gloating before I start wondering who the fuck will replace him.
It would be properly hilarious if they made Liz Truss prime minister. For about 2 minutes, before the crashing realisation that Liz Truss is now prime minister.

Dream team of her, Dorries as Chancellor, and Rees-Mogg as something, no idea what... Foreign Secretary in pith helmet and safari shorts? Oh I forgot Fabricant, him as Education maybe. Winning for the UK.

I feel like the world is totally insane this morning. The TV in the gym was showing some morning program that was fawning over the Royals as being in touch with the public and cost of living crisis as they were wearing older outfits or something, and then Radio 4 was covering what the Queen has in her handbag apart from marmalade sandwiches.

Come Russian bombs, I for one think it might be better than this sometimes.

(TBF the in-laws have been staying over the weekend, a nuclear apocalypse started to look appealing about Sunday mid-afternoon.)
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Dream team of her, Dorries as Chancellor, and Rees-Mogg as something, no idea what... Foreign Secretary in pith helmet and safari shorts?
JRM would rename it Secretary of State for the colonies and dominions or similar I imagine
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well for one thing, there are about 170 odd Tory MPs who have some kind of government role.

In a public vote they might want to show their loyalty so they can retain their roles if he wins, but there's no benefit to showing your loyalty in a secret ballot. If they think they'll have better long-term career chances i.e. after the next election by voting him out, that's what they'll do.
In a public vote they might want to show their loyalty so they can retain their roles if he wins, but there's no benefit to showing your loyalty in a secret ballot. If they think they'll have better long-term career chances i.e. after the next election by voting him out, that's what they'll do.
Long-term career chances are slight - the Tories aren't going to win the next election - so another 2 years and a bit of government (if he doesn't call an early election) and then hoping for some corporate shillings afterwards - new boss, new broom .
Why does everyone think he'll win? :confused:

1. Because who comes after him is up in the air: if you're a Brexit fanatic, and many of them can't stand him, then a Hunt or Tugendhat PM might not be to your liking, and if you're relatively sensible a Liz Truss PM probably doesn't appeal.

2. There are many in the PCP who understand that Johnson and his loyalty cult is their only opportunity for office/influence. He may lose them their seat in 2 years, but that's two years of some movement in both career and political objectives, rather than none.
I think I want Johnson to scrape through, with the ensuing mess making the tories more toxic by the day.

Yeah it’s weird. I’ve been waiting with glee to see his downfall for about two decades now, but the accelerationist in me is loving how toxic he’s become for the Tory brand. My hunch is he’s for the chop tho
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