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Tory Leadership contest 2022

All their snouts are twitching at the thought of getting stuck in the magic money trough.

Amazing that theres so much money now for tax cuts when there was nothing to prevent the hardships of austerity and the decimation of public services.
If they carry on like this as a party (vote for me because I’m very un-woke I’ll protect the statues and send the refugees to the bottom of the sea etc) they are screwing themselves for the future aren’t they, the old and racist aren’t a great long term strategy.
If they carry on like this as a party (vote for me because I’m very un-woke I’ll protect the statues and send the refugees to the bottom of the sea etc) they are screwing themselves for the future aren’t they, the old and racist aren’t a great long term strategy.

To be fair that's the selectorate they're pitching to right now.
It's difficult for them ( :( ) because they need to pitch to MPs to get any hope of being in the final two, but at the same time they also need to pitch to membership who might have very different ideas from MPs as to what is or isn't acceptable for a candidate to come out with. All the while they need to be mindful that there's no point in pandering to the party if they can't convince that party they can get enough broad support from the electorate to win a GE against Starmer.
If they carry on like this as a party (vote for me because I’m very un-woke I’ll protect the statues and send the refugees to the bottom of the sea etc) they are screwing themselves for the future aren’t they, the old and racist aren’t a great long term strategy.
We're all getting older and the tory press are formenting racism, so it's a pretty solid strategy. There's no doubt in my mind that over the last 10 years racism in the UK has got a lot worse (or better if you're pitching for the tory leadership role).

Could have picked any of the candidates bar Sunak (for example Jawid who called for a bigger NIC increase less than 12 months ago and now wants massive cuts in the NHS and other budgets to fund tax cuts) but this clown:

  • called for a 9% pay award for teachers LAST WEEK
  • Also LAST WEEK stated he would be the ‘evidence based’ chancellor. Presumably the evidence he’s looked at includes the evidence from his own department (OBR report) that corporation tax and other incentives to the private sector will not spark investment. Businesses traditionally invest when they can see a return on their money and as of now they do not see they return/are price gouging instead.
  • Has overlooked the evidence that cutting government spending in those circumstances is insane: when the private sector does not invest and no longer innovates in capitalist economies (which is a long run trend in the British economy) then government spending is the key element in national income. It is not money wasted. It is part of our national income.
  • Has missed the evidence that the key driver of inflation in 2022 is corporate profit. Cutting tax for the richest - and depressing spending by government - is a sure fire way of creating recession as investment collapses without government spending.
In amongst the euphoria of the demise of Johnson some of us warned that what came next would be even worse, and here we are. A dozen swivel eyed loons competing to see who can create the deepest recession, channel the most money to their rich chums while over 10 million people are tipped into food and energy poverty. All of it cheered on by the media celebrating a return of ‘serious’ debate and policy. The airwaves full of rich reminiscing about Reagan and Thatcher, the small state and the myth of the entrepreneur and the market tricking down the wealth.
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We all knew whoever came after Boris would be bad, in fairness, the euphoria has been entirely about seeing the bastards be miserable for once.

Troubke with the so-called grilling the candidates have been getting on the economy so far of course is that all the people doing it are either Tories, paid by Tories or don't really feel comfortable going in on a subject they're wobbly about
We all knew whoever came after Boris would be bad, in fairness, the euphoria has been entirely about seeing the bastards be miserable for once.

I get that. But there was/is also a mistaken assumption that ‘Johnson’ was an explanation for the crisis rather than a symptom of it

As people are about to find out the populist experiment is about to be replaced with the resumption of old establishment rule and Thatcherism.
We all knew whoever came after Boris would be bad, in fairness, the euphoria has been entirely about seeing the bastards be miserable for once.

Troubke with the so-called grilling the candidates have been getting on the economy so far of course is that all the people doing it are either Tories, paid by Tories or don't really feel comfortable going in on a subject they're wobbly about
Trouble with the whole process is that it's tory on tory. It's profoundly undemocratic. BBC, Sky, etc, shouldn't even interview them. If the tories want their members to hear the candidates' views, they should arrange something themselves.
I find it scary how sleazy and incompetent some of the contenders are, and those are just the ones I know something about.

I suppose I could reassure myself with the thought they may not win, but how the hell are slippery characters like Zahawi and Shapps even getting close to a position where they could become the most powerful in the land. Isn’t this a clear warning signal that the system itself is fucked up?
I find it scary how sleazy and incompetent some of the contenders are, and those are just the ones I know something about.

I suppose I could reassure myself with the thought they may not win, but how the hell are slippery characters like Zahawi and Shapps even getting close to a position where they could become the most powerful in the land. Isn’t this a clear warning signal that the system itself is fucked up?
dude, did you not see the last guy?
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