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Tory Leadership contest 2022

Zahawi is my pick. He's a good man as far as I know, and highly competent. What I found quite amusing over the last few days was the polls usually referred to in the media reflecting how fucked Boris was were conducted by YouGov, the company he founded.

But having met a few of these fuckers, he's the pick of them. 'Interesting' move to take over like Chancellor like that though. I'd like to think it was a chess move in order to release his statement this morning.
hes a cunt
How many more times are we gonna hear "I came to the country with nothing. I know what its like" statements from these Tory candidates?
You still going to represent the interest of the well-off so cut the crap.

Fair play to them - they're doing their best to make sure all young people in Britain start out that way, so that they too can aspire to the highest office in the land.
Didn't notice this when I watched it , but the Daily Mail did (who are clearly not Penny fans) but there is a clip on her video of Johnny Peacock winning a race for Britain salutes in the 2012 Olympics , someone who was also in the race & therefore features in the video, is Oscar Pistorius 😳 it is a very brief glimpse but the mail is painting it as an early blow to her campaign.
At the moment they all seem to be involved in a bit of a pissing contest over who is going to be the biggest tax cutter of them all.
Despite a complete lack of evidence that it works cutting taxes to stimulate growth is a bit of a holy grail on the economic right.
My brief comments about Sunaks risky approach of talking up the impending economic doom rather missed out the fact that this stance is used to support his rather different attitude towards the most obvious of tax cuts, that such cuts need to wait for some other time.
Labour don't need to do anything here (but file the sleaze away for later)
yep. I'm not sure how likely the rumours are to be true, tbh. A tory is seen with a labour person in a pub? Not the strongest evidence.

And yeah, Labour would be mad to do anything other than to sit on it and, if it's really bad, hope that person wins. Tories will know that, though, which makes me doubt the rumours.
yep. I'm not sure how likely the rumours are to be true, tbh. A tory is seen with a labour person in a pub? Not the strongest evidence.

And yeah, Labour would be mad to do anything other than to sit on it and, if it's really bad, hope that person wins. Tories will know that, though, which makes me doubt the rumours.
Well, we can dream. We need something to point and laugh at in these depressing times...
The racism expresses itself differently in different parts of the country. And differently from how it appears in the UK. But you're not going to convince me that Montpellier, long time heartland of the FN with FN MPs and voting massively for Le Pen is a place of racial harmony any more than Calais is.
I agree with you, and certainly Montpellier is not without problems. My point was that to say racism in the UK is peanuts compared to France is, imo untrue. There is much work on both sides of the channel to be done.
All the candidates doing the sunday morning shows at the mo. Shapps is easily the best communicator. Must be all that practice he got being wheeled out to defend the indefensible day after day.
I quite liked it when speaking to Ridge he said ' Boris's downfall was because he's too loyal' 🤣 . I don't think you and I watched the same interview :facepalm:
This will go well...

We must leave European Court of Human Rights - Suella Braverman

Attorney General Suella Braverman - the first to throw her hat in the ring for the leadership contest - has been setting out her position on the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). A stauch Brexiteer, Braverman believes the UK "must fully take back control of our borders" by "leaving the jurisdiction of the ECHR". She says that when people voted for Brexit, they expected this to be done. "The British people should be able to vote for their priorities and expect that their government can carry them out. This is the definition of taking back control," she says.

Full on bid for the Brexit headbanger vote.
I know several tories/UKIPy right wingers and some of them very vocal about it. But it's really difficult to know what they think politically other than pro-brexit, anti-immigration, anti-woke, low taxes. The bexit/immigration thing is done and over, the anti-woke thing is not really that important to them and they sort of realise that the low taxes game is up. These days it's much more about personalities, one or two of them really do love Boris, they still love him despite everything and for no particular reason. I don't think they're very interested in any of the contenders for his replacement. I think post Cameron/austerity it has been all about personalities for the Tory media, they haven't really done much in the way of opinion forming on the need to tighten belts wrt cost of living which would be the normal Tory thing to do. They would just like what they perceive as a strong man and there really isn't one on offer.

Anecdotal biases etc.
an anonymously published list posted on twitter is hardly damning evidence of anything is it? Whilst such a list may very well exist I would expect it to have details rather than just mostly vague assertions.
Unless I see more then I would reckon this is probably fake

It did the rounds a few months before covid, possibly even before Boris general erection (it’s a medical condition honestly, he has a note) victory.
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