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Too many immigration threads on UK P&P?

becky p said:
Nino. So do you think everybody who disagrees with you is racist?:D

What a typically stupid thing to say. I think that anyone who comes out with silly remarks like this is obviously pretty thick and a bit of a idiot. :p

Do you understand what is meant by the word "Orwellian"? No, because you're dense. :D
Lock&Light said:
It's even worse than that. Nino thinks that everyone who disagrees with him is wrong.

Ah, look who's come to stick his oar in!

The thing with you L&L is that you seem to think that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong and should be harrassed and stalked. As far as you're concerned, everyone else is guilty except you. The only folk you convince are the likes of beckyp and all the other sad shitehawks. :p
nino_savatte said:
Ah, look who's come to stick his oar in!

The thing with you L&L is that you seem to think that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong and should be harrassed and stalked. As far as you're concerned, everyone else is guilty except you. The only folk you convince are the likes of beckyp and all the other sad shitehawks. :p

In fact, unlike you, I am often unsure about some of my thoughts and opinions. I never state anything with 100% certainty as 100% certainty doesn't exist.

As for sticking my oar in, it's actually called responding to postings.
Lock&Light said:
In fact, unlike you, I am often unsure about some of my thoughts and opinions. I never state anything with 100% certainty as 100% certainty doesn't exist.

As for sticking my oar in, it's actually called responding to postings.

Here you try and present yourself as an innocent victim; a harmless poster who never puts a foot wrong. You're deluding yourself.

No, you stick your oar in and you snipe. You never make a contribution to any thread that you appear on.


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nino_savatte said:
Here you try and present yourself as an innocent victim; a harmless poster who never puts a foot wrong. You're deluding yourself.

No, you stick your oar in and you snipe. You never make a contribution to any thread that you appear on.

It's sad, nino, that you have never been able to read my posts through your red rages of blindness.
Lock&Light said:
It's sad, nino, that you have never been able to read my posts through your red rages of blindness.

It's sad that you have had this obsession with me since 2003 and that you continue to follow me around the boards, despite being told - politely - not to do so.

If you aren't doing that, you're arse-licking some poster whom you hero-worship.
nino_savatte said:
It's sad that you have had this obsession with me since 2003 and that you continue to follow me around the boards, despite being told - politely - not to do so.

It was your total lack of politeness when dealing with the likes Johnny Canute and others which first drew my attention to you. Your insults, while being juvenile in the extreme, have always been prolific.
Lock&Light said:
It was your total lack of politeness when dealing with the likes Johnny Canute and others which first drew my attention to you. Your insults, while being juvenile in the extreme, have always been prolific.

Whereas you think that you're both friendly and polite. The truth is you're neither of those things but you are quite happy to accuse others of the things that you are guilty of. You're a sad, deluded fool who refuses to acknowledge his own nastiness an tries to project his faults onto others.

Oh and I remember very well what you posted on that first occasion and it had nothing to do with JC2.

No wonder so many people have put you on ignore.
Originally Posted by Lock&Light
It's sad, nino, that you have never been able to read my posts through your red rages of blindness.

There's nothing in your posts but cheap shots and snide remarks.

What's a "red rage of blindness"? Fucking moron. :D
nino_savatte said:
No wonder so many people have put you on ignore.

Unlike you, most of them manage to actually do so.

I'll have to ignore you now, nino, as I'm still some miles from Inverness and I want to be in Portree by this evening.
Lock&Light said:
Unlike you, most of them manage to actually do so.

I'll have to ignore you now, nino, as I'm still some miles from Inverness and I want to be in Portree by this evening.

You're a fucking pest who doesn't know the meaning of the word "ignore".
nino_savatte said:
You're a fucking pest who doesn't know the meaning of the word "ignore".

The fact is, nino, it's always you who says you want to ignore me but always miserably fail. I don't go onto bulletin boards in order to ignore people as I really can't see the point of that.
Lock&Light said:
I don't go onto bulletin boards in order to ignore people as I really can't see the point of that.

You go onto bulletin boards to make a nuisance of yourself and then, you deny it all and try to pin the blame on someone else. Most other folk use the ignore function, whereas you think you're above that. It has nothing to do with there being "no point to it".

Hypocrisy be thy name.
nino_savatte said:
You go onto bulletin boards to make a nuisance of yourself and then, you deny it all and try to pin the blame on someone else. Most other folk use the ignore function, whereas you think you're above that. It has nothing to do with there being "no point to it".

Hypocrisy be thy name.

I'm afraid that I am becoming more and more convinced of your imbicility, nino. Your next response will probably bring me up to about 90% certainty.
Lock&Light said:
I'm afraid that I am becoming more and more convinced of your imbicility, nino. Your next response will probably bring me up to about 90% certainty.

You continue to follow me around, Schlock and if I was to take a look at your last 16 posts, I would probably discover that most of those posts are you making cheap shots.

Now fuck off and die.
Lock&Light said:
Being you, and an idiot, you're probably 100% convinced of that, nino.

Really, Schlock? Aren't you the one who always says that my "posts don't deserve a reply"? You're digging yourself deeper here, carry on.
nino_savatte said:
Really, Schlock? Aren't you the one who always says that my "posts don't deserve a reply"? You're digging yourself deeper here, carry on.

Why don't you concentrate, nino? I have said that your opening post on this thread doesn't deserve a reply.

Anyway, I reserve the right to reply even when your posts don't deserve it. You should just try to learn to live with that.
Lock&Light said:
Why don't you concentrate, nino? I have said that your opening post on this thread doesn't deserve a reply.

Anyway, I reserve the right to reply even when your posts don't deserve it. You should just try to learn to live with that.

You're talking absolute rubbish, as usual. The funny thing is, you don't even realise that you're contradicting yourself....such is your desperation to get "one over" on me.

How about doing us all a favour by ending your miserable life now?
nino_savatte said:
So how about making an effort to clarify what you're saying instead of hiding behind a series of meaningless phrases? Better still how about being a wee bit more honest about what you're saying?

You continue to moan about immigration and you come out with mealy mouthed sentences like "refugees were mainly pushed and that ANY DECENT society should take them in" and then, on other threads, you immediately contradict this carefully crafted faux position by demanding controls. You also continue to labour under the misapprehension that "immigrants take priority" in social housing without a shred of evidence to support your claim. When I told you that I had worked in social housing and that I know how properties are allocated, you, treelover and brasicattack immediately suggested that I was lying. Why? Because the truth undermines your mythologically based assumptions to the contrary.

yet again baseless accusations ..

demanding controls?? never ever .. i have repeated this to you a million times and you have never come up with a single instance of me demanding state controls ( community/ w/c control yes .. i think that is very differrent .. are you against that?)

the housing argument is over on the Griffin thread .. you continue to miss the point deliberately or not

i never ever suggested you were lying over the idea immigrants are prioritised (or that you worked in housing) .. i, like you, know they are not .. the issue is that families or homelss or those in need are, and they, in this part of the world, are predominantly migrants ..
nino_savatte said:
So while you and your pals are sitting around dreaming up ways to exclude and expatriate immigrants, the country is going down the plughole and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan continues.

You continue to mutter about "processes" and how the "bosses are using cheap immigrant labour" but neither you nor treelover actually wants to see migrant workers achieve any form of economic parity. Instead you blame them for "driving down wages" when it is the bosses who do this. You keep attacking the victims not the perpetrators, this is what makes your argument so unpalatable.

yet again baseless accusation .. i have helped migrant agency staff get full time jobs where i work ..

it is only you who think we are blaming migrants ( and MC) .. i do not believe, and have never once said on urban, that it is right to blame migrants .. and i have said a million times i blame the bosses for all our ills ..

why when i say, as i have said countless times, that i blame the neoliberals, the spivs and the cowboys for using and abusing migrants, why do you persist in pretending i am blaming migrants themselves???
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