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Too many immigration threads on UK P&P?

nino_savatte said:

A number of people, including mods, recognised me immediately after I started posting, some made a comment, others seemed uninterested. It is possible for you to be wrong, you know, nino
Lock&Light said:
A number of people, including mods, recognised me immediately after I started posting, some made a comment, others seemed uninterested. It is possible for you to be wrong, you know, nino

It's possible that you're bullshitting too. Maybe, I'll go and find the thread, eh? :p
nino_savatte said:
Tut, tut, all you lot can do is make cheap shots and backslap each other. My what a wankfest! :rolleyes:

Tell this to Rustbotherer: he needs psychiatric help. :p

If you will derail your own threads. No wonder I don't often/ only recently come to this part of the boards. Everyone seems to have their own agenda and far too much aggression.
Lock&Light said:
Are you saying it's NOT possible for you to be wrong?

And you're saying that you're always right. :rolleyes:

You're a nasty wee troll, Lock. Just make like a dog turd: dry up and blow away in the breeze.
Lock&Light said:
Please show me where I have ever even hinted at such a thing, nino.

You don't have to "hint" anything. It's evident in all your cheap shot posts. Tell me, do you ever make any real contributions to threads? No, this site is full of threads that you have disrupted with your snide comments.

I realise why you do this: your life is so shite that you have to make yourself feel better by sniping at others. Face it, you have an obsession and in that respect, you're little better than Swarthy.
So, no comment on the OP or any of the subsequent posts, Lock? That isn't like you, you always have sooooo much to say.:rolleyes:

Awaits another L&L reply along the lines of "They're not worth replying to"..in which case he's hoisted himself by his own petard!
I think it's fair to say that the majority of posts in this link have been cheap shots and snipes...all of them directed at a particular person. Looks like someone has an obsession (to which L&L would reply "don't flatter yourself"...nothing like denial and self-deception, eh?):D

Just because you don't like the subject matter of the OP, you derail the thread. Of course, you're not the only one Lock, Knotted has done the same. So why does immigration get your knickers in such a twist (that's a question for the others, since Lock makes no pretensions of participation)?
nino_savatte said:

Awaits another L&L reply along the lines of "They're not worth replying to"..in which case he's hoisted himself by his own petard!

How can I be hoisted by my own petard by not replying to posts that are not worth replying to, nino?
Lock&Light said:
How can I be hoisted by my own petard by not replying to posts that are not worth replying to, nino?

LOL!!!! I knew you'd do it. Predictable as clockwork.

So what the fuck are you doing on this thread if "posts aren't worth replying to"? If that's the case, why are you replying to me? It seems to me that you've tangled yourself up in a wee paradox.

I know that isn't cannabis that you're smoking. Go on, tell us what it really is...it's crack isn't it? :D
nino_savatte said:
LOL!!!! I knew you'd do it. Predictable as clockwork.

So what the fuck are you doing on this thread if "posts aren't worth replying to"? If that's the case, why are you replying to me? It seems to me that you've tangled yourself up in a wee paradox.

I know that isn't cannabis that you're smoking. Go on, tell us what it really is...it's crack isn't it? :D

You spoke of the OP, and I have made it clear that I don't think that post was or is worth replying to. You're very slow on the uptake these days, nino.
Lock&Light said:
A number of people, including mods, recognised me immediately after I started posting, some made a comment, others seemed uninterested. It is possible for you to be wrong, you know, nino

This is correct. Nino is, suprise suprise, wrong once more.
Lock&Light said:
You spoke of the OP, and I have made it clear that I don't think that post was or is worth replying to. You're very slow on the uptake these days, nino.

You're replying to this post and you made that remark in response to post 888. Looks like you're the wanker. :D

You're a queer fellow, cock.
Incidently what seems to be outraging Nino is the fact that there is growing consensus on this issue on this board. The screaming usually starts when one of the participants forgets what the disagreement was about, but can't be seen to concede anything. Just a tip.

Remember this, Knotted? It seems to me that you'd already made your mind up and jumped onboard the bandwagon. What was that you were saying about "articulati" now?
nino_savatte said:
Is Lock a pal of yours, torres? Birds of a feather, eh?

Not really no - we've never got on at all. But in this case he is 100% correct and you are 100% wrong. Cue another round of ranting from you as you're not mature enough to admit making even the slightest mistake lest it all come tumbling down around you.
torres said:
Not really no - we've never got on at all. But in this case he is 100% correct and you are 100% wrong. Cue another round of ranting from you as you're not mature enough to admit making even the slightest mistake lest it all come tumbling down around you.

I think I know who you are now. ;)
nino_savatte said:
You don't have to "hint" anything. It's evident in all your cheap shot posts. Tell me, do you ever make any real contributions to threads? No, this site is full of threads that you have disrupted with your snide comments.

I realise why you do this: your life is so shite that you have to make yourself feel better by sniping at others.

Self analysis?:)
nino_savatte said:
I think I know who you are now. ;)

How long does it take to realise that Torres is really BA?

There is no accurate answer, but experts think that nino has achieved a new record.
Lock&Light said:
How long does it take to realise that Torres is really BA?

There is no accurate answer, but experts think that nino has achieved a new record.

While experts have reached the conclusion that Schlock&Shite is still following folk around he boards, hiding behind others, so that he may snipe in comfort.

L&L = relevant contributions aren't us.

ETA: torres is not BA but someone else. Whereas you're still the same sad shite, who should have been banned long ago.
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