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Too many immigration threads on UK P&P?

Knotted said:
Well I've said pretty much all I can say on immigration. I might reply to any serious points if they are made, but that seems unlikely. I've got better things to do than listen to nino's wild accusations. I think this thread should be allowed to die.

No more 'trotbot' bollocks from you. That's fine then. :D
Knotted said:
I don't think that is quite right. He is extremely insecure. There are basically two triggers for his disruptions. One is that he has to explain something he has only half an idea about - this is when he accuses you of being thick btw. The other is that he has to backdown or correct himself (even on trivia). Disagreement per se does not upset him.

Unfortunately trying to win him over by debate will never work. It would mean a loss of face on his behalf. The more you argue the more rigid his position becomes. This has nothing to do with the topic incidently. You are more likely to convince him by ignoring him completely.
and you're a master debater, are you? yeah. RIIIIGHT!!!!
you barely know the mesaning of the word. gimme Nino any day. and he HAS out-dialecticised you here - you're just not man enough to face it.
durruti02 said:
nino it is there! just read my post .. a apology wouldn't go amiss

In the OP nino admits .. "Economic migration is caused by the effect of neo-liberal economic policies .... " that migration is happenning and that it is caused by neo liberalism .. he must then also accept that it has an effect .. and that that effect needs to be countered by the workers movement.

However that sentance i qouted above finishes " ...that have been imposed on that country by the US." apart from the idea that neoliberalism is a purely US thing which is nonsense, this appears to suggest that nino belives that migration is a totally PUSH process. I tried to get debate on this in one of my threads. Clearly if we accept and understand neo liberalism and that its policies cause PUSH in many poor countries, we must also accept that they will operate to casue PULL in others, namely UKinc
eh? in what way do they cause 'pull' in the UK, who is being pulled, and what do you MEAN by 'pull' precidely, anyway?
genuinely baffled. :confused:
nino_savatte said:
What is "decit"? No you have no "recollection" because it wouldn't suit you. You're far to arrogant to admit to any wrongdoing....that's what other people do.

You cut and pasted some of beckyp's post into a quote from me and you have the cheek to say that you haven't?

you really are a troll arn't you? if you don't like a thread you deliberately disrupt it! pathetic

p.s. i have no problem with apologising .. just tell me where so i can check .. you think i apologise for something i don't know i have done??? .. i have apologised to VP at least twice for being imprecise and exaggerating .. you still have not apologised for accusing me of misqouting you when i showed you clearly i did not

and i have NOT said i did NOT do what you accuse me of .. i am merely saying show me so i can check

the fact is you have successfully derailed a number of threads about immigration under a mistaken and ignorent view that they are racist or something like that ( you veered all over the place .. deliberately??)

.. i suspect you feel you have done a good thing in defence of your politics .. sad
Red Jezza said:
eh? in what way do they cause 'pull' in the UK, who is being pulled, and what do you MEAN by 'pull' precidely, anyway?
genuinely baffled. :confused:

i am saying the reason we have a current high level of immigration/economic migration into the uk that is not caused by 'push' forces e.g. war famine etc etc, but by 'pull' forces, In the UKs case that after 20 years of neo liberalism our economy is dominated by companies ( private sector and public) who employ more and more cheap non unionised labour, and make it clear they will employ people on this basis. If this was not so the levels of immigration would be minute in comparison. I am not talking about refugees or migrants from war zones but eastern europeans who have not been 'driven' from their homes but have heard it is easy to get a job in this country.

there is a whole thread of this idea


for my mind it is important as those of us who suggest there is a problem around immigration, are ofeten told we support immigration control/guns anbd barbed wire fences. My point is that this is not so . This is a 'pull' force caused by spiv/cowboy companies. Sort these peole out and then we can have immigration based on cultural exchange not a low wage economy.

Knotted produced an interesting report of Sweden which showed they had lower levels of immigration due to a social contract betwenn employers and unions. I am not syaiing i support this but have always argued that we deal with the drive to lower wages and that will deal with this type of immigration
Red Jezza said:
and you're a master debater, are you? yeah. RIIIIGHT!!!!
you barely know the mesaning of the word. gimme Nino any day. and he HAS out-dialecticised you here - you're just not man enough to face it.

typical .. no examples just rhetoric .. and meangless words at that

knotted, of all the posters on urban i see, backs up what s/he says by references and reports .. i have NEVER seen nino do this ..

e.g. Knotted produced a report about the negative effect of immigration in this country .. no responses .. he produced one from sweden on immigration and how a 'social contract' has kept rates low .. again no response .. on the marx thread he posts a letter from one suggesting the marxists had a problem with immigration .. again NO comment

nino rarely says anything substantive .. it is all conspiracy theory bollox .. one minute he suggest i am BNP , the next i am RCP .. does this REALLY impress you??
durruti02 said:
you really are a troll arn't you? if you don't like a thread you deliberately disrupt it! pathetic

p.s. i have no problem with apologising .. just tell me where so i can check .. you think i apologise for something i don't know i have done??? .. i have apologised to VP at least twice for being imprecise and exaggerating .. you still have not apologised for accusing me of misqouting you when i showed you clearly i did not

and i have NOT said i did NOT do what you accuse me of .. i am merely saying show me so i can check

the fact is you have successfully derailed a number of threads about immigration under a mistaken and ignorent view that they are racist or something like that ( you veered all over the place .. deliberately??)

.. i suspect you feel you have done a good thing in defence of your politics .. sad

No, durutti, you are the troll: you lead people down blind alleys with your OPs and then get upset whenever anyone tries to get you to explain what it is you're saying. You frequently contradict yourself and you have shown an admiration for the cult of Furedi.

I haven't "derailed" anything. You came to this thread and claimed that "It was a good thread until nino ruined it". Well, in case you hadn't notied, I started this thread to discuss the rash of immigration threads on this forum. Instead, what I got from you and Knotted, was disruption and wild accusations.

In case you hadn't noticed, you and your mates currently dominate...no, monopolise any discussion on immigration. The simple fact is this: you don't like it when you can't get your own way.
durruti02 said:
typical .. no examples just rhetoric .. and meangless words at that

knotted, of all the posters on urban i see, backs up what s/he says by references and reports .. i have NEVER seen nino do this ..

e.g. Knotted produced a report about the negative effect of immigration in this country .. no responses .. he produced one from sweden on immigration and how a 'social contract' has kept rates low .. again no response .. on the marx thread he posts a letter from one suggesting the marxists had a problem with immigration .. again NO comment

nino rarely says anything substantive .. it is all conspiracy theory bollox .. one minute he suggest i am BNP , the next i am RCP .. does this REALLY impress you??

There are more lies here than I know what to do with. I never suggested that you were BNP but you did confess an admiration for the RCP. Shall I go and find the post? Knowing you, you have probably edited it...no matter, because I have quoted it in my posts.:D
Ah, here it is. Okay, so you don't profess to being a supporter but you claimed that you liked certain things about them.


So, praytell, how was WAR much better than any other group at fighting racism? It was curious and contradictory for the RCP to set up WAR, given the fact that they couldn't give a flying fuck about what was happening in apartheid era South Africa. They even went so far as to describe the whole struggle against it as "bourgeois"...I remember, I had many encounters with these clowns in the 80's and I remember, only too well, the way they'd disrupt meetings and try to sabotage demos.

I suppose if they don't look like Trots, then you'd give them your support - non?
So, the conclusion is this: there are too many immigration threads in UK P&P and they all tend to revolve around the same themes. Those who start these threads, do not appear to have any other interests apart from excoriating the "Left". This leaves us with some questions: why do they adopt the language of the Right (excoriating the "Left" is an example and dismissing opposing points of view, pejoratively as "liberal" is another)? And why do they believe all the myths, put out by parties like the Tories and the BNP, that immigrants are taking priority over "British born people" (itself a problematic term) when there is no evidence to support this? There is an industry that manufactures myths such as these and they almost always come from the Right who are ably supported by the popular press.

This current attitude to immigrants and immigration is nothing new but it has taken on a whole different character in recent years and has come to resemble the attitudes of US parties like the Know Nothings.

Does any of this look familiar?

New Vatican in Ohio?
By 1825 over 100 periodicals were being published in the United States; 75% of them were religious and half of those were anti-Catholic. The nativists produced a vast amount of propaganda against the Catholic Church in the first half of the 19th century. The great number of Catholics, mostly German and Irish, moving to the Midwest caused the Know-Nothings and other nativists to think that the power of the Pope might be transferred there. Many of these anti-Catholic publications stated that Catholics were not patriotic but owed their allegiance solely to the Pope and therefore could never be true Americans. The propaganda became increasingly absurd: some articles predicted that the Pope and a papal army would land on American shores to set up a new Vatican in Cincinnati, Ohio.

You can replace the words "Catholic" and "Vatican" (which didn't exist in 1824, it was called the Lateran) with "Muslim", "Eastern European" or "Revived Caliphate" and it would still have the same meaning.

More here
torres said:
You really are a genuine nutjob aren't you :D

Nasty with it too.

Speak for yourself. Now if you haven't got anything to say, why don't you fuck off back to MATB and engage in a wee bit of mutual masturbation with yer pal, Lusty....there's a good boy.
Do you know who you remind me of when you go into one of these mad-eyed rants? Enoch Powell. Did you model your style on him by any chance?
torres said:
Do you know who you remind me of when you go into one of these mad-eyed rants? Enoch Powell. Did you model your style on him by any chance?

LOL!!! Now you really are desperate! :D

Have a look at who started this thread, shit-for-brains.
This message is hidden because torres is on your ignore list.

You can tell Lusty that I've put you on ignore...maybe he'll start another call out thread. :D

Now that's someone who never leaves his keyboard. :D
nino_savatte said:
You can tell Lusty that I've put you on ignore...

Actually, Torres, you needn't bother. Nino never manages to supress his curiosity and never really does any ignoring.
Lock&Light said:
Actually, Torres, you needn't bother. Nino never manages to supress his curiosity and never really does any ignoring.

Ah, the coattail hanger returns to stick his shit-covered oar in...again.

You've never once made a single contribution to his thread, have you?

Sits back and waits for another predictable reply from Schlock&Shite
Lock&Light said:
You are the predictable one, nino.

Ah, this is exactly what I expected from the man-who-never-has-anything-to-say

I'm surprised that you got banned from MATB, you'd be well at home with Swarthy and his brains trust. :D
nino_savatte said:
I'm surprised that you got banned from MATB, you'd be well at home with Swarthy and his brains trust. :D

As far as I know, I'm not banned from MATB. Just haven't posted there for months.
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