nino did start it .. but has not proved anything .. he has not proved his suggestion that there is something malicious in the threads on immigration . he has not found or shown any evidence and or pattern, or anything .. as there is none
tbh the OP does not actually refer to me at all ( so maybe i should not be responding to it but i can guarantee it was aimed at me ) as i neither support border control nor the ( false) concept of nation states. I am coming at this debate from the shop flooor angle and the angle of analysing what has gone wrong with the left and what we need to do to rebuild it.
This has confused nino almost absolutely because he doesn't appear to come from a workerist angle. nino nevers enters the debate about what workers on the shop floor etc need to do.
In the OP nino admits .. "
Economic migration is caused by the effect of neo-liberal economic policies .... " that migration is happenning and that it is caused by neo liberalism .. he must then also accept that it has an effect .. and that that effect needs to be countered by the workers movement.
However that sentance i qouted above finishes "
...that have been imposed on that country by the US." apart from the idea that neoliberalism is a purely US thing which is nonsense, this appears to suggest that nino belives that migration is a totally PUSH process. I tried to get debate on this in one of my threads. Clearly if we accept and understand neo liberalism and that its policies cause PUSH in many poor countries, we must also accept that they will operate to casue PULL in others, namely UKinc.
it is a shame nino is looking for a conspiracy beneath the surface and a straw man to aim at from me,TB and others. there is none. I do not doubt though that there are right wing trolls on these boards but they are usually obvious.
i will say again to nino and others, that at the start of a probable downturn and with the economy and our lives under real threat from neo liberalism etc we find ourselves in a situation where the left is historically miniscule. And worse we find it holding beliefs that operate against the material interests of the w/c and that worse still the far right have almost unoppsed become the w/c opposoion in this country.
we are not in a period where anyone should be shuting down debate however incomfortable it makes us. we all need to think very hard about what needs to be done. neither should we be constantly ending up in personal attacks. i do admit i lazyly fall into this on occassion. we all need to stop this
look again at these threads i have started ( undoubtedly the focus of this thread).. here is an almost full list of my threads .. ( i have edited out personal ones )
and i have probably started the majority of immigration threads as nino has pointed out maybe 20 times!!
the pattern is how migration benefits the rich and affects the w/c. (also note threads supporting demos at harmonsworth and supportting mainly migrant worker cleaners in the city)
Griffin and BNP strategy
Refusal of work and the immigration debate (
Year Zero ...
Marx on immigration ..
the Closed Shop .. good or bad?
Why do peoples not understand that immigration is currently based on 'pull'?
What is so wrong with looking after 'ones own'??
Rootshock - communities
OECD warnd members of UK youth unemployment
Burberry Global Demos on Valentines Day
DWP privatises mail ..
Justice for Hillsborough Demo Video
cesar chavez and illegal immigration ( 1 2 3)
OECD says immigration pushes wages down
42.9% youth unemployment in London .. comments?
Socialist Worker admits immigration drives down wages!
Polly Toynbee # 1 "Of course the wealthy want an immigration free-for-all"
scissor paper stone 50 BNP v. 200 UAF who wins?
Why are Urban liberal leftists/@s so racist/prejudiced against non immigrants??
Polly Toynbee "Immigration is now making the rich richer and the poor poorer"
'Immigration drives down wages' 'Trade Unionists against the EU constitution'
Tribune article on immigration etc ( 1 2)
Immigration .. part of neo liberalism/Thatcherism??
Poll: Why do the left believe the govt on immigration but nothing else?
Business leaders seek 'unlimited immigration' from new EU states
CBI says govt supports 'NO Borders'
NIESR shows up immigration lies of state and left ..
Demo at Harmonsworth
Olympics .. again!! and it'll get worse! Observer article
Why no John Cruddas for DPM thread???
Cleaners occupy Goldman Sacks on wages demo
hackney co ordination meeting
olympic site now up and running!
Defend Queens market Demo Oct28th 2006
Poll: Is the SWP's calling the war for oil as a war against islam their worst lie?
Defend tony Blair!
what the BNP actually say on immigration ..
OCAP appeal 5 sept 06
Excellent article from SP on bnp/immigration .. FAO RMP3
Control/Power;And how the revolution can and will come from the majority ( 1 2)
SWP stall few yards from with Holocaust deniers .. ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
John Cruddas MP .. alleges government pushing immigration to undermine unions etc
Swper states jews not from Palestine??
Inside Track .. buy to let fuckwits
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
Olympics CPO/Evictions Protest
BNP humiliated in Leeds!!! ( 1 2)
A wave of occupations?? ( 1 2)
Bolkestein Directive!!! insane EU neo liberalism ( 1 2)
'fight for our homes' .. anti-pathfinder web site
Innocent victims of the war for oil .. ( 1 2)
if we do one thing to defeat all the terrorists ..stop our oil addiction
Canvass returns in Bethnal Green & Bow ??? ( 1 2)