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Too many immigration threads on UK P&P?

Knotted said:
Its the fact that you asked him to clarify rather than the fact that you disagree with him that makes him behave this way. He NEVER clarifies, no matter how trivial the matter. Don't waste your time trying to make him do it.

Very true. You cant debate with nino,you just have to laugh at him.;) He seems to have about a dozen people on ignore now.:)
becky p said:
Very true. You cant debate with nino...

People can't debate with you either, becky.

Not with your "hit and run" style of sniping and then not participating in any substantive debate, anyhow.
Knotted said:
Its the fact that you asked him to clarify rather than the fact that you disagree with him that makes him behave this way. He NEVER clarifies, no matter how trivial the matter. Don't waste your time trying to make him do it.

LOL!!! That's rich coming from someone who misrepresents other people's posts for fun.

You really have more cheek than an obese man's arse.
simon foster said:
Who's from that site? I registered there last week and can't log in there any more.

Mr Lustbather (formerly Swarthy Thug) is lurking on the boards. How do I know? He quoted something that I had posted on Urban a couple of weeks ago and included it in a thread he titled "have you ever been ninoed". He's started a couple of other threads about me too.

You see, if these folks can;t get their own way around here, they'll make up all kinds of stuff about you and then deny that they have done that.
nino_savatte said:
LOL!!! That's rich coming from someone who misrepresents other people's posts for fun.

You really have more cheek than an obese man's arse.

That was actually quite witty, but I wasn't having a go at you. Its just one of those things you do that utterly perplex me.
nino_savatte said:
Could have fooled me. :p

No, I really can't understand what motivates you. You don't have to believe me if you don't want to. Feel free to have the last word below:
ViolentPanda said:
People can't debate with you either, becky.

Not with your "hit and run" style of sniping and then not participating in any substantive debate, anyhow.

At least you acknowledge the difficulty of debating with somebody like nino.
A number of people make very worthwhile points and even nino and yourself on occasions make credible points. But nino drags debate down with his ongoing inability to accept that other people are entitled to different views.

He has to be the single most narrow minded poster on urban.
I have tried to add to the debate with substantive points and links eg Oxfam.
But find it a bit disheartening that some people feel free to abuse anybody they disagree with. Including labelling them racist.:rolleyes:
Something that I view as totally indefensible.:(
becky p
This message is hidden because becky p is on your ignore list.

Unable to post anything that resembles intelligent comment, beckyp comes along with another one of her nuggets.

Unfortunately for her, she is on ignore. I reckon she's about 6, only someone of that age could come out with lines like "you bore people" and think that it is a witty response.
Lock&Light said:
Why don't you ignore her then? :confused:

You're still following me around.

And you have absolutely no room to lecture me on the ignore function, when you never use it but insist that others use it.

I will report any reply that you make to this post.
nino_savatte said:
I've had enough of you trailing me around the boards.

I've been posting on Urban for some considerable time longer than you. If anyone's doing any following it has to be you.
Lock&Light said:
I've been posting on Urban for some considerable time longer than you. If anyone's doing any following it has to be you.

Really? Your posting history tells a different story. I've reported you.
Lock&Light said:
Grow up, nino.

That's rich coming from someone who trails me around the boards and come out with this

I've been posting on Urban for some considerable time longer than you. If anyone's doing any following it has to be you.

Your 'seniority' means nothing. Just because you have "been here longer than me", doesn't mean that you have carte blanche to stalk, snipe, pester and bully others.
nino_savatte said:
Your 'seniority' means nothing. Just because you have "been here longer than me", doesn't mean that you have carte blanche to stalk, snipe, pester and bully others.

In what possible way have I 'bullied' you? :eek:
Lock&Light said:
In what possible way have I 'bullied' you? :eek:

Go fuck yourself. You pester, snipe and bully others. You constantly derail threads and you think that you are above the law. You have followed me around these boards since I first came to Urban. You refuse to take responsibility for your own actions and you lie.

You have been told to stop following me around but you persist.

Now fuck off....you have nothing to contribute to this thread.
Lock&Light said:
In what possible way have I 'bullied' you? :eek:

Do you think he has a list of all his enemies on urban?:D What number is Knotted or Torres or Baldwin or PhilDwyer or Durrutti or Brassic attack.
Does he have a top 10 or a top 20?:p
nino_savatte said:
That's a good question. I think a lot of threads started on immigration tend to be carefully worded so as not to lead one to suspect the true motives of the thread-starter. However when one gets close to the truth, the thread-starter (and their mates) will either hurl abuse or try to evade the points put to them.

Behind these threads lies the ugly face of racism. :(

No proof that people are racist after 30 pages of trying.:eek:
I suspect the real motivation for this thread was:

Too many people who wont accept the word of nino as Gospel.;)
becky p said:
No proof that people are racist after 30 pages of trying.:eek:
I suspect the real motivation for this thread was:

Too many people who wont accept the word of nino as Gospel.;)

No, that's not the reason at all. The reason is that there are too many people who are in danger of exposing the fact that nino hasn't faintest idea about what he's talking. It punctures his Great Helmsman role that he likes to play at.
Incidently this was really quite a good thread. Its a shame that it now has a load of nino's self-indulgent crap at the end.

ETA: Doh, no it wasn't. I thought we were on the Marx and Immigration thread. It merges into the same homogenised pulp of ninoisms after a while.
Knotted said:
Incidently this was really quite a good thread. Its a shame that it now has a load of nino's self-indulgent crap at the end.

ETA: Doh, no it wasn't. I thought we were on the Marx and Immigration thread. It merges into the same homogenised pulp of ninoisms after a while.

Fuck off, you can't get your own way, so you come out with this shite.

You misrepresented my posts, Knotted, so if anyone has behaved badly, it's you and your pals.
Knotted said:
No, that's not the reason at all. The reason is that there are too many people who are in danger of exposing the fact that nino hasn't faintest idea about what he's talking. It punctures his Great Helmsman role that he likes to play at.

Dream on, sad sack. The trouble with you (and your mates) is that if you can't bully others with your ideas on immigration, you lie, cheat and misrepresent other people's posts. It is for those reasons why discussion is impossible with you. You have no intention of discussing anything in an honest fashion and you project your deficiencies onto others.
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