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Too many immigration threads on UK P&P?

Knotted said:
Incidently this was really quite a good thread. Its a shame that it now has a load of nino's self-indulgent crap at the end.

ETA: Doh, no it wasn't. I thought we were on the Marx and Immigration thread. It merges into the same homogenised pulp of ninoisms after a while.

nino is a troll .. if he does not like a political opinion he will disrupt the threads .. this is sad very sad

worse than that he implies racism to smear anyone who thinks differrently from him .. very very sad

he keeps on about how many immigration thread there are .. he should post a list and then we can all see that they were/are about how the w/c is affected by migration, whether it is an issue and what solutions there are

because he disagrees with even discussing the issue he disrupts the threads .. if this was a meeting he would have been thrown out by now ..
durruti02 said:
nino is a troll .. if he does not like a political opinion he will disrupt the threads .. this is sad very sad

wose than that he implies racism to smear anyone who thinks differrently from him .. ver very sad

he keeps on about how many immigration thread there are .. he should post a list and then we can all see that they were/about how the w/c is affected ny migation , whether it is an issue and what solutions there are

because he disagrees with even discussing the issue he disrupts the threads .. if this was a meeting he would have been thrown out by now ..

I don't think that is quite right. He is extremely insecure. There are basically two triggers for his disruptions. One is that he has to explain something he has only half an idea about - this is when he accuses you of being thick btw. The other is that he has to backdown or correct himself (even on trivia). Disagreement per se does not upset him.

Unfortunately trying to win him over by debate will never work. It would mean a loss of face on his behalf. The more you argue the more rigid his position becomes. This has nothing to do with the topic incidently. You are more likely to convince him by ignoring him completely.
fair play .. you may very well be right .. :)

all i know is in the non virtual world i would not let the fuckwit get away with calling me a racist for so long ..

will try to ignore him ..
nino_savatte said:
Dream on, sad sack. The trouble with you (and your mates) is that if you can't bully others with your ideas on immigration, you lie, cheat and misrepresent other people's posts. It is for those reasons why discussion is impossible with you. You have no intention of discussing anything in an honest fashion and you project your deficiencies onto others.
Is this a cutand paste that you have used on about 20 different posters in the last couple of months?;)
durruti02 said:
fair play .. you may very well be right .. :)

all i know is in the non virtual world i would not let the fuckwit get away with calling me a racist for so long ..

will try to ignore him ..

Remember that in the non virtual world, he's probably quite different. The non virtual world is not nearly so intense. This sort of board can be very intellectually demanding - sometimes bringing insecurities to the fore. Plus as is well known its just too easy to be aggressive on the internet.
durruti02 said:
nino is a troll .. if he does not like a political opinion he will disrupt the threads .. this is sad very sad

worse than that he implies racism to smear anyone who thinks differrently from him .. very very sad

he keeps on about how many immigration thread there are .. he should post a list and then we can all see that they were/are about how the w/c is affected by migration, whether it is an issue and what solutions there are

because he disagrees with even discussing the issue he disrupts the threads .. if this was a meeting he would have been thrown out by now ..

You're so wrong, durutti and this amounts to nothing less than a smear....and you're very good at smearing those with whom you disagree. I've seen you do it with VP and I've seen you do it with others. You accuse me of the things that you are guilty of.

It's about time that you and your playmates grew up; you're far too precious about your ideas and you cannot, and will not, brook any opposition to your views and the examples of this are legion.

he keeps on about how many immigration thread there are .. he should post a list and then we can all see that they were/are about how the w/c is affected by migration, whether it is an issue and what solutions there are

You want me to post up all of your 16 threads on immigration? You're a fucking idiot. Migration and immigration are not only two different words, they both mean different things....but you know everything - don't you?

You aren't very good at looking at yourself, instead you project your issues onto others: you're a liar and a cheat.
Knotted said:
Remember that in the non virtual world, he's probably quite different. The non virtual world is not nearly so intense. This sort of board can be very intellectually demanding - sometimes bringing insecurities to the fore. Plus as is well known its just too easy to be aggressive on the internet.

And you're just as bad; none of you want to discuss any of this seriously; you're too defensive and, rather than refute any points put you, you issue insults and abuse.
durruti02 said:
fair play .. you may very well be right .. :)

all i know is in the non virtual world i would not let the fuckwit get away with calling me a racist for so long ..

will try to ignore him ..

You're so fucking superior, aren't you? I wouldn't mind but, rather than even try to explain yourself, you run away. You're a coward.
nino_savatte said:
You're so fucking superior, aren't you? I wouldn't mind but, rather than even try to explain yourself, you run away. You're a coward.

It hasn't at all crossed your mind that if people don't reply to your inane ramblings, that they might actually be doing other things?

Only the saddest sacks in the world sit at the internet from morning to midnight (and beyond) 'debating' in circular arguments like you do.
Knotted said:
I don't think that is quite right. He is extremely insecure. There are basically two triggers for his disruptions. One is that he has to explain something he has only half an idea about - this is when he accuses you of being thick btw. The other is that he has to backdown or correct himself (even on trivia). Disagreement per se does not upset him.

Unfortunately trying to win him over by debate will never work. It would mean a loss of face on his behalf. The more you argue the more rigid his position becomes. This has nothing to do with the topic incidently. You are more likely to convince him by ignoring him completely.

This is rich coming from someone who misrepresents my posts, post up links to the RCG website (while criticising my citation of the same).

You're very dishonest, Knotted. If anyone has "rigid" ideas, it is you and your chums...and as for insecurity, both you and durutti cannot and will not entertain any opposition to your deeply held beliefs.

Face it, neither of you can debate or want a debate. as far as you are concerned, you're right an everyone else is accusing you of racism. pity that you refuse to understand how such ideas on immigration have come about...but then, you both live in denial.
simon foster said:
It hasn't at all crossed your mind that if people don't reply to your inane ramblings, that they might actually be doing other things?

Only the saddest sacks in the world sit at the internet from morning to midnight (and beyond) 'debating' in circular arguments like you do.

Go fuck yourself, trollboy.
simon foster said:
It hasn't at all crossed your mind that if people don't reply to your inane ramblings, that they might actually be doing other things?

Only the saddest sacks in the world sit at the internet from morning to midnight (and beyond) 'debating' in circular arguments like you do.

Projecting again? You spend rather a lot of time trolling on here. You've only been on Urban a little over 24 hours (though we all know that you're a returning poster) and you've already made quite a number of posts.
nino_savatte said:
That's rich coming from a troll who has been kicked off of MATB. :D

That site is strange, I joined last week and started posting to pass the time. I got private messages accusing me of being all sorts by someone called Butcher or somebody. On Saturday morning I had 17 messages in my inbox, mostly abusive ones.

All I recall saying was commenting on how none of the posters had any practical skills at all apart from reading books and posting on messageboards.

Then my password kept changing, and finally I was banned. The poor loves seem very paranoid and scared of somthing, what is it?
simon foster said:
That site is strange, I joined last week and started posting to pass the time. I got private messages accusing me of being all sorts by someone called Butcher or somebody. On Saturday morning I had 17 messages in my inbox, mostly abusive ones.

All I recall saying was commenting on how none of the posters had any practical skills at all apart from reading books and posting on messageboards.

Then my password kept changing, and finally I was banned. The poor loves seem very paranoid and scared of somthing, what is it?

You've been on Urban before - haven't you? In fact, you've been banned from here - haven't you?
simon foster said:
Do I? Have you been keeping tabs?

No, but you seem to be. In fact, you're the one who asked me if I was "in gainful employment". It doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out was meant by that question.
nino_savatte said:
No, but you seem to be. In fact, you're the one who asked me if I was "in gainful employment". It doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out was meant by that question.

Rest assured I was under no illusions that you were a brain surgeon!
nino_savatte said:
You've been on Urban before - haven't you? In fact, you've been banned from here - haven't you?

I've got it - you work for the Border & Immigration Agency!

Well, if you aren't you bloody well should be.
simon foster said:
I've got it - you work for the Border & Immigration Agency!

Well, if you aren't you bloody well should be.

78 posts in 24 hours and you have the cheek to tell me that I spend "all day2 sitting at the keyboard? I wouldn't mind but you've made no real contributions.
nino_savatte said:
78 posts in 24 hours and you have the cheek to tell me that I spend "all day2 sitting at the keyboard? I wouldn't mind but you've made no real contributions.

Do you have a go at Poles for working through lunch?

Do you have a go at recently-arrived immigrants who dare to use the NHS despite not having made any NI contributions?

Are you Nick Griffin in disguise?
simon foster said:
Do you have a go at Poles for working through lunch?

Do you have a go at recently-arrived immigrants who dare to use the NHS despite not having made any NI contributions?

Are you Nick Griffin in disguise?

Do you sign onto message boards under a variety of names?

Are you Nick Griffin in drag?

Do you pass on snippets of conversations to Swarthy Thug?

Are you ernesto lynch?
nino_savatte said:
Do you sign onto message boards under a variety of names?

Are you Nick Griffin in drag?

Do you pass on snippets of conversations to Swarthy Thug?

Are you ernesto lynch?





Can you please answer my questions now, thanks.
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