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Too many immigration threads on UK P&P?

nino_savatte said:
Wtf has that got to do with anything?

Do you actually know any Black people, durutti? I don't think that you do.

nino .. please just read the threads .. pm RMP3 ( SWer) etc etc .. and for what it is worth my oldest and best mate is black .. and you know what?????? when i talked about all this with him he said what i was saying was bleeding obvious!!!
durruti02 said:
nino .. please just read the threads .. pm RMP3 ( SWer) etc etc .. and for what it is worth my oldest and best mate is black .. and you know what?????? when i talked about all this with him he said what i was saying was bleeding obvious!!!

How dare you tell me to "please read the threads"? It is obvious that you are saying that in order to assume the moral highground. It's a pretty desperate stategy. I've heard the "some of my best friends are black" line before btw. You must think that I came down in the last shower. It's one of the worst cliches anyone could use in response to the question that I put to you.

You're a liar, durutti. If you think that I'm going to believe you and change my mind on the basis of that cliched statement, you're a bigger fool that I first thought.
when teh RCP talked of 'taking control'

"RCP"? Now we're getting somewhere. The RCP presented themselves as right wing Marxists (sic) and continue under the guise of the Institute of Ideas and Spiked Online.

I take anything that comes from the pen of Furedi and his chums with several tonnes of salt.
durruti02 said:
1 yes sorry didn't answer q at all .. will come back too
2 see answer to BB .. of course it is blurred
3 yes of course expropriate .. tomorrow? :D .. it has to styart somewhere .. and at the mom#ent we at at an alltime LOW
4 but the left to a significant extent see workers under attack as migrant workers .. unlike in ireland where the unions have fiorced a contract with the state on the issue of migrnat chaep labour, here it is ignored by the TU left establishment and when trade unionists like myself raise it here a few like you are more interested in whether it is racist than what is being said

the thing about local employment is important .. when teh RCP talked of 'taking control' it was teh same thing .. IT IS VITAL that any decent left talks in terms of not grandiose plans BUT control over employment and housing .. the basics .. how you still see this as 'difficult' astounds me

The RCP? Some years ago they held a rally with the ridiculous title "Preparing for Power", ala David Steel and the lib dems. :D It turns out the RCP leadership were in actual fact preparing to line their own pockets by landing lucrative media careers. :rolleyes: From my recollections, their activities involved going into white estates and then leaving rapidly and never returning.

This is the ultra-left IWCA slogan "Working Class Control In Working Class Areas" you're referring to here, which in Thurrock at least, has fallen on deaf ears? It looks as though the working class of Thurrock don't think that the time is right to set-up a "workers militia" just yet. :D Disappointingly, some were more prepared to vote BNP than follow the IWCA banner. :(

"more interested in whether it is racist"? Point to where I've said any such thing? I see you're latest tactic is to make a plea to the Trade Union bureaucracy to step in to demand that the state imposes further restrictions on workers. Now, you appear to have really have lost the plot this time?
MC5 said:
The RCP? Some years ago they held a rally with the ridiculous title "Preparing for Power", ala David Steel and the lib dems. :D It turns out the RCP leadership were in actual fact preparing to line their own pockets by landing lucrative media careers. :rolleyes: From my recollections, their activities involved going into white estates and then leaving rapidly and never returning.

This is the ultra-left IWCA slogan "Working Class Control In Working Class Areas" you're referring to here, which in Thurrock at least, has fallen on deaf ears? It looks as though the working class of Thurrock don't think that the time is right to set-up a "workers militia" just yet. :D Disappointingly, some were more prepared to vote BNP than follow the IWCA banner. :(

"more interested in whether it is racist"? Point to where I've said any such thing? I see you're latest tactic is to make a plea to the Trade Union bureaucracy to step in to demand that the state imposes further restrictions on workers. Now, you appear to have really have lost the plot this time?

Do you and nino have a competition going to see who can post the most idiotic provocation? If so, you've got to do better than this.
Auberon said:
you should - then you might win a prize.

The Winner! :D

Knotted said:
Do you and nino have a competition going to see who can post the most idiotic provocation? If so, you've got to do better than this.

Perhaps the auld line "some of my best friends are black" works with you. But it's one of the worst cliches in the book. Perhaps you've never heard of it...but then, if you aren't black, the chances are you will think that it's a good thing to say; an impressive thing to say. It isn't.

Now then, have you got some point to make or are you just popping up to make stupid comments? Perhaps you would like to deliberately misread my posts and misquote them back to me as you did earlier in this thread.

Are your arguments that weak that you have to lie in order to 'win' the debate?
nino_savatte said:
How dare you tell me to "please read the threads"? It is obvious that you are saying that in order to assume the moral highground. It's a pretty desperate stategy. I've heard the "some of my best friends are black" line before btw. You must think that I came down in the last shower. It's one of the worst cliches anyone could use in response to the question that I put to you.

You're a liar, durutti. If you think that I'm going to believe you and change my mind on the basis of that cliched statement, you're a bigger fool that I first thought.

nino this is laughable :D ... i am a well known activist in hackney ( and have been in haringay) and have been for many many years years .. it is well known who my friends are and my political activities .. you are embarressing yourself with these attempts to put me down as a liar .. try to deal with the issues
nino_savatte said:
"RCP"? Now we're getting somewhere. The RCP presented themselves as right wing Marxists (sic) and continue under the guise of the Institute of Ideas and Spiked Online.

I take anything that comes from the pen of Furedi and his chums with several tonnes of salt.

did you ever read taking control by mike freeman? doubt it .. you are not a trade unionist are you?

but agreed they went right up their arses in later years .. sense about science is interesting
durruti02 said:
nino this is laughable :D ... i am a well known activist in hackney ( and have been in haringay) and have been for many many years years .. it is well known who my friends are and my political activities .. you are embarressing yourself with these attempts to put me down as a liar .. try to deal with the issues

I only have your word for that, durutti. For someone who claims to be a "well know activist", you don't half come out with some really awful cliches; many of which wouldn't be out of place in 70's Britain with its darkie jokes.

"Some of my best friends are black" is an awful cliche and it doesn't impress me. Many racists will say exactly the same thing. Are you black, durutti? No, that's why you think saying things like that will impress me.

The only person who is "embarrassing" themselves is you.
durruti02 said:
did you ever read taking control by mike freeman? doubt it .. you are not a trade unionist are you?

but agreed they went right up their arses in later years .. sense about science is interesting

You don't know anything about the RCP do you? What does me being a trade unionist have to do with anything? Nothing, it's irrelevant.

I'm a member of three btw. You?

Quoting the RCP doesn't make you smart nor does it help to advance your argument. It makes you look like a schmuck.
MC5 said:
1)The RCP? Some years ago they held a rally with the ridiculous title "Preparing for Power", ala David Steel and the lib dems. :D It turns out the RCP leadership were in actual fact preparing to line their own pockets by landing lucrative media careers. :rolleyes: From my recollections, their activities involved going into white estates and then leaving rapidly and never returning.

2)This is the ultra-left IWCA slogan "Working Class Control In Working Class Areas" you're referring to here, which in Thurrock at least, has fallen on deaf ears? It looks as though the working class of Thurrock don't think that the time is right to set-up a "workers militia" just yet. :D Disappointingly, some were more prepared to vote BNP than follow the IWCA banner. :(

3)"more interested in whether it is racist"? Point to where I've said any such thing?

4)I see you're latest tactic is to make a plea to the Trade Union bureaucracy to step in to demand that the state imposes further restrictions on workers. Now, you appear to have really have lost the plot this time?

1) indeed they appear to have been ..'taking control' though remains a must read for any trade unionactivist even if much f it seems very 8ts

2) 'ultra left' / 'workers militia' .. MC what the fuck are you on mate!:D .. link me to the workers milita bit on the iwca website please!

3) you have regularly raised race in these debates ..

4) bureaucracy??? sorry but you are confused .. the beaucracy is AGAINST wokers control mate .. not sure how you have get this so wrong
nino_savatte said:
You don't know anything about the RCP do you? What does me being a trade unionist have to do with anything? Nothing, it's irrelevant.

I'm a member of three btw. You?

Quoting the RCP doesn't make you smart nor does it help to advance your argument. It makes you look like a schmuck.

deal with the issues!:D

nino please grow up .. you just do not know what you are talking about do you .. when you go on threads try to respond to arguements NOT attack the posters ..
nino_savatte said:
I only have your word for that, durutti. For someone who claims to be a "well know activist", you don't half come out with some really awful cliches; many of which wouldn't be out of place in 70's Britain with its darkie jokes.

"Some of my best friends are black" is an awful cliche and it doesn't impress me. Many racists will say exactly the same thing. Are you black, durutti? No, that's why you think saying things like that will impress me.

The only person who is "embarrassing" themselves is you.

you see this is your problem .. your embarrssment not mine ... and so it is NOT a cliche cos sadly, for you,not for me, it actually is true .. so apology please .. and get back to the debate ffs

p.s. muppet .. i only mentionned it cos you asked 'did i know any black people'!
durruti02 said:
you see this is your problem .. your embarrssment not mine ... and so it is NOT a cliche cos sadly, for you,not for me, it actually is true .. so apology please .. and get back to the debate ffs

p.s. muppet .. i only mentionned it cos you asked 'did i know any black people'!

No, arsehole, it is not my problem, it is yours. You are the one who relies on shitty cliches like "some of my best friends are black". It didn't impress in the 70's and it sounds even more ridiculous today.

I have nothing to apologise for, go fuck yourself.
durruti02 said:
deal with the issues!:D

nino please grow up .. you just do not know what you are talking about do you .. when you go on threads try to respond to arguements NOT attack the posters ..

"Deal with the issues"? That's rich coming from a serial obfuscator and liar. I began this thread as a challenge to your numerous immigration threads. Thus far, you have done nothing to change my perception of you. You have done even less to convince me of your argument and furthermore, you have not told any of us why you are so obsessed with immigration.

The RCP, like their successors the IoI and Spiked Online are a bunch of nutty cultists with whom I battled frequently in the 80's. Their ideas are pretty cracked and it is probably no wonder you find solace and succour in their texts.
nino if you won't debate please go away

everything you have thrown at me .. and it is pretty sick ( racist bnp etc ) .. i have delat with .. so deal with it and actually debate the issues i raise ..
nino_savatte said:
No, arsehole, it is not my problem, it is yours. You are the one who relies on shitty cliches like "some of my best friends are black". It didn't impress in the 70's and it sounds even more ridiculous today.

I have nothing to apologise for, go fuck yourself.

:D :D :D .. you accuse me of not knowing any black people .. i tell you my best mate is black .. you go on about cliches and darkie jokes and then tell me to fuck myself

boy .. you are digging yourself deeper and deeeper and deeper .. :(
durruti02 said:
:D :D :D .. you accuse me of not knowing any black people .. i tell you my best mate is black .. you go on about cliches and darkie jokes and then tell me to fuck myself

boy .. you are digging yourself deeper and deeeper and deeper .. :(

That's what you tell me. Anyone can come here and say "some of my best friends are black". It means nothing.

Man are you fucking thick or what.
durruti02 said:
nino if you won't debate please go away

everything you have thrown at me .. and it is pretty sick ( racist bnp etc ) .. i have delat with .. so deal with it and actually debate the issues i raise ..

I began this thread. You have begun over 16 threads on immigration in the last year. That's an obession and it also tells anyone reading them that you have a real problem with immigration and immigrants.

Like I said, I started this thread, if you don't like it, fuck off.
nino_savatte said:
That's what you tell me. Anyone can come here and say "some of my best friends are black". It means nothing.

Man are you fucking thick or what.

:D :D :D

god sakes bless you mate .. i give up .. ok i really am bnp/ N9S/NF .. and i hate all black people and poles and welsh and scots and muslims and saxons and want them all deported NOW cos they all smell funny

ok you happy now?? :rolleyes:
durruti02 said:
:D :D :D

god sakes bless you mate .. i give up .. ok i really am bnp/ N9S/NF .. and i hate all black people and poles and welsh and scots and muslims and saxons and want them all deported NOW cos they all smell funny

ok you happy now?? :rolleyes:

Fuck me, you're pathetic. If you think that by saying "some of my best friends are black" that I will somehow be impressed or support your questionable views on immigration, you are sadly mistaken.
nino_savatte said:
Perhaps the auld line "some of my best friends are black" works with you. But it's one of the worst cliches in the book. Perhaps you've never heard of it...but then, if you aren't black, the chances are you will think that it's a good thing to say; an impressive thing to say. It isn't.

If you say it unprompted as part of "some of my best friends are black but...", then yes. If somebody asks you if you know any black people then its a bit different isn't it, mr witchfinder general. What's the correct answer to this question then?

"I don't know any black people of colour, but I did see one once at a distance. Luckily I got a copper to nick him before he had a chance to steal my wallet."

Why not try trial by water next time.

Edit to add :rolleyes: - I have a feeling nino won't get sarcasm if it doesn't suit him.

nino_savatte said:
Now then, have you got some point to make or are you just popping up to make stupid comments? Perhaps you would like to deliberately misread my posts and misquote them back to me as you did earlier in this thread.

Are your arguments that weak that you have to lie in order to 'win' the debate?

I'm entirely happy for you to believe that.
Knotted said:
If you say it unprompted as part of "some of my best friends are black but...", then yes. If somebody asks you if you know any black people then its a bit different isn't it, mr witchfinder general. What's the correct answer to this question then?

"I don't know any black people of colour, but I did see one once at a distance. Luckily I got a copper to nick him before he had a chance to steal my wallet."

Why not try trial by water next time.

Edit to add :rolleyes: - I have a feeling nino won't get sarcasm if it doesn't suit him.

I'm entirely happy for you to believe that.

Nope, sorry it doesn't work like that. Are you black, Knotted? Were you around in the 70's?

Edit to add :rolleyes: - I have a feeling nino won't get sarcasm if it doesn't suit him.

I understand sarcasm perfectly well. What you and your chums don't understand is that you are playing the same game as the far right.

Oh and for the record, I am black (well, mixed race but that doesn't matter, I'll bet that I'm blacker than you).

Why not try trial by water next time.

Why not try being honest for a change? Difficult in your case, I know.
So, still no explanation for why there are so many immigration threads on UK P&P. Why are the anti-immigrationists so damned cagey about their views and why do they always resort to insult and invective whenever anyone picks their arguments apart?
nino_savatte said:
Nope, sorry it doesn't work like that. Are you black, Knotted? Were you around in the 70's?

I understand sarcasm perfectly well. What you and your chums don't understand is that you are playing the same game as the far right.

Oh and for the record, I am black (well, mixed race but that doesn't matter, I'll bet that I'm blacker than you).

Why not try being honest for a change? Difficult in your case, I know.

What I said to you before still stands. You need time out to cool down and catch up. You're a political novice and you will have to think before posting. Otherwise you will continue to lose the argument and will be forced to resort to this sort of nonsense. When you have mustered some decorum I will reply to your posts.
Knotted said:
What I said to you before still stands. You need time out to cool down and catch up. You're a political novice and you will have to think before posting. Otherwise you will continue to lose the argument and will be forced to resort to this sort of nonsense. When you have mustered some decorum I will reply to your posts.

Pity that you haven't got the decency or the honesty to actually discuss anything without lying or misrepresenting one's posts. I'm no political novice but you're a pompous and arrogant fool, who loves the sound of his own voice. All you could use by way of reply to the OP was the phrase "simplistic anti-nationalism". It's pretty weak and you never once addressed the real issue here: there are too many immigration threads on UK P&P.

Otherwise you will continue to lose the argument and will be forced to resort to this sort of nonsense.

What makes you think that I have "lost it"? You've done your argument no favours by lying and misrepresenting my posts.

Your reply should be pretty amusing and I expect it to contain the usual character slurs.
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