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Too many immigration threads on UK P&P?

MC5 said:
You wish to see further controls on immigrants don't you?

You'll not get a direct answer to that question, mate. I don't durutti has it in him. ;)

I've already tried and he dodged, weaved and twisted his way out of making a proper reply.
Pigeon said:
Meaning what, exactly?


Do you make a living out of it?

Really? But there are huge numbers of people forced into prostitution that have legally entered this country and in countries like Thailand and Malaysia etc.
Anybody who imagines that forced prostitution would be less under open borders seems to be ignoring the reality of that.
MC5 said:
1)Rather than blame everyone else for not flocking to the Red Action/IWCA banner, it would seem more worthwhile to analyse why don't you think?

2)You wish to see further controls on immigrants don't you?

3)Closed shops excluded workers and empowered union bureaucrats who served only themselves.

4)The BNP have been arguing for housing for local people in Dagenham recently. It was pointed out to them that this policy would exclude those local people who had left and wanted to return.

5)Support Nicaragua? Why not when workers were being slaughtered by US backed death squads? :confused:

It's doubtful I would support a "polysexual hut sabs" even if I knew what it was. :confused: Many of those in Hackney then? :D

yes hackney full of "polysexual hut sabs"!! .. bastards!:D ( i'm on my 9th hut!)

1) as i say i think it is because leftism in the uk is dominated by middle class and liberal ideas .. that almost always say they believe in workers control but actually explicitly belive in the rule of a vanguard, a technocracy, a dictatorship of the party .. this appeals very much to frustrated m/c types who dominate the leadership of the left in britain ..

2) er NO!!! ( sure i've explained this b4!:D but hey its sunny outside!) i believe that local people should be housed /employed before non local people

3) what you say is partially true .. though the benfit far outweighs the negatives but what is the alternative for workers? how else do we have power thru our labour?

4) ok maybe .. but that is clutching at straws!! ... it would benefit FAR more local families than it would disadvantage

5) yes of course the MOTIVATION is correct .. but these solidarity campaigns do NOTHING .. without power solidarity is meaningless .. honestly do you not see this??
nino_savatte said:
You'll not get a direct answer to that question, mate. I don't durutti has it in him. ;)

I've already tried and he dodged, weaved and twisted his way out of making a proper reply.


p.s. ever had a job?
durruti02 said:
yes hackney full of "polysexual hut sabs"!! .. bastards!:D ( i'm on my 9th hut!)

1) as i say i think it is because leftism in the uk is dominated by middle class and liberal ideas .. that almost always say they believe in workers control but actually explicitly belive in the rule of a vanguard, a technocracy, a dictatorship of the party .. this appeals very much to frustrated m/c types who dominate the leadership of the left in britain ..

Typical, avoid the question I put and slag everyone else off. :rolleyes:

2) er NO!!! ( sure i've explained this b4!:D but hey its sunny outside!) i believe that local people should be housed /employed before non local people

'Local people'? It's only when people become housed in a locality do they become.... err, 'local people'. As for employment? What if there are no err, 'local jobs' on offer would these... err, 'local people' not be employed elsewhere because they are... err, not 'local people'?

3) what you say is partially true .. though the benfit far outweighs the negatives but what is the alternative for workers? how else do we have power thru our labour?

Expropriating the expropriators ring any bells?

4) ok maybe .. but that is clutching at straws!! ... it would benefit FAR more local families than it would disadvantage

See reply to 2 above.

5) yes of course the MOTIVATION is correct .. but these solidarity campaigns do NOTHING .. without power solidarity is meaningless .. honestly do you not see this??

So, do nothing when workers are attacked is what your saying?
durruti02 said:
p.s. ever had a job?

Unlikely i would have thought?

He is probably far too busy!
And can you imagine him in a Job? Or at an interview? Or filling in an application form? Or ringing up for an application form?;)
becky p said:
Unlikely i would have thought?

He is probably far too busy!
And can you imagine him in a Job? Or at an interview? Or filling in an application form? Or ringing up for an application form?;)

Are you ever going to post something that isn't just a piss-take like?
becky p said:
Unlikely i would have thought?

He is probably far too busy!
And can you imagine him in a Job? Or at an interview? Or filling in an application form? Or ringing up for an application form?;)

Still no substance I see, becky. Your witticisms, like your intellect, are desperately wanting.

What does the "p" stand for in your username? Pisher? :D
MC5 said:
Are you ever going to post something that isn't just a piss-take like?

That is the sum total of her posts on these threads. Like her chums, she hasn't got an ounce of sense and her attempts at wit are...shall we say, very poor.
nino_savatte said:
That is the sum total of her posts on these threads. Like her chums, she hasn't got an ounce of sense and her attempts at wit are...shall we say, very poor.

And what shall we say about your contributions, nino?
nino_savatte said:
That is the sum total of her posts on these threads. Like her chums, she hasn't got an ounce of sense and her attempts at wit are...shall we say, very poor.

You have added so richly to my life nino. I thank you for the way you always manage to avoid personal comments. And how you always so happy to debate with people with differing views.
Your impressive intellect and friendly disposition is an example to us all.;)
becky p said:
You have added so richly to my life nino. I thank you for the way you always manage to avoid personal comments. And how you always so happy to debate with people with differing views.
Your impressive intellect and friendly disposition is an example to us all.;)

Interesting how you never have any contributions to make. All you can do is mimic your hero/lover, baldwin and, like him, you're ignorant.

Your backhanded compliments serve to further underline your inability to construct a proper argument. You can only make shitty comments like "Your impressive intellect and friendly disposition is an example to us all". Pity you lack the intelligence to produce anything that resembles grown up wit. It would seem that your ability to argue, like your ability to produce humour, is stuck at the age of 12. Then again, I don't think the average 12 year old would find you funny. L&L would but then, L&L is just as thick as you.
nino_savatte said:
Well, this is conclusive proof that L&L is stalking me around the boards. I think it's time to report him.

Any report should include the fact that you called me out, nino. :p
MC5 said:
1Typical, avoid the question I put and slag everyone else off. :rolleyes:

2'Local people'? It's only when people become housed in a locality do they become.... err, 'local people'. As for employment? What if there are no err, 'local jobs' on offer would these... err, 'local people' not be employed elsewhere because they are... err, not 'local people'?

3Expropriating the expropriators ring any bells?

See reply to 2 above.

4So, do nothing when workers are attacked is what your saying?

1 yes sorry didn't answer q at all .. will come back too
2 see answer to BB .. of course it is blurred
3 yes of course expropriate .. tomorrow? :D .. it has to styart somewhere .. and at the mom#ent we at at an alltime LOW
4 but the left to a significant extent see workers under attack as migrant workers .. unlike in ireland where the unions have fiorced a contract with the state on the issue of migrnat chaep labour, here it is ignored by the TU left establishment and when trade unionists like myself raise it here a few like you are more interested in whether it is racist than what is being said

the thing about local employment is important .. when teh RCP talked of 'taking control' it was teh same thing .. IT IS VITAL that any decent left talks in terms of not grandiose plans BUT control over employment and housing .. the basics .. how you still see this as 'difficult' astounds me
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