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Too many immigration threads on UK P&P?

nino_savatte said:
Pity that you haven't got the decency or the honesty to actually discuss anything without lying or misrepresenting one's posts. I'm no political novice but you're a pompous and arrogant fool, who loves the sound of his own voice. All you could use by way of reply to the OP was the phrase "simplistic anti-nationalism". It's pretty weak and you never once addressed the real issue here: there are too many immigration threads on UK P&P.

What makes you think that I have "lost it"? You've done your argument no favours by lying and misrepresenting my posts.

Your reply should be pretty amusing and I expect it to contain the usual character slurs.

No, that's not good enough. If you're going to ressurrect that debate the least you can do is say something new. Again you are going to have to think before you type.
Knotted said:
No, that's not good enough. If you're going to ressurrect that debate the least you can do is say something new. Again you are going to have to think before you type.

Predictable. "Resurrect" what debate? I began this thread to discuss and tackle the issue of the numerous immigration threads on UK P&P. Perhaps you think I should be discussing your pet subjects? Ort perhaps you have a vested interest in this subject that you have not declared. Nonetheless youy have sided with baldwin and durutti so that is an indication that you take their position. Don't lie and say that you don't because the evidence is there for all to see.

If anyone is going to have to think before typing", it's you. You are clearly pursuing some other argument that is not related to this thread.

There are too many immigration threads on UK P&P.
You know what, Knotted, you are so desperate to prove me wrong that you will try almost anything to get your way. You've even lost the veneer of civility too. I never thought that you were being totally honest and I told you so at the top of this thread.
Knotted said:
If you say it unprompted as part of "some of my best friends are black but...", then yes. If somebody asks you if you know any black people then its a bit different isn't it, mr witchfinder general. What's the correct answer to this question then?

"I don't know any black people of colour, but I did see one once at a distance. Luckily I got a copper to nick him before he had a chance to steal my wallet."

Why not try trial by water next time.

Hard to imagine nino having any friends Black or White. His social skills seem just a little restricted!
The crass stupidity of calling anyone racist who disagrees with you is hardly representative of most Black people.:p
nino_savatte said:
Anyone can come here and say "some of my best friends are black". It means nothing.

In my case I can say with certainty that while I have a number of black (and brown) friends, some of my worst enemies are black.
durruti02 said:
1) indeed they appear to have been ..'taking control' though remains a must read for any trade unionactivist even if much f it seems very 8ts

2) 'ultra left' / 'workers militia' .. MC what the fuck are you on mate!:D .. link me to the workers milita bit on the iwca website please!

3) you have regularly raised race in these debates ..

4) bureaucracy??? sorry but you are confused .. the beaucracy is AGAINST wokers control mate .. not sure how you have get this so wrong

1) I'll pass thanks.

2) "Working Class Control in Working Class Areas" means what exactly then to you?

3) I have never in a million years thought about a post on a thread and decided that I was: "more interested in whether it is racist" or not? A complete, off the wall claim by yourself, as it implies now that you can read my mind. :eek: Scraping the barrel there chum. :D

4) Not confused at all. :rolleyes: A plea to the Trade Union bureaucracy to step in to demand that the state imposes further restrictions on workers is what you argued. Now who is the one really confused here? :D
becky p said:
Hard to imagine nino having any friends Black or White. His social skills seem just a little restricted!
The crass stupidity of calling anyone racist who disagrees with you is hardly representative of most Black people.:p

Its particularly unusual for Black people in my opinion. Who wants to be a victim?

I honestly don't bare him any grudges, though. Please don't temp me to say any more.
nino_savatte said:
If anyone is going to have to think before typing", it's you. You are clearly pursuing some other argument that is not related to this thread.

There are too many immigration threads on UK P&P.

Threads evolve, nino. It happens. The last interesting thing I remember you saying was about De Valera's Ireland. If you are determined to continue the debate, I would suggest going back to that.
Knotted said:
Its particularly unusual for Black people in my opinion. Who wants to be a victim?

nino is not represenative of Black people.
He wants to frame the whole debate as an issue between racists and anti racists. But the main groups of migrants coming to the UK now are all white!
And his views on immigration are not held by many Black people.

I wonder if he has any Black friends?
becky p said:
:D nino can you be booked for childrens parties.:)[/QUOTE

I think it's high time I put you on ignore. You make no contributions and all of your posts consists of extremely poor attempts at sarcasm.
becky p said:
nino is not represenative of Black people.
He wants to frame the whole debate as an issue between racists and anti racists. But the main groups of migrants coming to the UK now are all white!
And his views on immigration are not held by many Black people.

I wonder if he has any Black friends?

That's a rather bizarre argument but then, should I be surprised? You're not the sharpest tool in the box...though you are, quite clearly, a tool.

Do you have any Black friends?

This is typical, you make a statement like this but have nothing to back it up with.
And his views on immigration are not held by many Black people

Where is your evidence? I expect you to reply in typical style.
Knotted said:
Threads evolve, nino. It happens. The last interesting thing I remember you saying was about De Valera's Ireland. If you are determined to continue the debate, I would suggest going back to that.

How patronising. How about you leave the thread? If you don't like it, go, no one is stopping you. You've not made one decent contribution to the discussion. Indeed, all you have done is chuck about phrases like "simplisitic anti-nationalism".
durruti02 said:
boy .. you are digging yourself deeper and deeeper and deeper .. :(

How odd that you should say such a thing when your 16 threads on immigration make you look like an obsessive. Most people who spend that much time talking about immigration usually have an underlying motive for doing so. In your case, it has fuck all to do with things like "workers control" (itself vague and poorly thought out) or humanitarianism.

The simple fact is this: you want those of us who find your thoughts on the subject questionable to call you a "racist". That way, you think that you've won. What you cannot see, or refuse to see, is that your posts lack substance and, for the most part, are unsupported by any form of reading. Perhaps you think that by reading, you will become a member of baldwin's "privileged classes".

If you don't want people to accuse you of racism, then you should present your arguments better. But I don't think that it's simple matter of presentation in your case. I think that you're an Alf Garnett type. I also think that anyone who replies with the phrase "some of my best friends are black" fail to understand how this phrase was used to deflect attention away from the true thoughts of the bigot.

You're not very bright, durutti and you think that by hurling out words like "muppet" you are going to automatically assume the moral high ground and thus win the argument.

One thing that I have noticed is that, not once, have you actually challenged my position contra immigration controls (which you claim that you are against but your threads tell an altogether different story). Perhaps you are in denial or maybe you're just badly read. But what ever the case, your arguments don't stand up to scutiny
nino_savatte said:
How patronising. How about you leave the thread? If you don't like it, go, no one is stopping you. You've not made one decent contribution to the discussion. Indeed, all you have done is chuck about phrases like "simplisitic anti-nationalism".

I had a little bet with my self that you would bring up "simplistic anti-nationalism". This more than anything else proves you are a political novice.

If you knew how to debate you would have simply brushed aside my remark and hammered home your point. The next best thing to do would be to throw back some sort of cutting reposte (although that would be an over-reaction). The next best thing would be to say, "if the cap fits, where it - nationalism is a simple thing and I'm simply against it". I would have thought the worst thing to do is get defensive, it just looks like your arguments have been demolished (they hadn't). But you've come up with something even worse, you've been defensively dredging up the quote week after week, wallowing in the fact that you can't do anything about it, using it as an excuse to lose your temper thus alienating any support you might have had.

By the way the fact that you are a political novice is no bad thing. Politics is shite. Its a miserable buisness and I look forward to the day that it is abolished. One's debating skills is a ridiculous thing to be proud of, you should attach your ego to something else.

Edit to add: Oh, yeah and the moral high ground never exists in politics. That's something else you should stop obsessing about.
Knotted said:
I had a little bet with my self that you would bring up "simplistic anti-nationalism". This more than anything else proves you are a political novice.

If you knew how to debate you would have simply brushed aside my remark and hammered home your point. The next best thing to do would be to throw back some sort of cutting reposte (although that would be an over-reaction). The next best thing would be to say, "if the cap fits, where it - nationalism is a simple thing and I'm simply against it". I would have thought the worst thing to do is get defensive, it just looks like your arguments have been demolished (they hadn't). But you've come up with something even worse, you've been defensively dredging up the quote week after week, wallowing in the fact that you can't do anything about it, using it as an excuse to lose your temper thus alienating any support you might have had.

By the way the fact that you are a political novice is no bad thing. Politics is shite. Its a miserable buisness and I look forward to the day that it is abolished. One's debating skills is a ridiculous thing to be proud of, you should attach your ego to something else.

Edit to add: Oh, yeah and the moral high ground never exists in politics. That's something else you should stop obsessing about.

Mair patronising shite. When did you last make a real contribution to this thread? You haven't and the vast majority of your posts on this thread have been similar in tone to this one.

All you can do is criticise my debating skills. Odd, given the fact that you're no debating champion yerself.
nino_savatte said:
Mair patronising shite. When did you last make a real contribution to this thread? You haven't and the vast majority of your posts on this thread have been similar in tone to this one.

Yes it was patronising. Its the least cruel thing I can do.

nino_savatte said:
All you can do is criticise my debating skills. Odd, given the fact that you're no debating champion yerself.

Thank you for the complement. Think of the criticism as constructive.
Knotted said:
Yes it was patronising. Its the least cruel thing I can do.

Thank you for the complement. Think of the criticism as constructive.

Par for the course, in your case. Because if you aren't being patronising, you're misrepresenting the other person's posts. Please don't tell me that you haven't because you have.
nino_savatte said:
Par for the course, in your case. Because if you aren't being patronising, you're misrepresenting the other person's posts. Please don't tell me that you haven't because you have.

You are labouring under the illusion that what you think of me matters. This is your moral high ground stuff again. It matters not a jot in politics.
Knotted said:
You are labouring under the illusion that what you think of me matters. This is your moral high ground stuff again. It matters not a jot in politics.

And you continue to labour under the illusion that you have something worthwhile to contribute. You've contributed nothing but snide remarks.

In case you hadn't noticed, this is not the "world of politics", it's a bulletin board and people can and do assume the moral high ground. If you don't like it, fuck off. It's that simple, no one's asking you to stick around.
nino_savatte said:
And you continue to labour under the illusion that you have something worthwhile to contribute. You've contributed nothing but snide remarks.

In case you hadn't noticed, this is not the "world of politics", it's a bulletin board and people can and do assume the moral high ground. If you don't like it, fuck off. It's that simple, no one's asking you to stick around.

I don't mind it at all. I'm just pointing out that it means nothing here. You can think what you like of me. So what?

Your last post is a good debating tactic if you are a five year old with sibling rivalry. "Look what he did to me!!" "He's done worse things than I have!!" In politics this sort of petulance is worse than useless.
Knotted said:
I don't mind it at all. I'm just pointing out that it means nothing here. You can think what you like of me. So what?

Your last post is a good debating tactic if you are a five year old with sibling rivalry. "Look what he did to me!!" "He's done worse things than I have!!" In politics this sort of petulance is worse than useless.

And I don't care what you think about me.

But this post is typical of your style on this and the other threads. You don't have anything to say so you resort to a series of snide remarks and abuse. You accuse me of the very things that you are guilty of. How ironic though fairly typical of those who are precious about their beloved anti-immigrationist position.

The problem with you and those who share your position on immigration is that you will resort to any underhanded tactic to avoid a discussion of the issues.

Your last paragraph describes you rather perfectly. Have you ever heard of projection?
nino_savatte said:
And I don't care what you think about me.

But this post is typical of your style on this and the other threads. You don't have anything to say so you resort to a series of snide remarks and abuse. You accuse me of the very things that you are guilty of. How ironic though fairly typical of those who are precious about their beloved anti-immigrationist position.

The problem with you and those who share your position on immigration is that you will resort to any underhanded tactic to avoid a discussion of the issues.

Your last paragraph describes you rather perfectly. Have you ever heard of projection?

So you petulantly ascribe what I ascribe to you and then sneakily get in an accussation of projection. Again sub-political jibberish.

The next trick will be to lie and then accuse me of dishonesty. Save it for another day.
Knotted said:
Spelling is a poor thing to attach your ego to, but its still better than politics.

Is it? And witty comebacks and asides should be left to those who possess something called a "sense of humour". Stick to your day job, friend. :p
Knotted said:
So you petulantly ascribe what I ascribe to you and then sneakily get in an accussation of projection. Again sub-political jibberish.

The next trick will be to lie and then accuse me of dishonesty. Save it for another day.

What a steaming crotte de chien. At least you're consistent with this sort of guff, I'll give you that because you've got nothing else.

You are dishonest (I pointed this out earlier, in case you missed it. Memory loss -eh?).
nino_savatte said:
What a steaming crotte de chien. At least you're consistent with this sort of guff, I'll give you that because you've got nothing else.

You are dishonest (I pointed this out earlier, in case you missed it. Memory loss -eh?).

No, just pointing out that you were about to do it again. You did. :rolleyes:
Why do the anti-immigrationists get so defensive? More importantly, why do they feel the need to hurl abuse and make snide remarks rather than discuss?

Something tells me that they're not being entirely straight with us and with themselves.

Some of them will even claim that "Black people want tighter controls more than anyone" but will fail to produce even the smallest shred of evidence to support their contention. They will demand that we provide evidence of course.

And they have the gall to cry foul.
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